The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1982, Page Page 16, Image 16
Wednesday, September 0, 1982 Pag 16 Daily Nebraskan Classified 472476' Part-time bartending positions available. Contact Gregg at the KNOLLS REST AURANT 2201 Old Cheney. 423-3843. PART TIME Above average compensation Local firm seeks aggressive, energetic person with out standing communications skills. Excellent hours, 9-6 Saturday, noon-6 Sunday. Apply in person only to Telemarketing Depart ment, 2701 No. 27, between 1 and 6 Monday through Friday. TEMPORARY OPENINGS Data Entry Operators Will enter orders via CRT's. Must type (5 wpm with 6 or less errors. Second and third shifts available. This temporary work will last two to three months $3.6 7 per hour Apply in person DONNELLEY MARKETING 806 "P" Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Male wants to share 2 -bedroom house with non-party per son. 385.00 plus utilities. 476 1237. Share lovely large home in S.E. Lincoln. Near Dike & bus route. 3125 & 13 utL 488 8168. Studious, partying house mate desperately needed! 1 blk No. of campus, own room, washdry male or female $100 & 14 utilities. Call 476-7489. Beautiful Brunette in White Sundress: A week ago Monday was the day 10:20 was the time 16 th Street South of Nebraska Hall was the place. If you remember exchanging glances, smiles and hellos and are inter ested, please be there same time either Wednesday or f n day (or RVP). Tall Sandy Blonde Khaki Pants Lorie Jean, There's been rumors that you're alive, on campus, and living at Ax, but I have no proof. Den Den Scotty, Beam me to the ADPi DELT Card-a-thon. It's a big deal Spock Congratulations to Susie H. and Marylyn F. on becoming Husker Hostesses! Your Phi Mu Sisters J. Kovarik, Lots of luck this semester. Julie Kimber: At last! Your birthday per sonal. Sorry it's so late. Hope you enjoyed your 20 th. Many FACs and Wednesday nights at Pears lie ahead. Xady Pi Mark (Abel 7) Thanks for helping with our puzzle that unexpectedly was 10 -pieces! Angel and Michele John (The Stud of AGS). YOU ARE TOO MUCH!!! M&R AXiD's are real swingers! C-MOORE & ANN: I'm so glad to have you as my new big sisters! Love, butters Joan M. The ADPi's got Delt a great partner for the Card-a-thon. Jodeen B. judson Here's Something Fishy Come to M & T Tropical Fish for the best prices on new and used aquariums and supplies. We have a wide variety of exotic tropical TT TT Prf. isn and one of the best L V rwil Tropical& Saltwater You have Just won $1000! "Mr. Palmer's Secretary" SUPPORT THE ARTS Applications are now being taken for membership on UPCi Major Performing Arts Com mittee, which sits on the selection committee for Kim ball Recital HalL Membership involves artist selection, host hostessing, and event promo tion. Applications are available at C.A.P. offices city and Easty Unions and at 113 West brook. Deadline for application is 12:00 noon. The Undergraduate Creative writing magazine THE MAGA ZINE is looking for people in terested in working as editor, assoc. editors, readers, contri butors, art layouts and as ex perience in publishing. Please attend the first organizational meeting on Sept. 22 nd 3:30 p.m., Andrews Hall Lounge, Rm. 2 2 8 or contact Jim Roberts 219 Andrews, 472-1836. 