The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1982, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
Wednesday, September 29, 1982
Daily Nebraskan
PT A to study tuition tax credit
By Brad Gifford
Tuition tax credit will be the main issue at the 1982
Nebraska Parent-Teacher Association convention, Sue
Ellen Wall, convention chair and state PTA board
member, said.
This year's convention begins today at the Nebraska
Center for Continuing Education and will conclude Thurs
day. A bill currently before the U.S. Congress, if passed,
will provide direct tax credit for people who send their
children to private schools and eventually will send more
federal dollars to private institutions than to public
schools. This presents a big problem to people connected
with public schools, Wall said.
Two reasons for objecting
The 6 million member PTA has two objections to the
bill, she said.
The PTA is concerned that decreased funding in an
already tight economy could hurt the public school
system very much, Wall said. The increased funding
for private academies, coupled with the tuition tax
credit, could drastically reduce public school enrollment.
Secondly, the PTA believes there may be no limits
on the private institutions receiving federal funds. Wall
said Nazi and Ku Klux Klan educational systems would
benefit from the bill's passage, since they theoretically
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J the
fall into the private school category.
"I don't like my tax dollars going fowards these
kinds of groups," she said.
The Nebraska PTA will urge convention delegates to
phone, or write their legislators to voice opposition to
the bill, Wall said.
Another bill pending in Congress is drawing the PTA's
attention. It is the sex equity bill which states that there
will be no discrimination against students, teachers or
administrators based on sex, Wall said.
The bill is in its final stages, and had not warranted
close PTA attention because it cleared the initial legis
lative so easily, she said. But the federal government is
now drifting away from support of the bill. The PTA
is again asking its constituency to contact their legis
lators. Wall said, to push the proposal on over the hill.
Voice of parents
"The PTA is the only voice for parents at state and
national levels, so everything they want to say to govern
ment goes through the PTA," she said.
The PTA also serves as an information source for the
"When leaders have questions, they go to the PTA,
because it is about the only group that can answer,"
Wall said.
Leaders may be inclined to listen to parents rather
than lobbyists because parents are not being paid to make
a statement, Wall said.
There are several ongoing problems facing the PTA.
Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest and most con
troversial problems facing parents and schools, she said.
This problem is extreme in Lancaster County, with one
in eight teenage girls pregnant. These cases also account
for half of the abortions in the county, Wall said.
The convention will include a panel presentation on
Thursday to encourage parents to tell their children about
sex before they reach puberty. Wall said the PTA believes
that the best way to inform children about sex is via
parents, but she said she is aware of the difficulties that
some parents have doing this.
The panel discussion is designed to give parents a
clearer view of what today's teenagers must know, and the
best ways to convey that knowledge.
Besides dealing with the issues at hand, the convention
will continue to stress the basic theory of the PTA:
improving parent-teacher-child relationship.
"Parents need to be aware of what's going on and
schools need parents' support," Wall said, "so we're going
to have many workshops on improving parenting and
getting parents involved in school."
"The PTA is a perpetual effort to keep home and
school in contact," Wall said. "That's why it started, and
that s why it s still going.
Wallet thief sought
Twenty-three wallets and purses have been stolen
on City Campus from Sept, 17 to 27, according to
UNL Police Sgt. Richard Gammel.
The $uspect h a white mate five , feet nine to
five feet 11 inches tail, weighing About 150 pounds
with a slender build. He is in his late to middle 20s.
The suspect was last seen at Love Library Sept,
21 at 11:45 ajn, Be was wearing blue jeans and a
denim jacket.
If you have any information on this or my other
unsolved crimes, you may receive a reward of up
to $1,000 by calling Critnestopper" at 475
3600, 8 atm, to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday,
fA Police Report
The following is a list of
the calls and complaints re
ceived by UNL police from
7 a.m. Monday to 7 a.m.
8:38 a.m. Tools re
ported stolen from car at
19th and S streets.
9:41 a.m. - Possible
will be on campus to talk to
THURSDAY SEPT. 30, in Placement Office
1:30-5 P.M.
Sign up sheet is posted outside Placement Office
attempted break-in of a car
parked in Area 23. Window
molding damaged.
9:57 a.m. - Vacuum
cleaner reported stolen from
Schramm Hall.
10:33 a.m. - Vandalism
reported on coin-operated
machine at NETV.
11:19 a.m. - Wallet re
ported lost or stolen at
Bessey Hall.
1 1 :45 a.m. - Traffic
accident in parking Area 7,
no injuries reported.
3:06 p.m. - Parking per
mit reported lost or stolen
off campus.
5:28 p.m. - Traffic acci
dent in parking Area 2, no
injuries reported.
6:59 p.m. - Bicycle re
ported stolen from Abel
10:02 p.m. - Traffic
accident in parking Area 10.
no injuries reported.
10:02 p.m. - Disturb
ance near 33rd and R
streets, settled by officers.
10:51 p.m. - Complaint
of marijuana at Abel Hall;
complaint unfounded.
1 1 :01 p.m. - Complaint
of loud noise at 16th and S
streets, settled by officers.
10:39 p.m. - A stolen
pager was recovered.
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