The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 23, 1982, Page Page 17, Image 17
Monday, August 23, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 17 Gifted high school students are offered career guidance By Marcia Warkentin Gifted high school students from all over Nebraska will have help in making career choices this year at the UNL Gui dance Laboratory workshop. Barbara Kerr, assistant professor of educational psychology and social foun dations and director of the Guidance Laboratory, said the workshop will in clude campus tours, visits to classes, vocational tests and individual meetings with career counselors to help students decide on their careers. Between two and 10 sophomores, from 80 Nebraska high schools, chosen by their principals or guidance counselors, will be attending the one-day workshop, to be held every Friday from Sept. 10 through May 13. "Many gifted students are pretty neglected by their high school guidance counselors and even teachers," Ms. Kerr said. "It is assumed that they don't need any help making career choices." Kerr said students with much potential often need more help because they can't decide among their many skills. The lab offered a "pilot project" workshop from January through May of last year and juniors and seniors from Lincoln high schools participated. Kerr said the students gave highest ratings to the time they spent with an individ ual counselor. "Many of them said that it was the first time an adult had ever talked to them seriously about their future," she said. The workshop helped raise career aspirations of manyof the stu dents, especially the girls, she said. "They, for instance, would change their plans from drafting to architecture, or from teacher to lawyer, or from nurse to doctor," she said. Therron Stackley, a senior at Lincoln Southeast this year, attended the workshop in April. He said he was impressed with the openness of the counselor. "It was not so much of a teacher-student relation ship," he said. "It was guidance on a personal, equal basis." He said the work shop gave- him the freedom to make a decision about his career. Stackley said he is interested in several fields, including writing, art and arch itecture. Sherry Cain, a freshman at UNL who attended one of the first workshops, said the workshop opened up new career opportunities that she hadn't thought about before. "There are jobs out there that you're not aware of because they're not typical jobs like doctor or lawyer," she said. "After taking the test I found I would be interested in something like being an announcer on a radio and I never thought about that sort of thing before." It is currently funded by UNL Layman Funds and the state Department of Education-Vocational Guidance. rrnii Stop thinking "I need a Maid!" and Get one. Actually, you get Four - One Supervisor and Three superbly efficient Maids. L i - if j 435-5335 The Mai Js IS A UNIQUE CLEANING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO MAINTAIN THE BASIC CLEANING DUTIES IN YOUR HOME Please call our office for more information American Heart Association VJv 11 1161 J wav. pay your Vv tuition. Spend a few weekends helping us evaluate pharmaceuticals and we'll pay you up to $700. Fully explained studies Medically supervised Free physical To qualify, yon mast be a healthy male at least 19 years old. Gall 474-0627 weekdays to find out how you can earn extra money for tuition. EITIHAOS LACOTOZIS, IMC. tllm Peach Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 43 yean' urperienct in madical mewch qOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 u o o o o g o 5? O O O o o o o nternilMT CARD .jiuuirii WITHI.O. o o o o o o D revir 1M flMSa OiAZO & kua 4744415 ni MOST STOC 'TCM; PURCHAbtu Aw -fa PjtfrTb$stfi&r a Sfoidy Room A Folding Table, A guide- ir the, "Great Furniture. 6ai&" at Lincoln Office, Equipment 7fj& Esscnffef 2 Note, the, taheeU I I 4 'Vl I WAr, ' l i 1 designed -h let you roll from room to room umen studying. Note-m& trie, ... A BARGAIN Function is -the tafyrd for ihis desk. tczn serve as a Bagfcflamon (Essential t$&e, a dim) rvcm tabic or even as a desk. The price, too, 151 I 60" x 30M 7X36" 4 7Tp& Stand.- $39 A Drafting SibdJ&fiz EssenfiaJ 4' Lincoln Office VcnMt d&cribc im table. Itu hofct becks, pltritt, proj&tt , or fait week. lunch. ummmfb Sale! IT . 2nd lets more at ridiculously low prices. Fim Friertds. Amvainimcm or Sfrsmm ttyou bug sx stenochiirt you qualify -far ai AOtIVONAL ZOYo&ZZUWl 5fi LINCOLN OFFICE 1-BQUIPMBNT S THg used gro siqth amp-n' Acroit hc strset from N Srcef Drive- In 6:00-5:00 Mcndtq ihrouaft 8HwJa 47S-S93I