The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1982, Page Page 6, Image 6
Monday, September 20, 1982 Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Stamp art on display Artwork from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commis sion's Fifth Annual Habitat Stamp Art Contest is on display in the Capitol's Fifth Floor Gallery. The exhibit of 63 paintings is sponsored by the Capitol's 50th Anniversary Committee. The displayed paintings of wild life in natural habitats are those of the winners, runners-up and honorable mentions in each of three categories - primary, junior high and senior high schools. I i. H - 'WSJ Repeating By Demand G. Anthony's Downstairs i ri fni m ri ri it"! fi 1 fito b sua mm (Mi tef!iimv amp it n..n. a it n i a ii ii it an. .jk...n STYLESPERMSHAIRCUTS Free Soft Drinks Gifts For Everyone Upbeat Music Meet Your Friends mm au mm Lincoln's Unique Salon G. ANTHONY'S UPSTAIRS & downstairs 488-6644 32nd & South Rath bone Village 3 I UMwtrtrtyaf I imcon rULTOJ IVICK ALUflfJI CENTER a ARCHITECTS eVWHMCY SifGEL & ASSOCIATES few M. fcwVM - coamwcToa ( kf mutant fern SM$M AiSJWt mm I r 1:1 I as SB r Staff Photo by Jane Knapp Work continues at the Wick AlumniCenter construction site It 1520 R St. Work progresses on Alumni Center "We hope to get the building (Wick Alumni Center) closed in by December - then they can continue to work inside," said Jack Miller, executive vice president of the UNL Alumni Association. "That is, if the weather cooperates." The construction of the alumni center, 1520 R St., has been complicated by the rainy spring and summer. Miller explained that the ground is very wet, which makes it hard for the men to work. However, he said, the problem is not serious, and construction of the building will not fall behind schedule. The center is scheduled to be completed in September 1983. "It's hard to say what has been accomplished so far," he said. "The different stages move along at different rates. Considering the weather, they are doing well." The entire budget for the building is $3.6 million. The funds come from alumni donations. The total covers COLLEGE SEEUEMSi ARE YOU LQOECIRJ FOR: O A Challenge? O Travel? O A Chance to Manage People and Money $$ ? O Job Security? We Wlay Hove The Answer .... THE NAVY Give us a call: 1-800-642-8828 or write U.S. Navy Officer Programs 6910 Pacific Street Omaha, NE. 68106 . A A , v ' '' tin 2 PAIRS OF GLASSES FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Now for a limited time only the Optical Shop is offering you a fantastic special. Get 2 complete pair of glasses for the price of 1 . Bring your prescription or we will copy your present lens. And remember - We have eye wear for men, women and children! Full price on the first pair get the second pair "of equal value or less" for FREE. Good through October 2nd. OD (Blue Dot frames excluded.) J The frames you want for the lenses you need. 333 N. 12th St. 477-9347 10:00 AM - 5:00 FM Mon., Tues., Wed., Fn. Thursday 12:00 - 8.00 PM 10 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday the endowment and the furnishings as well as the cost of the building itself. Miller said there is little danger of going over that budget, because the cost of construction was agreed upon with the construction firm before building began. To date, about $200,000 has been spent, he said. The center, on which construction started in May, is to be a general-purpose building for alumni, faculty and students. It will contain offices, conference rooms and public meeting space. The center is named for Milton Wick, who died last November, and his family, who contributed $1 million to the project. Fraternity continues search for gold lion There's a lion loose in Lincoln. A gold-painted concrete lion, stolen from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house at UNL, is still missing. Joel Ballantyne, a member of the fraternity who lived in the house this summer, said the two lion statues that border the fraternity's entrance were stolen in late July. Clark Landers, fraternity president, said the house has always had a pair of lions near its entrance, but the fixtures have been stolen often. The most recent pair stolen, located in front of the house for about a year and a half, were bolted to the ground, he said. The statues also would have been dif ficult to lift and carry because of their weight. One of the lions was found in a neighboring fraternity house, Ballantyne said. Landers said he thinks the lion was stolen as a sorority prank or "on a dare" by a student. Several personals in the Daily Nebraskan regarding the stolen lions gave Landers and the rest of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon members no clue to who stole the lion, he said. "We contacted Dan Shattil, general manager for the Daily Nebraskan, and he looked at the personal receipts, but the person gave a fictitious address," Landers said. Although the police were not contacted and the fraternity has no solid leads on the whereabouts of its lion, Landers said the search continues to try to regain the missing property. (MB Mmm