The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1982, Page Page 13, Image 13

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    Friday, September 24, 1982
Page 13
'-Tiie Pcafci
Silent Silhouette
- Esnsath arch of bendirg boxrjSis
' hand in hand they slowly strolled
. Copper chimes of dancing leaves
;- echoed silence as they tolled ."
Butter-speckled grass of green
. shivered in the twilight air , .
i craned to sight the silhouette '
melt along the arbored fare - .
Forest Fall
. The forest . ?S ' ' . :,"-r-'
'a kaleidoscopes -
-' As winds stir orphaned leaves,
v nature's palette runs. - "T ' - 1
; - Trees old and yoiing alike ; ; . "
I shed summer finery with careless hand
; V" Autumn rainbows shower earth , . v
k K"i : masking death with life., - . f ;
Spring-fed brock ripples, tt
, v 1 . its cryptic babble choked r.
.. V by matted baves. " '"..v
m r ; Song dies on icy lips. , . ' . I-
epy forest ,
creeps beneath the coverlet,
no longer able to resist -.. f
. ' ' tuber's beckoning call 4
I Liow not the sit cf dltint hnds
. nor the life cf foreign r;,:n. . , -1
; , I see but the hazy glow " . ,
, V 4 - . of silent ship and sleepy dock
. r a frosted scape that has no nrhe. ; ,
.-There is so much to which I'm blind
' ' ; I , The harbor lights, my guiding hand, ;-.
; V, impart their wisdom of worldly ways
upon my waking dreams. - -
Keep The Fire
: J . Stir the twilight embers : , " i
that glisten through the grate . , , ,
. , o lest the fire now laid low . ,
' " r- I cool to frosted ash. " l-
Stir too the dim desires
r r that shroud a saddened soul
- lest hope forever remain ' , , ;
( 1 , lost amidst despair. ; - -
' ' On tomorrow's promise" ';
' " ; ' ; our yesterdays became ,
. ' so keep ie fire burning " ,
the embers mustnt fade. ' " ' -
' J " . ' ' V - - " --"
F,5sry Crfl is "a senior in Teachers Cc?S, mcprhs
ia inidile-schccl edctbn. Her poetry h psrt cf
a weekly tzztm c-!!.?J Criiril W'crk. UNL students
kterestea ia rabniftlrs art, photography, prose
or poetry :cU cor.tsct Dsvii Weed at the D-2y
Nebradcaa. If .isterH is ci&Sed, pfcss enclose rssjs
phone number, eir ia school sr. J m.jcr. '
Old sloth just keeps hanging around
There it is, hanging by its cute little three toes, just
waiting for me. This time it's invaded Love Library, the
one place where I thought I'd be safe. Well, I will not put
up with this. I simply will not. It's woman against sloth
in a fight to the death, and I'm going to win.
"All right, I'm giving you 10 seconds to clear out of
here," I said in a tremulous baritone voice. The sloth
Mary Louise
merely gazed at me sleepily.
"I came here to study, blast it! And you're not going
to stop me!" I put my books down determinedly, but the
animal would not budge from his perch.
I felt a wave of fatal exhaustion come over me. Maybe
it would be better to go home and study. . .while I still
had the strength. Upon reaching my apartment, I looked
around for my furry friend, but he didn't seem to be on
the premise. Great, I could get something accomplished
after a short nap.
I awoke four hours later to find the sloth hanging
over me.
"Not you again!" I said. "I told you to leave me
"But I've been with you for so long, you can't ask me
to leave now," said the sloth, staring with pleading eyes.
"Remember when you were a freshman, and I effectively
prevented you from studying for a biology test, which was
later canceled? Don't you recall when I let you sleep
through those boring sociology lectures? You've got a lot
to thank me for, my friend."
I fought the urge to yawn.
"That was then, this is now," I replied. "The fact is
I've outgrown you. You're like a worn-out teddy bear. I
just used you as a security blanket to get through my first
three years of college, but I don't need you anymore.
Face it, sloth, we're splitting!"
I waved a can of New Improved Sloth-Be-Gone, manu
factured by Ambitious Enterprises, Inc., to reinforce the
The sloth tried to wipe a tear from his face but aban
doned the attempt wearily.
"Now that I'm getting old, you want to throw me out.
And I always thought you were a charitable person. Now
I'll have to go to the Old Sloth's Home and try to live
off my tiny tree allowance, but at least you'll be rid of
He hit me where it hurt. "Oh, all right. You can stay.
But under one condition. That you bother my roommate
With a look of gratitude, he disappeared. Shortly
thereafter, I heard a wail from my roommate Amy's
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"The sloth's got me," Amy moaned. "And me on the
verge of graduating? What am I going to do?"
"Keep him," I growled. "I've had him for years.
It's time he freeloaded off someone else."
"But I can't do anything! All I feel like doing is sleep
ing! Some friend you are!" She collapsed on the floor.
The sloth reappeared.
"I did my best," he said. "But I feel so lonely without
you. Can't you take me along?"
"I'm going out to look for a job. . ." I started, then
reconsidered. After all, he'd been my constant companion
for so long.
"You can hang on, then," I said. "But we're going
You like Willie
Nelson, but your
roommate likes
Barry Manllow?
Solution: Oitcovtr Sony
Walkman LUV at Elec
tronic! Unlimited, tht
place for music LUVari.
OJ 11 ? HO! I1"?!
Gateway and 414 South
11th Straet. Thret blocks
outh of tha Centrum.
Phone: 476511
Direct from Chicago
and H CMca$e tBIue Band!
...... A progressiva Bluevrn tovatch.n th80
"Livina proof that tha Blues r, alive and ! arrfpabl. of "generation"
"Exceptionally talented and origin . . . . -
Featured artist on NBC's TodayShow , .
I W tJ
$250 Friday. Saturday, Sept. 24 5.9-1:00
$2 on Sunday 6:30-10:30
Serving dinner from 6 -10 very Su ncf er. from 6 - 7:00
Pine ana unv , .
SPORTS FANS: 2-fers during the Perm State-Nebraska Game!
d nM!fM arill be aerved
Poetry contests open
Cash awards and opportunities for national publication
are being offered college students in various poetry
contests, which include:
World of Poetry, top prize $1,000. deadline Oct. 4:
World of Poetry, 2431 Stockton Blvd., Dept. D, Sacra
mento, Calif., 95817.
American Collegiate Poets Anthology, top prize $100,
deadline Oct. 31: International Publications, Box 44-L,
Los Angeles, Calif., 90044.
CoWege Poetry Review, deadline Nov. 5: The National
Poetry Press, Box 218, Agoura, Calif., 91301.
Each poem should be on a separate page, and each page
should contain the author's name, address and college.
"UgH1 ' 1 '1",f-'r;
Wm?d 1
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Presents this weeks FRIDAY i
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