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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1982)
Thursday, September 30, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Classified 472176' Applications for anyone in terested in being on Teachers College Advisory Board are available in 101 Teachers Col lege and 123 Henzlik Hall. Please turn in by October 1. TAKE ONE: ON THE WATERFRONT Nebraska Union ROSTRUM Thursday, 7:00 and 9:15 $2 students, $3 general Ghulan Ayeen from the Center for Afghan Studies at UNO will speak on Soviet Genocide in Afghanistan Thurs., Sept. 30 at 4:30 in City Union Main Lounge. Sponsored by Young Americans for Freedom. & ft it UNL Block lr Bridle Club is having its annual B & B dance, "Front Street Hoedown" Saturday, Oct. 2 at 9 p.m. featuring "Shootin From the Hip." Don't miss a great time. AUDITIONS for hosts for a new student newsfeature tele vision show at UNL Cul ture Center, 2-5 p.m. Thursday, (9-30). mmmim Need 1 or 2 female room mates to share 2 bedroom apartment in South Lincoln. On bus line. Call 421-1662. Liberal Female Roommate to share furn. Apt. washer Apt, 13 474- aryer, 70 to campus. Call elec. Close 6153. Roommate to share 2 bed room apt. near capitol. Call 477-9064. Mature, non-smoking male to share 2-bedrm. house. $120 Vt utll. 474-2901. Scott. Female roommate wanted to share nice house. Own room, laundry. $50 V4 utilities. 476-0477. LADIES, DOES .YOUR PLACE LACK PRIVACY? At Cornhusker Co-op you can have your own private room for less than a double room dormitory rate. Call 477-2518 or 474-9772. Ask for Jim. Free concert tickets. For Information call 483-1516 CLASS START ANYTIME with independent study. Con tact the independent study of fice, 472-1926. Un feminine facial hair can be removed permanently by Alene, experienced electrologlst. 489-495. Professional car stereo instal lations at very reasonable prices. 10 percent disc, with student I.D. Open 9 to 9. For appt. call 467-4746. Sewing, expert tailoring, creative patching. Student rates. Call Kate, 477-9749. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. Professional typist using IBM Sclectric HI. 80 cents per page. 476-7814. Send a cookie-gram!! Giant 12-inch, 1 pound chocolate chip cookie. Gift wrapped and delivered. To order call 476 8410 or 464-2685. Lunch. Irresisted .277 NORTH Sales And Service on all Hondo Cycle Including: t Will do typing. Professional Secretary, IBM Typewriter, Rea sonable rates. 474-0604. DOWNTOWN HEALTH . CLINIC P.C. Primary Care Medicine Open every day except holidays 901 Lincoln Benefit Life Bldg. 13th tt N 474-6668 urn f team i Lost Saturday night brown Samsonite tote bag in Union Parking Lot. Need desperately, please call 472-9071. Tim - Am interested in 5 minute guitar lesson. Redhead in Closet (6212) Baby Brenda C. (AXiD) Remember mommy loves you and is watching you. Be careful this weekend! Love, Mommy Baby Lea (AXiD) Get psyched! Tonight is going to be a very busy night for baby. Don't forget to change your diapers, and re member your mommy loves you! Lori (Theta) Happy "20th" Birthday!! Love, The Moles Buster, You're the best. Thanks for everything. Love, Lil Sis P.S. Do I get the car this week end? Mikey Baby! Hnnv No. 20 a dav late. Hope the wine, women and song were au gooa. Reg. To the football studs of Cather 12: Alvin, Dan, Greg. Jeff, John, Kent, Kregg, Kurt, Mark, Rick, Roy. Coach Andy. You guys are the greatest Co-Rec football players at UNL. Thanks for the Brest season, you guys are AWESOME. Love, the Pound 5 studesses Joyce, Paula. Mary, Michele, Janet, Jackie, Lori, Mary, Gayle, Lea Ann NOW GO TO YOUR ROOMS! Tammy (Alpha Xi) You're the best baby ever! To the 2 blonde Gymmes, We're interested!! Just name where and when. R.V.P. or in person. Chris st Ken Thanx to all my "good buds" who made No. 21 the best birthday yet! You really mean a lot to me and here's hoping the elusive Big "O" finds you all. Love Reglna P.S. By the way, who IS my date to Weston? He better be at least 18! Julie M. (Alpha Xi) Mommy's watching you. Bart s Russ "What's happenin' " The evaluation sheets are out! Thanks for the fantastic roadtrtp to K.C.M The royals wouldn't have done it without U Boo L Deanna P.S. Your reclining back seats were awesome! Actlvei of Acacia, Thanks for the dinner Sun day night after sneak. We were impressed by the emphasis on all-house unity and the class you demonstrated at our de parture and return. We ap preciate your respect and look forward to the day we become full members in the brotherhood- , , . The Pledges Iffordable. NINTH SI REET- 1981 Express II 2L $3S8 Lincoln, be on your guard! The Sexual Dynamo (Brenda L.) has finally come of age! Have a super 20th! Love, Diane. Deb, and Ann P.S. Countdown to 21, only 365 days Ron (SAE), Saw you the other day and reminded me of 8-20-82, Thumper and "Floor Action". You got my number 8-27-72, so it's your move! TerJ To Prof. Tom H. and the 2 anonymous women who helped me after my bike mishap Sunday, 92682; and to all my friends who have thought about me: You're wonderful! Thank you!! Nancy Schoen Jenny (Lust) Goodcookie, Please return the love tools. We need them. Rich and