The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1982, Page Page 14, Image 14
Thursday, September 30, 1982 Page 14 Daily Ncbraskan t Classified 47. 21761 a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 $ 2 .6 0 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $ 1 .7 5 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An St) .0 0 service charge will be assessed for all checks re turned to the Daily Nebras kan and will be collected by Check Rite. 4 4 4 VI y w ' wf 1 I American Cancer Society ACROSS 1 Speak-easy incident 5 Item sometimes greased 9 Naomi's kinsman 13 French cleric 14 Soap ingredient, with 47 Across 16 Qualified 17 Abstruse 18 Climbing plant 19 Stead 20 Chihuahua's larger relative 23 Act the siren 24 Nonet third 25 A (deductive) 28 Shaven 32 Lone, savage elephants 33 City on the Ural 34 Mao's successor 33 Has markers out 38 She played Mrs. Charles 37 Forward 38 It separates McEnroe from Borg 39 Justice Dept. employee 41 Filthy rich 43 Devoid of down 45 Queen of mysteries 46 Deserve 47 See 14 Across 48 American stinger 55 Rhyme scheme 56 Allotment 57 Rose Bow team: 1982 58 Eastern mentor 59 60 61 62 63 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 TEMPORARY OPENINGS Because of our seasonal rush, we will be hiring a number of temporary peo ple. Data Entry Operators Will enter orders via CRT units, 60 wpm with 5 or less errors required. First, second, and third shifts available. Apply in person. 8:00 4:30 M -F An Equal Opportunity Employer MFH DONNELLY MARKETING 809 P Street Lincoln, NE 68508 A company of the Dun and Bradstreet Corporation. FEMALE Dancers Wanted Must be well-proportioned $50 hour Apply in person between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., M-F Doc Holiday's 466-9889 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA Cut Kind of cut Roebuck Ordinating insts. Impertinence DOWN U.S.N. V.I.P. in one's bonnet Mountain goat Without threadlike growths on the epidermis Part of Ursa Minor Type of skirt One of Laban's daughters Threatening 9 "Cat ," Marvin film 10 Theatrical award 11 Strong quaffs 12 Thunderbolt wielder 15 Stone landmarks 21 Spa specialty 22 Genuine , Derby winner: 1980 25 Antler part 26 Spur part 27 Porter's" Kick Out of You" 28 Trees furnishing furniture 29 Island 1 2 13 4 I IS 6 17 8 I 1 h0 111 1 12 75 rr 75""-" 75 20 zT u iT """" " """" 24" "" 25r2d"2r -jj fr$rn7 r . 35 " JflT -"- " If - . - , j-pjj- "jpnT" - 44"" - -J5 46 47 ' " " sj- " "jr -gj- ' - et 1 62 eT I DRIVERS WANTED day and night. Must have own car. Immediate openings for 15-18 people. City wide deli very service beginning Oct. 1. Set own hours. No phone calls. Apply in person. Little King's Glass Menagerie 12 & Q POLITICAL WORK Impact Policy by being paid staff with grassroots campaign. Political-Environmental interest helpful. Future with environmental-consumer groups. 1 -10 p.m. Call NWCC, 476 2060 before noon. 30 positions open. Phone sales. No experience. Full & part-time, will train you. Flexible schedule. Call 421 2223. k 'A' it The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for part time and full-time reporters. Some reporting experience or classes taken in English andor Journalism preferred. Know ledge of campus and city also preferred. Apply at tne uany Nebraskan office, Nebraska Union 34. MEN! WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! Ameri can. Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. World wide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for infor mation. SEAFAX, Dept. D-ll Box 2049. Port Angeles, Wash ington 98362. Part-time student typist. Ar tistic talents helpful but not necessary. Interesting working conditions. 8-10 hours a week. Apply Nebraska Union RecRoom lower level city cam pus. Ask for Rollie, Jennifer, or Dave. Applications available at RecRoom desk. QSD dim Efficiency and 1 bedroom apts. Good University loca tion $150 $185 per month. Central air, laundry facilities, and off-street parking. 467 2371 Mon-Frl8-4:30. MOVING? Rent a Cargo Van from DeBrown Leasing Call 477-7253 17th Si N St. One bedroom, two bedroom apartment, houses and townhouses COLDWELL BANKER TOWN it COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 on? aa& 30 Swiss 1707-83 31 Warbucks 36 Initiates 37 Belts for swords or bugles 39 German count 40 Swamp 41 Satyrs 42 Medley 44 Pest that spoils a rest 47 Pertinent 48 Valises 49 Border on 50 Zhivago's love 51 It's on the house 52 Writer Ephron 53 Female sheep 54 Shooting marbles VACUUM CLEANERS j Near new and reconditioned. Shop warranty. $25 and up. Mr. Sweeper Store 2633 No. 48th 467-3638 Must sell. Brand new Ken wood KX-70 cassette deck. Ph. 476-6528. Chrisrm. 