The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1982, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Thursday, September 23, 1982
. Daily Nebraskan
Page 9
KZUM. . .
Continued from Page 8
"Punk is more political than new wave.
There is basically no melody and the
lyrics aren't as good. Punk is mostly a
protest against whatever the particular
band dislikes about society," he said.
Saenz said he likes to do phone-in
type shows because when he was younger
he always liked it when his request got
on the air. He also said he likes phone
in discussions, but said that sometimes
they can turn into a free-for-all shouting
Saenz would like to see more partici
pation at the station, but said it is too
easy for people to say forget it and quit.
Mike Abendroth of Omaha and Bill
Stoughton of Lincoln are two UNL busi
ness majors who do a tandem show called
Aural Delights. Thty term the contents
of the show new waveprogressive.
"You can't really separate music into
groups, I mean what is new wave? Twenty
years ago, if someone would have thought
of it, rock 'n' roll could have been called
new wave. Too many people think that
they have to classify the type of music
that they like to listen to and then they
can never listen to anything else," S tough-
wins $500
Abbas Mohaddes, a UNL
student from Mashad, Iran,
has been awarded a $500
cash prize in the Missouri
Valley Section Institute" of
Transportation Engineers,
MQVITE, essay contest.
In addition to the cash
prize, Mohaddes also re
ceives $250 in travel ex
penses to travel to Tope k; a,
Kans., for MOVITE's fall
meeting, Nov. 3 through
5. He will receive the cash
prize at the meeting.
Mohaddes' winning paper
is titled "Evaluation of
Calibration of Platoon Dis
persion Model of
TRANSYT Program." It
deals with the Traffic Sys
tem Network Tool, a com
puter program written to
study the effects of com
muter traffic.
Mohaddes currently is
working on his doctorate in
ton said. He also said new wave is more
or less a title to separate it from types of
music like blues or soul.
Mike said the people in Lincoln who
want to be punkers only have a facade
and that the punk people in places like
Los Angeles really live punk.
"It's not something that they put on to
impress their friends, or a haircut: Real
punk people live the life of punk 24 hours
a day," he said.
The two business majors have a lot of
good experiences at KZUM, but expressed
the same feelings that many others had.
They like community-access broadcasting,
but if they get jobs elsewhere then they
just have to go where the money is.
KZUM has had trouble expanding
its listening audience because of prob
lems with the Federal Communications
Commission and more specifically, WOWT
TV in Omaha. The frequency of KZUM
is too close to the frequency of WOWT.
According to Kurtenbach, TV receivers
are not discriminating enough with the
signals, so some TVs near the transmitters
get the KZUM signal.
Kurtenbach said the problem can be
solved by installing an "FM trap" on
sets that are interfered with.
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