The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1982, Page Page 9, Image 9
Friday, April 9, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 Women tracksters to compete in meet By Mark Quandahl The Nebraska women's track team will send 14 Huskers to compete in Oklahoma's John Jacobs Invitat ional, which runs today through Saturday in Norman, Okla. Associate Coach Mark Kostek said that traditionally the John Jacobs meet is a team-scored affair, and original ly, the Huskers, planned to go to Norman with a full contingent. But earlier this season, Oklahoma officials decided to bring in extra clubs and teams, so this year's meet will not be team scored. Nebraska plans to take 14 women, including Rhonda Blanford, Jennie Gorham and Nancy Kindig. Kostek said that many of the Huskers who will not make the trip, in cluding Janet Burke and Merlene Ottey, had a variety of minor aches and pains after last week's Martin Luther Intramurals First Mid America defeated The Firm, 21-14,21-14 to win the men's intramural three-on-three basketball champ ionship. Members of the winning team are LeRoy Nyx, Neal Hawks, Paul Gronwallcr and Scot Kolb. The Fearsim Foursin won the women's intramural thrce-on-thrce basketball championship by defeating Samloz 8, 18-21, 21-16, 21-16 in the final match. The winning team consists of Deb Mueller, Nancy Gogan, Arva Griffith and Lana Torczcn. Steve Hcrshner and Solid Sachak of Abel 8 defeated Randall Pence and Rick Pasco of the Stinkers to capture the men's intramural badminton doubles tournament. Mark Rooncy of Abel 4 won the men's intramural 10,000-mcter run. Rooncy covered the course in 34:15. Rich Sintek of Alpha Tail Omega came in second at 34:17. Jodie DcsEnfants of Kappa Alpha Theta won the women's 10,000-mcter run with a time of 46:10. Des Fnfants and Sintek won the co-rec intramural 10,000 metcr run championship with a combined time of 80:27. F & UJ MOOSEHEAD 6 Pack Now S4.29 Reg. $4.76 12 Pack Now S8.49 Reg. $9.42 Case Now S16.59 Reg. $18.74 1644 P St. 474-6592 FT AIR FORCE NURSING. IT MAY BE FOR YOU. Your future as an Air Force officer and nurse begins when you pin on your new rank. It's a bright and fulfilling future. You'll be responsible for direct patient care. And you can even specialize if qualified. Air Force nursing is an unlimit ed opportunity. See an Air Force nurse recruiter today. Mary Glaser 116 So. 42nd St Omaha. NE 68131 (collect) 402-221-4319 1 A 9roi wo el Mr King Games. "We're going down with a good crew " Kostek said. "We just hope to get some folks qualified for nationals and everybody would be nice." Kindig, who is to perform in the heptathalon event to day, is a "very good athlete," even though she was nagged by a minor knee problem, Kostek said. "We're looking forward to doing good things ," he said. "We're going to use this week as a training period for the Big Eights and nationals," Kostek said. "It s early in the season, and so far we haven't had much of a break with Mother Nature." Kostek said the Huskers were drained - physically and mentally - after the AIWA indoor nationals. "It's a hard thing to do," he said, "to stay on a competitive edge." "We're training pretty hard, and just trying to turn up," Kostek said. "Next weekend we re hoping to get the full team together." "But 1 doubt it with all the injuries," said Coach Gary Pepin. "We want to hone down to a fine point," Kostek said. St. Paul United nietioclist Ghurch 12th & M Streets Lincoln Center-Downtown rvn . m "mm urv Easter at St. Paul Worship at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Festive Easter Music "JOY: A sign of resurrection." Dr. C. Rex Bevins, Preaching Televised live on KOLN-TV, channel 10 at 11:00 a.m. 115 xnrthJ4tht lincoln, ne. 68508476-1918 Quality 10 Speed Bikes by RALEIGH $149 95 (Price applies to style "Rapirie") Many other styles of bikes available. Downtown East Park Plaza 427 S. 13th 208 N. 66th One Year FREE Adjustment on all New Hikes "Lincoln's Complete Bike Shop" Ib jjj ji!! WEEK OF Nebraska Native American Student Congress Friday, April 9: Jazz Band - "I.C." Mini Concert and Dance 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Union Ballroom $3 Admission "POW WOW" Native American Traditional Dances Natives Arts and Crafts Native Foods All events are taking place at the Coliseum Free Admission EVERYONE WELCOME! Saturday, April 10: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. Sunday, April 11: 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sponsored by UPC - Native American Special Events KEYSTONE the Band rw, l-W mjllMtfJiWUUiiniKJ. Ill -ML IJH rrTTTnfT.I mmmmmmm, 1 m m ""''" ' t v S V "i "l V Lj? i JV j; VV ft J z fit Monday, April 12 at a Op Doors open at 8:00 p.m. $2.00 per person 340 West Cornhusker Hwy.