The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1982, summer in the city, Page Page 8, Image 28

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    Page 8
Summer in the City
Thursday, April 29, 1982
Lincoln summer month 's survival guide unveiled
By Jeff Goodwin
"Why don't you do a column on Lincoln in the sum
mer? Say, about sixty lines?"
It sounded like a good idea when my editor suggested
it. So I said OK. .
Then I realized that I actually had to write something
about living in Lincoln during the summer. What can you
say about that subject that hasn't already been said about
living in North Dakota all year round? The conventional
wisdom is that Lincoln lacks a certain, shall we say, spark
during the summer months.
Well, it's bound to be a little dull when the students
leave. That's only natural. And, even at its best, Lincoln
has never been confused with Paris or London or New
York. But, thank God, its never been confused with
Fargo, NJ)., either (Please, all you Fargo fans, don't send
me letters.)
And yet, my own experience has shown me that it's
not impossible to have a good summer in Lincoln. Last
summer was one of the best I've ever had.
So here it is folks. My guide on how to survive the sum
mer in Lincoln. With a little luck you might even prosper.
Actually, there's not that much less to do in Lincoln
during the summer. The only exception is sporting events.
But Lincoln is close enough to such metropolitan centers
as Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Tampa that you can go
down for the weekend and catch a ballgame.
Movies are always a reliable source of entertainment.
They also have another advantage during the summer for
those of you (I include myself in this category) who don't
have air conditioning: they offer a respite from the brutal
The only trouble with this is that movies tend to stay
in Lincoln for a long time, especially in the summer.
The only theater that regularly changes films is the
Embassy and how many people can sit through 90
minutes of steamy sex every week? Personally, my limit is
89 minutes.
A lot of people I know get athletic during the summer.
Most of them play softball or tennis. That's OK. I can see
the point of that. What kills me are the people who jog in
100 degree heat. And if they keep it up, it will kill them,
(frfA ri p Summer h n pvs
( -1JJ Lincoln's newest and hottest Y
27th & Comhusker
MAINSTREET Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Thursday is WILD NITE 50 call drinks 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Friday FREE BEER 7 -9 p.m.
Saturday MAY PAY PAR1Y 3-Fers 7-9
Live on stage Tuesday - Saturday
7 - 9:30 p.m.
MAY 3-8
Ladies Night Wild Night FRIDAY
Free Drinks .50 Call Drinks Free Beer
7 - 9 p.m. 7 - 9:30 p.m. 7 - 9 p.m.
MAY 10-15 MAY 17-22
7 - 9 p.m.
MAY 24-29
Wliich reminds me of an amusing ancedote. A few
years ago I was walking with a group of friends back from
Taco Inn and we passed a jogger. It was one of those July
days when your sliirf starts sticking to your back about
eight in the morning and stays there until you go to bed.
Anyway, one of the guys I was with was from the East.
He saw the jogger and said, "Back home the only way
somebody would be running in this weather is if the cops
were chasing him."
Personally, I was never that athletic during the sum
mer months. I break into a sweat just walking from the
sundeck (it's really only a porch but sundeck sounds more
impressive) to the kitchen to get another beer. I've found
that usually provides me with enough exercise to stay in
shape until the fall when I really get athletic-by going to
football games.
Well, in a nutshell there it is. I can't guarantee it will
work for everybody but it generally has for me. The key
to surviving a summer in Lincoln is having friends. If you
don't know anyone it can be pretty bleak. So, as you read
this you've got tomorrow and next week to make some.
So get busy.
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