The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1982, Page Page 14, Image 14
Daily Nebraskan Thursday, September 23, 1982 The Bottom 10: All for one and one win for all Page 14 i The Colleges When Virginia took a 17-14 lead over James Madison in the fourth quarter Saturday, its overexuberant fans began to chant," Bring on Washington and Jefferson!" Well, Lincoln maybe - Lincoln High School, that is. For Madison, which usually wins about every four years, rallied to cave in the winless Cavaliers 21-17, dropping them to No. 1 in the Bottom 10. Hence, the Cavs are 6ff and staggering toward their 28th losing season in 30 years. The week before, by coming up short against Navy in their openers, they en abled George Welsh to become the fifth straight Virginia coach to lose his debut. Of course, the Cavs have been decimated this year by the return of 47 lettermen from 1981 s 1-10 crew. Now you can see why West Virginia broke away to form its own state. The Rankings LAST WEEK 17-21, J.Madison 17-41, Ole Miss. St. 2) 27-37, Wyoming 745, LSU 4-10, Fresno St. 6-30, Tulane TEAM, RECORD 1. Virginia (0-2) 2. Memphis St. (0-3) 3. Long Beach St. (0 4. Oregon St. (0-2) 5. Oregon (0-3) 6. Rice (0-2) CLASSIFIED ADVEKfLSING UALL, 4 7Z-1 761 f 2 .5 0 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.75 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay (or the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An $ 8 .0 0 service charge will be assessed for all checks re turned to the Daily Nebras kan and will be collected by Check Rite. Waterbed. King Size Land and Sky. Bookshelf headboard. Like new. $425 or best offer. 475-2906 afternoons or evenings. 1969 Plymouth Fury Con vertible. Must sell. $1500 or best offer. 475-2906 evenings. 1 Female season ticket. Best offer 475-7729. 2 new Big Red Jackets. Special ordered. Small & med ium. Perfect for the football Sames. Call after 4:00. 489 731. 1978 Honda Civic. New battery and radial tires. AC. Front wheel drive, great condi tion. $2875 or best offer. 472-9526. 'TONIGHT0 Tequila Night Most tequila drinks 75 o WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT Tonight through Saturday WONDERSEA 9-12:30 Sunday NORTH WYND 2) - VSX (S) 245 North 13 th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 475-B007 Steve Harvey NEXT LOSS Duke Georgia Tech lifeguard duty San Jose St. Washington LSU QassMed 47, ft it ft ft it TOOL LIQUIDATION $80,000 INVENTORY TODAY THROUGH SUNDAY MURRAY'S 1317 North 10th 24-in. Johnson levels $4.95 4-ft. Johnson levels $9.95 Set of 10 Tungston steel hacksaw blades $2.95 7-piece screwdriver sets$3.95 12-piece punch & chisel sets $12.95 10-pound sledge hammers $9.95 7-pc. auto body kits $24.95 u hammers $19.95 t-pc. pipe wrench sets$14.95 Hand impact drivers $4.95 7' circular saw blades $1.95 12-vnlt tmuhln lioht. sA OK Drill presses low as $79.95 Band saws $249.95 Rockwell electric sander $19.95 100-ft. extension cords$4.95 Fiberglass claw hammers $3.95 14-ft tniv rnnti SQ Q& 12- ft. heavy duty booster cables $9.95 1 2-inch crescent wrenches $7,95 3- piece vise grip sets $9.95 Mi H.P. 6-inch bench grinders $34.95 4- inch heavy duty mechanic's vise $24.95 2-ton cable pullers $12.95 Air impact wrenches 38 or 12 inch $39.95 50-foot air hoses $14.95 62-pc, Vi socket sets $24.95 40-pc. 38 socket sets $7.98 100's ot other oargains too numerous to list. ALL TOOLS FULLY GUARANTEED! Don't miss this salel 7. Dartmouth (0-1) 0-21 , Penn Holy Cross 8. San Diego St. (0-2) 0-28, Cal Nevada-L.V. 9. UTEP(l-2) 10-31, SMU Hawaii 10. Michigan (0-1) 17-23, Notre Dame UCLA 11. Kentucky (0-2); 12. Wisconsin (0-2); 13. Houston (0-2); 14. Columbia (0-1); 15. Clemson (0-1-1); 16. Iowa (0-3); 17. Colorado State (1-2); 18. Maryland (0-2); 19. Purdue (0-2); (only schools receiving insults). ""Ineligible for Rose Bowl Includes 1982 Rose Bowl loss. Crummy Game of the Week: Memphis State (0-3) vs. Georgia Tech (1-1). Rout of the Week: Washington (2-0) vs. Oregon (0-3). Quote Book: A Texas ASM alumnus, referring to new coach Jackie SherrilPs contract after the school's opening-game loss: "It's that damned inflation. A mil lion dollars just doesn't buy what it used to." The Pros Obviously, the Los Angeles Lambs were determined not to blow another big lead. So instead of going out in front 23-0 and losing - as they did against Green Bay - they built up an 0-16 deficit against Detroit and coasted to a 14-19 defeat. With the players' strike on for Ed-Garvey-knows-how-long, the Lambs may have clinched The Bottom 10 title on the earliest date in history. (The now-defunct Louisville Brecks hold the current record, having posted an 0-3 record in 1922 under their unforgettable coach, Hubert Wiggs.) The Lambs fans, who met at midfield Stereo Fnninmnf ut utKIa. sale prices. Sansui, AKAI, Pioneer Car Stereos, Akai Port able cassette players. Call Vernon or Sid. 464-9449 73 MG. low miles with many extra's. Great all season car. 474-2642 or 483-5882 evenings or weekends. Pioneer Car Stereo Com ponents: 1 20 watt power Amp, KPX 9000 AMFM cassette deck, 1 set TSX-6 speakers will sell speakers separately. $150. 