306. Yamaha accoustic steel string guitar with hardcase. New $242.00. first $160.00 takes. 488-5165. New Men's Garmisch hiking boots. 9-9Vi. New $103, any reasonable offer takes. 488 6165. CALVIN KLEIN JEANS, $20. Call afternoons, 475-1943. TI-58C PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR with acces sories. Almost new. Call 477 3107. Two Nikkor 28MM f.3,5 Lenses, absolutely perfect! $110.00 each. Paul 472-9528 Panasonic RQ-339 Cassette Recorder. Size: 7" X 3" Fea tures: external speaker, head phone and microphone jacks, condenser microphone cuere viewauto stop one touch re cording. Brand new never been played!! Call 488-4629 after 4:00. $47.50 (negotiable) 2 pair Hanson ski boots. $40 cash. 475-1514 evenings. Integrated Stereo Amplifier, Yamaha A-760, 80 watts per channel. Ph. 474-2439 Used gold carpet. Size 11' X 14' Only $25 - Call 472 0619. DESPERATE! 1979 KZ 650, WINDJAMMER, STEREO St MORE. EXCELLENT CON DITION. MUST SELL! 472 8947. 1976 PINTO. GREAT CON DITION. 4-SPEED, 56,000 MILES. CALL 474-3182. Make your own beer! Free classes with purchase of a beer kit. Call 475-9393 for more details. 1980 Honda CB750K 6,000 miles. $1700 477-7180 Stereo Equipment at whole sale prices. Sansui, AKAI, Pio neer Car Stereos, Akai Port able cassette players. Call Ver non or Sid. 464-9449. J TOOL SALE TODAY THRU SUNDAY 10-6 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST MURRAY'S 1317 N. 10th Street Band saws From $249.95 Drill presses as low as $79.95 Air impact wrenches 38 or Vi in. $39.95 Vi H.P. 6-in. bench grinders $34.95 4-in. heavy duty mechanic's vise $24.95 52-pc. VHn. sockets sets $24.95 7-pc. auto body kits $24.95 Air hammers $19.95 Rockwell electric sander $19.95 50-ft. air hose $14.96 4-pc. pipe wrench sets $14.95 12-pc. punch lc chisel sets $12.95 3- pc. vise grip sets $9.96 12-ft. heavy duty booster cables $9.96 14-ft. tow ropes $9.96 10 lb. sledge hammers $9.95 4- ft. Johnson levels $9.95 40-pc. 38-in. socket sets $7.95 12-in. crescent wrenches $7.95 1 2-volt trouble lights ! ;6.9 5 li 4-in. Johnson levels J 1 4 .9 5 100-ft. extension cords! ;4. 96 Hand impact drivers 1 E4.95 7-pc. screwdriver sets $3.96 Fiberglass claw hammers $3.95 714 circular saw blades $1.95 100's of other bargains too numerous to list. ALL TOOLS FULLY GUARANTEED! SUPER SAVINGS NOW , Need mega male & female tickets to Missouri game. Call 477-3107. 2 general admission tickets together for Kansas State game. CALL 435-3198. Wanted: 2 general admission tickets to Miss. game. Call 475-9242. 4 GENERAL ADMISSION TKETS TO K-STATE NEBR. FOOTBALL GAME. PREFER 4 TOGETHER OR 2 AND 2-CALL 488-4629 AFTER 4 r M, rwswfrffilfliTg riilo Oil I, I Large, nice, office desk. 477-7180 Need desperately 4 Hawaii Nebraska football tickets. Will pay any price. Call 435-0797. 6 G.A. tickets to MISSOURI same. Call 474-1002 after 6 p.m. Fleetwood Mac tickets wanted, two seats together within the first five rows from the stage (A section) will pay !100 lor the two tickets. 83-1114. HAMHaHa sas-a- Needed: Computer Science tutor. 476-7635 between 1 -5 p.m. Needed: 6 male tickets for the K-State game, call 472 9040. Need desperately: Two G.A. tickets for Kansas State St two for either Missouri or Okla homa. Will pay top dollar. Call 475-0327. FERVENT HUSKER FANS DESIRE PAIR OF G.A. TICKETS TO KANSAS STATE ANDOR MISSOURI GAMES. CALL 475-8633. Wanted: 2 Dan Fogelberg tickets call 476-1239. Wanted 4 G.A. tickets to Oklahoma St. game; 2 female, 2 male pairs prefer rable or separate. Call 472-8563. llillllilinAHlliatlt No time to go home for supper? The Bistro is open everyday till 9:00 p.m. Full Bar Service. 235 N. 11th. 475-0414 Attention all UNL Students: Scope out the eyes in the City Campus Union at the Delta Gamma "Prettiest Eyes Contest" booth and cast your vote for the cutest peepers! PHI PSI LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Thurs. Night at 8:30. Don't forget to bring your dues and your stuff for the auction! ASUN COMMISSIONS Student Life and Academic Commissions working with Campus-wide Faculty Senate Committees. List available in the ASUN office, 115 Ne braska Union. Deadline October 4, 1982. CONGRATULATIONS UNL WATERSKI TEAM Thurs. meeting is now a manditory party at Bill Zlm mer's. For info (423-4926 or Jumping Jerry (423-7407) Wouldn't You Like To? Jeff. If you are wondering why I am ending this relationship, attend WedT's Wellness Week program at 3:30 p.m. Maybe then you'll do better next time around. Anne Take the plunge! Get psyched for Anchor Splash! (10 a.m. Saturday, Mabel Lee Pool.) Study Architecture and the Decorative Arts in LONDON, Dec. 26 Jan. 9, Flights 4 Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472-3264. Where to take your import ant date? The Bistro will be great! 