t Wednesday, April 14, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 3 UNL Faculty Senate recommends retaining open admissions policy My Jeff Goodwin The Faculty Senate voted Tuesday af ternoon to recommend to NU President Ronald Roskens that the university keep its present policy of open admissions. At their March 27 meeting the NU Hoard of Regents directed Roskens to "forthwith consult with the faculties and others to prepare and recommend specific standards or requirements of admission, or a combination thereof, to be presented to the Board of Regents for its considera tion at the meeting on May 15, 1982." In voting to retain the present admis sions policy, the senate rejected three op tions which were presented by the Coun cil of Academic Officers acting on behalf of the administration. The first option would have set subject matter as the criteria for admission. Under that option 4 years of English, 3 years of mathematics, 2 years of labora tory science and 2 years of social sciences would be required of all freshmen entering the University of Nebraska. Students who did not meet those requirements would be allowed to enroll on a special basis if they take courses to make up their deficiencies. The second option would admit stu dents if a) they had an ACT score of 1 7 or better; b) graduate in the upper half of their graduating class; or c) have an over all grade point average of B or better on a scale of 4.0. The third option would offer a combin ation of the first two options. The senate also defeated two amend ments offered by Sen. Robert Narveson which would have designated options one and three as alternative choices if the Board of Regents votes to change the cur rent admissions policy. The senate also approved an amended version of a resolution by Sen. David Nich olas which opposes any proposal "to base salary increases solely on exceptional 'mer it' or performance and the corollary that faculty members who perform their dut ies satisfactorily will receive no salary in crease." In other business the senate passed a re solution which will be sent to Vice Presi dent for Administration Alan Seagran pro proposing that the University Wide Emp loyee Benefits Committee be restructured so that the membership is based on the number of employees in each system. COORS COORS COORS COORS COORS w dc o o u en DC o o u 0) DC O O U Dean of UNL Continuing Studies president of national organization Quentin II. Gcssncr, dean of Continuing Studies at UNL has been installed as presi dent of the National University Continuing Education Association for 1982-83. Gess ner assumed leadership of the organization at the close of the 67th annual NUCEA conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. He succeeds Joseph Goddard, dean of the Division of Continuing Education at the Universtiy of Tennessee, Knoxville. NUCEA is an organization of about 275 accredited colleges and universities wluch form r. network of institutions responding to the continuing learning needs of the citi zenry and serving those national and state purposes requiring continuing education. NUCEA members, located in 49 states, Puerto Rico and Canada, represent major degree -granting institutions. More than 1 200 administrators and teaching faculty members involved full-time in the delivery of continuing education programs are pro fessional members of the association. Gessner said the adult student now rep resents the majority in higher education, and that part-time learning is now the pre vailing mode in higher education today. Of the 12 million students in higher educa tion, 4 million are 25 years of age or older, and the percentage of older students is in creasing every year. In addition, more than 20 million adults are involved in honcredit learning in the United States each year. CO DC o o u 03 DC O o u (A DC O O U en DC o o o W DC O o u The Intramural festival will be held on Friday, April 16, and Saturday, April 17 Competition will be held for the following events: o Separate men's and women's one-pitch Softball o Co-rec 3-on-3 volleyball o Co-rec barrel race o Co-rec frisbee distance throw o Co-rec water balloon toss Weather permitting, events will take place on the CatherPound and 19th & Vine intramural fields. Entries and rules are available at the Recreation Office or call 472-3467. Coors has donated awards for the winning teams in each event. At COORS People Make The Difference COORS COORS COORS COORS COORS o o o XI tn n o o 33 en n o o 33 0) o o o 33 0) O o o 33 0) n o o 39 w n o o w n o o 33 (0 Because you know you're worth it! YiMsM' : ,.- , ,..,tl::: immm-:- lit - v .. mmmmmm ssmmmmi:- . W . -'rr-y - -sy- -211 ' fiZFs ItS : l$f h "I4 V If ig ur mm (smm LjJZZ.