5 TH ANNUAL AOPi ROCK-A-THON Sept. 9 - Sept. 1 1 Help us raise money to fight the nation's No. 1 crippling disease. "A-CBA STUDENTS Applications for posi tions on the Student Ad visory Board may be picked up in the Deans Office beginning Thursday, Sept 9. ATTENTION CBA SENIORS: Probe Magazine is cur rently accepting applications for its 'Who's Who in CBA" feature. Any CBA student with at least 89 hours may apply. Applica tions may be picked up in room 240 in CBA. Dead line is Friday, Sept 17. QUALITY PLANT & BASKET SALE Plant Talk 4501 OSt ATTENTION HOMECOMING ROYALTY NOMINEES The Homecoming Royalty application deadline las been extended. All ap plications are due in the CAP office (200 Nebraska Union) Friday, September 10, at noon. UNL Students for Life meeting. Tonight J:00 in the City Union. Everyone Welcome! ATTENTION COLLEGE P.E'O.'S Come join us for an informal get together Sept 12, at 5:00 p.m. Rides available. Call Janet 475-0105 or Cathy 476-1186 for reservations by Sept 9. ACTIVITIES MART "82 Find out what you can get out of involvement in student activities at UNL, TOMORROW from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Main Lounge of the Nebraska Union (City Campus). Activities Mart is sponsored by Mortar Board and CAP try us on! UNL Women: Become part of an active Little Sister Organization. TRIANGLE LITTLE SISTER RUSH begins Sept 16. For more information call Marcia at 477-2376 or Russ at 476-0084. fcr -X3 automotive foreign car specialists 27t & T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 $a,t se,ections 'n town- OPEN DAILY 302 South 19th 475-5259 CORNCOBS, You need to remember three things today: our meeting at 4:30, your I.D. for football tickets, and your raffle ticket money and tickets AXid Swing-A-Thon Sept 9- 11. AEROBIC CONDITIONING CLASSES beginning Sept 13 for six weeks. The following is the 1st session schedule: MWF 12-1:00 Men's Physical Ed. Bldg. MWF 2:30-3:30 Harper Resident Hall MWF 4:30-5:30 East Campus Gymnasium MWF 5-6:00 Mabel Lee Hall-Rm. 119 T-Th 7-8:00 a.m. Mabel Lee Hall-Rm. 119 T-Th 12-1:00 Selleck Multi-Purpose Room T-Th 12-1:00 East Campus Activities Room T-Th 5-6:00 Abel North Lounge The costs are 3 dysweek $12.60 2 daysweek $8.50 5 daysweek $20.00 The Health Center is also adding a Stretching and Relax ation class on T-Th, 1-1:30 in the Selleck Multi-Purpose Room. The cost will be $6.50. For information contact the Health Center, Room 106 or call 4 72-2102 between 8-6. The costs are 3 daysweek $12.50 2 daysweek $8.50 6 daysweek 820.00 BE SOMEONE Join the Accounting Association. Everyone welcome. Organizational meeting, Thurs day, September 9 at 3:30, Room 111, CBA. QUESTION: Who Says Don't Buy a Waterbed Before You See Us? ATTENTION BUSINESS MAJORS!!! Are you tired of walking thru a sea of unknown faces in CBA? Donl go it alone! Delta Sigma Pi, the profes sional business fraternity, wants you for a new member. For information about our "Meet the Chapter Nights" stop by our booth outside CBA Aud itorium Wed. thru FrL Or call Lynda Wenzl at 435 686 7 for more information. IOWA FANS! "How 'bout Them Hawks?" Pre-game Bash FrL, Sept 10 8 p.m. for details call Hawkeye Dan 478-1062 A.M.S. "Welcome Back" meeting Tonite 6:30 in the Union. All please attend. Need Money? ' Temporary ? art-time workers needed, Sept. 0 October 8 (Monday Thursday evenings) working for NU Foundation as a telephone solicitor. Choose your own hours! Knowledge of University activities is required. Apply Rm. 115 Ne Union. $4 hour. Applications due by September 10. ATTENTION HUSKERS!!! There will be a UNL pep rally Friday, September 10, at 6 p.m. on the south steps A the Union. Vote for the Busch-Phi Gamma Delta 1982-83 Calendar Girl of your choice by placing ballots in the box at the North Information Booth in the city campus union. ANSWER: Westwoods Factory Outlet 1700 West 'O'. Waterbeds For Less! THE CUNNING LINQUISTS perform tonight at the Drum stick. Catch a good