236 N. 11th. 476-0414 . SKIERS interested in qual ifying for National Ski Patrol, and petroling at Nebraska's new Trail Ridge ski area, contact: Tom deShazo, 306 Kayleen, BeUevue, NE 68005. (402) 291-2314. The Delian Union Literary Honorary will be holding a meeting Sunday Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. (Check gosted schedule for room num er.) All interested parties are welcome to attend. ATO LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Thurs. at 6:30 . . . Don't forget your dues, and of course, your Brown Bags! Want to treat your parents or be treated by your parents to a wonderful meal? The Bistro is right there ... 235 N. 11th. 475-0414 ASUN Book Exchange Deadline to claim your money or unsold books is Friday, October 8, 1982. ASUN. 116 Ne. Union. Want a good meal, ambiance, drink or glass of wine all for ",onable price? Come to The Bistro. Open everyday till 9:00 p.m. (except Sunday). 236 N. 11th. 476-0414 Wouldn't You Like To? TAKE ONE: ON THE WATERFRONT Nebraska Union ROSTRUM Thursday, 7:00 and 9:16 $2 students, $3 general Wouldn't You Like To? We're polishing our halos and anxiously awaiting your arrival. Angel Flight Informa tion Night October 5, 6, p.m. in the Union. Have you been nice to your self today? Call a friend and come to The Bistro for a scrum ptious, sumptious dessert . . . 236 N. 11th. 475-0414 Groups forming now. Check it out. Contact the Women's Resource Center, 472-2697. Patti, Get in shape now for our Colorado ski trip. Let's meet Mon. Oct. 4 for the Wellness Week Aerobic Pick-Me-Up. Jim Wouldn't You Like To? How to please your sophis ticated teenager? Dinner or lunch at The Bistro will be cool . . . 235 N. 11th. 475 0414 THE MEN OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA and the LITTLE SIS TERS OF THE MALTESE CROSS would like to announce our second semester little sis ter rush. Watch the announce ments for further details. The best is worth waiting for! Wouldn't You Like To? Just to be honest . . . There is no place in Lincoln like us. The Skylight Bistro 235 N. 11th. Reservations accepted. Full Bar Service. Park St Shop. SAE Little Sisters of Minerva Tonight Pledges be there at 5:30 Actives be there at 6:15 Be Ready for Fun! "Bedtime for Bonzo" starring; Ronald Reaean will be shown at University LiUtneran Chapel Friday, Oct. 1st at 7 p.m., 1510 Que St., downstairs. You can become a person with a more diverse range of interests. Register for a UPC Free University class. Learn a new skill or hobby. Register for a UPC Free Univer slty class. ATO LITTLE SISTERS There la a meeting Thurs day, Sept. 80, at 6:16 p.m. Everyone be there! International Business Trans actions in LONDON Si AMSTERDAM, Dec. 26 - Jan. 9, Flights St Study Tours, 346 Nebr. Union, 472-3264, DG's make a big splash this Sat. at 10 a.m. in Mabel Lee Pool! Be there to watch this interfraternlty swim competi tion! ATTENTION ALL UNL STUDENTS: Scope out the eyes in the City Campus Union at the Delta Gamma's "Prettiest Eyes Contest" booth and cast your vote for the cutest peepers on campus! P.S. GET PSYCHED FOR ANCHOR SPLASH! ATTENTION: The All-University Home coming Committee, in coopera tion with Dr. Pepper and ASUN, is once again having its 10 km Race Sunday, Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. You can register early at the CAP Office, 200 Nebraska Union, 472-2454, or at the race site, north of the Eut Union at 1 p.m. the day of the race. N.A.M.A. Thursday. Sept. 30. 7:00 P.M. Nebraska Union SPEAKING: WES NEUHAUS National NAM A President An open reception will be held Thurs. evening for all students interested in inter viewing with ATltT. A brief Kresentation will be given which ighllghts the present structure of ATstT, its plans for the future and its personnel needs. The reception will be held at 7:00 p.m. Thurs. Sept. 30 in the Ne Union. The room number will be posted on the calendar of daily events. Although the reception is open to all Interested students those business t engineering students planning to interview with AT&T this year should attend. Steve Hindman and Renee Wessels former UNL Students will represent AT&T. HORSE LOVERS Interested in forming a co op for breeding and selling horses? Call 783-2852 for more Information. Ask for Roy. PUBLICITYPROMOTION WORKSHOP Learn how to do first class layouts for posters, flyers ft ads . . . design Sublicity campaigns. Sun., let. 3, 3 6 p.m. in Ne braska Union. Call CAP office, 472-2454, to assure a space.