435-8526. 2 Dan Fogelberg tickets. Good seats. Call 4 88-46 29 after 5:00 p.m. Bicycle Panniers rears, front rears, handlebar bag briefcase panniers, backpacks 488-5165 t , 78 KZ650. Black wsUver fairing. AMFM Cassette. 14,000 miles. 472-8472. MUST SELL! Kenwood KX 70 Cassette Deck, Brand new! Ph. 476-6528, Rm, 306 Chris. 1 men's Huffy 10-speed. Good mechanical shape. $60, 476-2618. Brown, 4-year-old quarter horse. $1200 or will trad for saddle, etc. Call 786-2201. Salesperson, sell weed con trol service to factories, businesses in Lincoln for estab lished company. Car and farm background required. Approx. 12 Jweek during daytime, $2,000 potential in 9 mos! Draw against straight comm. Weedcope, Omaha, 498-0881. I - ... .. .. . , - , . -. ..... i PENTE. TWCIASMC CAMtOfSKM PATTY'S -oUWL SHOP "Cards and gifts for alt occasions." 1200 N St. 477-8014 24761 Avon P (invdeonta tiiraa needed on Campus and in surrounding areas. Call 476 8139 or 474-0973 for more information. Be an Amway Distributor. A fun and interesting way to earn money. You set the limit. Call 466-8637. it it it Male Dancers Wanted Must be well-proportioned. $50hour Apply in person between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.. M-F. Doc Holiday's 466-9889 POLITICAL WORK Impact Policy by being paid staff with grassroots campaign. Political-Environmental interest helpful. Future with environmental-consumer groups. 1-10 p.m. Call NWCCV 476-2060 before noon. HELP WANTED - 10 15Jif?wk' Ey work -$3.3 5Hr. Apply Sportswear Outlet. 1340 'O' St. 11-5 daily. 30 positions open. Phone ales. No experience. Full It part-time. Will train you. 421X-2223 ,chedule- CftU One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townnouses ..0LI2&ELL BANKER TOWN COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hlnkley 489-7888 before the game and shook hands, booed the team lustily. Some called for an appearance by the Lambs' strike breaking team that reportedly held a secret workout in Santa Ana earlier in the week. Elsewhere, Buffalo's Joe Cribbs, a season-long hold out, announced he had formed his own union, the Joe Cribbs Players Association (no dues). And ABC said it would begin showing Howard Cosell's old variety show on Monday nights. But don't worry, Cosell critics. Hank Stram and Jack Buck will handle the radio version. The Rankings TEAM, RECORD LAST WEEK NEXT LOSS 1. Lambs 'A' team (0-2) 14-19, Detroit ? 2. Chicago (0-2) 0-10, New Orleans ? 3. Baltimore (0-2) 20-24, Miami ? 4. Seattle (0-2) 2 1 -23 , Houston ? 5. San Francisco (0-2) 21-24, Denver ? 6. Tampa Bay (0-2); 7. NJ. Giants (0-2); 8. Lambs 4B' team (0-0); 9. San Diego (1-1); 10. (tie) CBS, NBC and ABC. No defending Super Bowl champion has ever gone winless the next year. Crummy Game (andor Rout) of the Week: Toronto vs. British Columbia (Canadian football). Special Citation: After the dancing Bears were hit with many illegal procedure penalties in their opener, rookie coach Mike Ditka promised to "simplify the offense." He did. The Bears were shut out 0-10. (c) 1982. Universal Prtss Syndicate Three bedroom furnished apartment. 15th & Washington. Aw, laundry, parking available. 475 1865 Lee Simmona Wealeyan Area Studio Apt. and small one bedroom. $75 ea. elec. Call 467-2746. Wanted: Attractive women to buy or sell Mary Kay gla mour. Will deliver to cam pus. Call 423-0095. Need 5 male it 5 female or G.A. tickets to K-State game. Must be in pair of male female. Rider wanted to New York, share driving, leave end of Sept. Call C.W. Williams 474 2300 (days) 423-4590 evenings and weekends. 4 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS TO K-STATE NEBR. FOOTBALL GAME. PREFER 4 TOGETHER OR 2 AND 2.pCALL 488-4629 AFTER ALLEY GALE SAT. SEPT 25 (10.00 am -600 pm Mohair Couches Deco Furniture Trunks Antique Rugs 10 OFF Vintage Clothing 25 OFF at the comer Ij of 27th & Vine Ck?kim Blood American Red Cross SMWSSWSWWSSMSWHWBMBSSi . 4 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS TO ICS TE NE1R, FOOTBALL GAM PREPfi 14 TOGETHER OR 2 AND CALL 488-4829 AFTER 4 P, SAMMY PLEDGES Get psyched for tonight. You'U be surprised! The Actives AG MEN excite.d. ,or TAC Friday. We are!!! The ACPis. ft it ft Mri. "Bml w XSU h.?f ,!ived lonJt and healthy "23" years. Today marks that day, but you start this big day with something you haven't had before, that's a husband. So with all my love, HAPPY "23rd" BIRTHDAY! XOXO etc. "Brol" HUNGRY FOR EUROPE BUT NO MONEY? KORTH AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR 'SUMMER-IN-EUROPE-fX)R.COLLEC- STUDLSTS " PROGRAM SEEKS CAMPUS PUBLICITY REPRESENTATIVE Extent salary for apjx 5 hn work par weak andor chsnci to quickly tarn part or Ut of Summer Europi Trip In 1683. ff Intnstrl pistil vrm tanft&tafy fc: Trudl Fanait, 132 W. Orison, Urttni, 1161801. ftriiti,fiM iinininiinmin!::;!;!:!::;;;;;:;;::;::;!