time. Tassels members! Important Tassels meeting tonight at 6:00 in the Union. Be there. . . Aloha Attention Students: There will be a UPC Video Committee meeting tomorrow at 3:30 in the Union. Come join us! Timing team meeting tonite 4:00 Sports Complex Press Room. FIND OUT what the Finance Club is all about! Visit our meeting tonight in the 3rd floor CBA Lounge at ? p.m. Hope to see you then! PHI PSI LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Wednesday, 6 :0 0 at the house. Dont forget to bring your dues. ATTENTION 1183 nayc Counselor interviews will be held Sept 6. 7:0t p.m. on the 2nd floor State Office Building. Please let us know if you are unable to at tend the first meeting and are still interested. See you Wed. night A.X2V,Il TO ra'C'JS PUZZLE msim t 0 M I yjt, ,rm riTwTIliTVU lOf ; n 1 r, ! i ! i. !r i s fiti'i nrr Ti, uTiin viiTyi in ''Hit t IE If T t Si I T "ETC !. T ,. Li ' t 1 J 1 f Ft E ftft vsi Need 2 male season foot ball tickets. Student or general. 436-3083. Need tickets for Nebraska Iowagame. Call 466-6333. Need female ticket for Iowa game. Call before 8 a.m. or after 1 p.m. Ask for Ruth. 476-7912. 1 need 25 male and female tickets to Iowa, Sept 11. I also need 2 male season tickets. Will buy in singles or sets. Will pay well. Call Dan at 435-6302. Need 2 General Admission tickets for Iowa game. Will pay good price. Call 435-1376. 2 male & female student tickets to Iowa Game! 4 77 7667. Need pair of married student season football tickets with LD.'s. 477-1741 or 474-2170. 2 general admission tickets together) for Iowa Game. Call atty 4 7Z-B719. Wanted: G.A. tickets lor Iowa. Will pay well. Call Dan at 474-6 700. Need female student season football ticket You name price. Call Jean at 46 7-3308. Need: 6 male student tickets for Iowa game. Call 436-2919. Wanted 4 General Admission tickets to Iowa game. Will pay premium price. Call 46 7-1494. 1 female and 2 male tickets for Iowa. Call 4 3 5-0 2 7 8. FEMALE IOWA TICKET. 474-2466. WANTED: 4 male tickets to Iowa game, preferably to gether. 483-6 095 after 6 p.m. Need male and female season football tickets or married tickets. Call collect 1-839-3 76 5. Needed 1 or 2 male FB tickets for Iowa game. Call 472-0924. - Wanted: Two football tickets, male female, student or . general. Call collect 6 78 5296. Need two female football tickets for Iowa game. Top price. Call Dean or Mark at 464-0288. Need: 2 tickets together Iowa game or season tickets. Call 474-8978 after 6:00 pan. Need 2 football tickets to gether for season. Call 466-0389 evenings. ACROSS 1 N.Y.P.D. radio call 4 Boca , Fla. 9Saganof "Cosmos" 13 Hindu guide 15 Lodging 16 Dramatic award 17 Vivacity 18 Boz is one 20 Conclusion 22 space 23 Part of Notre Dame 24 Tropical tree 26 Neapolitan saint 28 Library needs 32 Man of the courts 33 Singers like Siepi 34 Fat 36" Love You," bio by Sellers son 37 Headgear of old 38 Evianor Vichy 33 Box for bucks 41 Astonished gaze 42 Hubbub 43 First and pocket 45 Lower-class Spanish belles 46 Seattle outfielder 47 One remembered 48 Bay window 51 Writing paper 55 Item on the hit list 58 Tulsa's state: Abbr. 5t Put one's foot 69 Author Hobson 61 Little Miss Trent WANTED FOUR G.A. TICKETS TO IOWA GAME. WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR. PHONE 476-2407 OR 476 9778. Buying class rings, diamonds, gold ft silver items, coins, watches, jewelry, baseball cards, comic books, EMs Presley -4 Beatles items, old guns. Miller's Used Furniture & Antiques, v2719 N. 48. 10:80 - 6:30. 464-2128. WANTED: 2 female and 10 male tickets to Iowa game. Will pay well! 4 72-06 93. 