Jim Kelli, Noisey, Noisey, Noisey. You're finally 18. Happy Birth day. We're glad we've become such good friends. You're gonna have a great time in BeUevue with us this week. Your neighbors, Pam tt Amy Mary G. (Ad Rep) Flowers on Monday? You must have done something right Saturday night (God forbid what). Awaiting sordid details. T&B Sigma Chis, We won't take second place to anyone this year. Only one day away until the big SPLASH! GO FOR IT! Love, Tara, Jodi & Mary Beth New York was fun and we'd like to thank everyone who helped Scott E Randy O., JVL. and most of all Ted Bonk (474-7970). Goldy and Douche Pam R. Never thought my handker chief would be such a chal lenge for Clorox! (I'd have it no other way . . .) Ah, Cedai Lakes! Triad Alpha Phi Derby Day Coaches: Thanks so much for ail your help In Sigma Chi Derby Days! You guys are the great est! The A-Phi Pledges Pound 8, Glad to see you're all crim inal Justice majors. ONE of the twelve! Women of UNL: The Pharoah Is coming! Cat Killer, To the Jerk in the orangish brown T-bird who ran over the power plant cat 82882 u.t.t.M. tveep looiung over your shoulder. Mad OO OOOOO OOO o o o o o o o PORT AUTO SALVAGE 466-8395 GUARANTEED USED PARTS! O 49 4 5 N. 6 6th HOURS: 8:30-6:00 f 5 blki. north MON.-FRI. O Superior on 56th 8:30-4:00 SAT. Q 00000000000000000000 The Army's Officer Candidate School will train you for leadership positions in a variety of specialties ranging from combat arms to engineering to finance. Well give you: o Challenge o Responsibility o Opportunity to Advance o Travel o Good Salary and Benefits You'll have pride in serving your country as one of its future leaders. For more information on becoming an Army Officer after college graduation, call: Jim Vandsrt!c8 at 47S-E5S1 Birdcaged Axtellian, Well, the two weeks is up and I'm still around, sur prise, surprise. Have the great est eighteenth. Maybe some time we can celebrate. If I'm lucky, right? I know you love my humor, and maybe we can milk some cows to gether sometime. Bob the User Pen, I'm sorry this ell happened. I hope everything works out. Love, Your roomie Susan A. (A-Phi) You're an awesome pledge!! Clue: What's your favorite sand wich? Love, Your Secret Ivy Linker Pi Phis, Thanks for the study break! Let's do it again sometime. Love, The Thetas MAX, (No. 80) Happy Birthday! Hope your 19th is the best yet, cause you deserve it! Love Ya, LIN This one's for Bill Who took my prenatal pill. You came to study With Julie, my buddy. But got your hair cut Like a crazy Cashew. G. APPLESAUCE, I named it Chitty-Chitty, Bang-Bang! Glad I met you. George and Suzanne say hi. HeeBeeGeeBee Curious & Interested I'm interested, too! No. 5 on VB Team Long-Haired Brunette, LS 101 10:30 Henz. Aud. would be boring without your brown eyes and cute smile! RVP. Yellow Book Bag ATO'S - Tonight's the night! Hope you're psyched ... we are! Your Little Sisters Hey Shelby! Happy Birthday and have a great one! Get Radical! Your roomie Beth G.: Happy 21st . . . I'm gone now but stop by 522 and get your celebration without me. The roommate who's never there Dearest "Maggie", You stole my heart at P.O. P. Friday. I risk the PM's fate in meeting you, but all of Canada would wish me on. 8:00 p.m. Thurs. Union Foun tain? Fascinated Guitarist looking for others who like to pick for fun. Call Mark at 477-1688. OOOO 000 000 O o o o o o o o BEST PRICES IN T0.YM! (1 MiW) rrrrr T MARK H. - HAPPY 20TH! HERE'S TO TNC, OUR COLLECTION AND DORM-STORMIN'. LET'S KEEP IT UP. MIKE AND TODD Diane, Eerdbeere Birthday!" says "Happy Ruff! Ruff! Raymond 3 Congratulations on your wo men's flag football champion ship!! Your opponents. The Thetas Please call and wish Rose a happy 18th birthday 472-0622. Congrats on making the big 18 you're legal in Louisiana now!! Dear Dave, I'm glad you were Bourne! About your present I'm torn. You can't have my key. But Saturday's on Shelb and me! Lisa Farmhouse: Get psyched for the big "Splash"! Your DG Coaches Jean, I'm so glad you and your killer back-pack got moved. Meet me Thursday for lunch. Same place, same time. Be there, Aloha Joe. Had any pie a la "mole" lately? ill a BffiJS DUD-BUD MTI BIOSI- C08RS-609ES EiITQ Only permanent customers can make permanent success. Only Mhsfactioa can make remanent slcm. On ihto belief we base our merchandUing and selling pott tin. To all ANCHOR MAN Candidates Good Luck and have a great week! RON. Have a great day today and may tomorrow be even better. I hope you get the best of what you're wishing for and a Happy 22 Birthday. Love ya. Just Me To the girl that drives the wine-colored Buick Regal and lives in Sandoz: I'm very interested. A Bystander Kelly, These past 5 months have been special you see. So I want you to know how much you mean to me. Thanks for: The times you've comforted me; the walk; the champagne; keeping Sarge from getting me; not shaving your side bums off; trusting me and last but not least; for being true to me! I luv you, Brenda Congrats to Ted Bonk and all other Delt Liquid Golf co-champs. QKCO 2y3uuuoUSuuu 0 mm MofoaoigJ. GoldWlnjT 'tnduro Ptmporr 'Express' 32i m sr.'inrcoui,m."i7;-a3ii T'nwmin 466-5440 ' 'T.iiv",i'-"ii'wn