The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1982, Page Page 6, Image 6
Daily Nebraskan Monday, April 19, 1982 Legislature Scoreboard Page 6 BRODKEY'S Signs of Spring... from Orange Blossom The Most Beautiful Diamond Rings In The World The most beautiful diamonds are flowering now, at Brodkey's. Each exquisite Orange Blossom diamond engagement ring is as special as a perfect rose ... as expressive as a spring bouquet. And there are no finer diamonds in the world than those from Orange Blossom. See the glorious Orange Blossom collection of diamond engagement rings at Brodkey's now . . . while they are in full bloom! "MEET THE BRODKEY BOYS WEAR DIAMONDS" BRODKEY'S Centrum Lincoln Each bill introduced to the Nebraska Legislature is J1") with g either referred to the General File to await legislative enuor session g action or to a Select Committee where it receives a hear- e . o ing and is possibly amended. Bills earmarked as "priority" Bft arc among the bills acted on first by the Legislature. Each jjj & .B bill is read before the Legislature twice before it is voted g J- ? a "g on in the final reading. If passed after the final reading -o 2 S g and signed by Gov. Charles Thone, a bill becomes law. J 2 c o g g. 2 S U a, E LD202 remove death penalty, create minimum penalty for first-degree murder X LD568 create new class of misdemeanor for Driving While Intoxicated X LB582 aJlow a state tax credit for child care costs X LB591 allow Lincoln and 31 first-class cities to raise sales tax X LB602 transfer burden of caring for indigents from counties to state X LB607 waive certification requirements for private schools X LB610 forbid public employees from joining unions X LB628 prohibit discrimination in schools and employment X LB632 provide $20,000 for plans to install air control system in Morrill Hall X LB689 repeal Political Accountability and Disclosure Act (Sunshine Law) X LB709 provide scholarships to high school seniors for attending college early X LB712 increase cigarette tax 4 cents for capital construction X LB735 Governor appoints three additional NU regents X LB738 increase severance tax for gas and oil producers X LB794 create distinctive operator's license for minors X LB809 create minimum penalties for buying alcohol with altered I.D.S X LB853 register dental assistants X LB869 create minimum penalties for creating or altering minors' l.Ds X LB870 create minumum penalties for DWI X LB920 increase duties of dental hygienists X LB946 create state student loan program X mm Moved Closer To Campus Sorry for any inconvenience we've caused our customers during our move-but the move means faster and more convenient service for you from here on in. We service all brands of bicycles and tire repair can be done while you wait. Mm Now At 213 N. 14th 4774711 The Complete Bicycle Center Former professor receives award Garnet Larson, a former professor in the UNL School of Social Work, is the recipient of the first Sue Tidball Award. The award was presented Saturday evening at the Commonplace chapel on the UNL campus. Tidball was an adviser and social worker at Com monplace for several years before her death in 1976. The award is to honor in dividuals who have made significant contributions to ward creating "a humane, open, educationally creat ive, just and caring com munity on the UNL campus." Twenty people were MEMO From: Max Miller Cameras Attention: Photographers 3 - Hour Ektachrome (E-6) Processinq Call for details Max Miller Cameras 1434 "0" Lincoln 475 FILM nominated for the award. Larson joined the UNL faculty in 1949 and retired in 1973. She now works with Native Americans on the Macy, Winnebago, Omaha and Santee reservat ions. She has taught, coun seled, tutored and develop ed curricula for inmates at the Nebraska State Peni tentiary and is presently teaching an English course there. She serves as a con sultant and trainer for the YWCA Y-Pals programs, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Southeast Health Systems Agency and lias worked for a girls' home. Nominations for the Sue Tidball award were offered by UNL students, faculty members and administrators. LaaAaa1.aaaaXaaXaa11aaXaaXaaAaX WOMEN'S WEEK 1982: MONDAY Aft EVENING WITH JESSE BERNARD Dr. Jesse Bernard, noted sociologist and author of The Future of Motherhood, and Academic Women, will speak on "THE FUTURE OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY" MONDAY, APRIL 19th 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Regency Suite Nebraska Union Discussion and refreshments following Dr. Bernard's lecture womerrs pyre center for and abouT women MQ SWEEP LEFT PETER ffkCUES'S Proudly Presents Lincoln's Own IFOOTLOO: Live Tonight 9-12 Dancing and Games 815 'O' Street Under the Viaduct