1 male, 1 female football ticket with student IDs. 4 76 6244 after 4:30 p.m. Wanted 2 male - 2 female tickets to Iowa Nebraska game. Will pay fate price. Ask for Pat Rooney 4 75-9929. Need two sets of male female tickets for Iowa game. Call Peg at 4 72-8721. Alabama ticket Call Bill Todd 4 72-6 925 or Room 440 Oldfather. Wanted: 2 General Admis sion tickets to Iowa. 476-7106. Desperately need 2 tickets for Iowa can female ame, pre- ferably together. HQ eacn. 466-2166. Needed: One female season football ticket Will pay top dollar. Call 477-4945 after 1:00 p.m. Female season ticket andor one or two general admission tickets. Call Katie at 4 88 1555 after 6:30 p.m. Need several pairs of G.A. tickets to the Iowa game. Sept 11. Call Jay at 472 8081. 2 student season football tickets. Call 4 88-0037 after 5:00 p.m. TYPING Papers, thesis, dissertation Excellent copy from a new IBM self-correcting typewriter. I AM ON CAMPUS. Call Mar garet evenings or weekends: 464-3437. A 1 Silk Flowers Weddings and Arrangements Big Red Carnations .50 each 763-3641 If you are stupid enough to drink and drive, be smart enough to hire a lawyer. VINCE POWERS ATTORNEY AT LAW 474-5064 mmmm CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALES KA 62 Locale 63 Pilfer 64 Bangkok man DOWN 1 Pulitzer novelist 2 Soft part of fruit 3 One's own creation. 4 Home, to some 5 Ben Adhem 6 Weighty volume 7 "The Couple" 8 Maiden-name predecessor 9 Pilasters -10 Adjoin 11 Frost 12 Suggestive glance 14 Loosen a boot 19 Man from Lodz 21 Ab (from the start) 24 Baffling puzzles 25 High as 26 Engrossed 27 Actor Davis 28 Hungarian composer: 1881-1945 29 Ottoman ruler 30 Book cover 31 Reddish brown 33 Groundwork 35 Sailors 40 Poet r Woodworth Reese 1 2 3 4 I9 Is 7 I8 I I10 I" 13 uj Is" "u5 " Tt t 33 it 1 53- 24 ur J ir 24jg- - -jjp, " J7 p -73 44 44 4T trnru irj r irur " 66-ur is " M ii 62 Ti 3 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609 Send a cookie-gram!! Giant 12-inch. 1 pound choco late chip cookie. Gift wrapped and delivered. To order call 476-8410 or464-2686. Professional car stereo instal lations at very reasonable prices. Open 9 to 9. For appt call 467-4746. DOWNTOWN HEALTH CLINIC P.C. Primary Care Medicine Open every day except holidays 901 Lincoln Benefit Uf e Bldg. 11th tN 474-6668 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES: Research catalog 306 pages 10,278 topics Rush $1.00. Box 26097C . Los Angeles, 90025 (213)477-8221 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES: research catalog 306 pages-10,278 topics Rush $1.00. Box 26097C Los Angeles, 90025 (213) 477-8226 PURSE OUTLET DISCOUNT PRICES 117 SOUTH 27 WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 475-3414 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 1 12 Block South of Nebraska Bookstore MATH TUTORING ALL LEVELS KEN 474-0337 SEMESTER AT SEA! Incredible! Gain a full semester's credits while sailing around the world. Write: Semester at Sea, UCIS, Forbes Quandr angle, U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. PA 16260 or call toll-free (800) $54-0196 for brochure, " LOST: Beige back pack at Nebraska Bookstore' around 11:00, 91. Two books and keys inside. Can 4 7 3-9 63 3. REWARD for return of lost keys linked to a red number one key chain,- Last seen on Cather-Pound football fields at 4:30 Thurs., Sept 3. Need them desperately! 42 Man who lost his hair 44 E. Indian herbs 45 Prefix with content 47 Aesop fable ending 48 Geishas' adornments 49 Actor Santoni 50 "Lord, I?" 51 Chimney shaft 52 ". . . perfumed sea": Poe 53 Nazimova 54 Indie tongue 56 Sextet in "All's Well . . ." 57 Cicero's lang.