The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1982, Page Page 5, Image 5
Wednesday, March 31, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 5 Jagoda. . . Continued from Page 4 cast of Republican characters may not be able to manage an economic policy or a foreign policy, but that doesn't mean they are completely without ability. In this life, you have to do what you do best, and what Americans do best is give money away. Our balance-of-payments deficit with most of the countries of the world is powerful testimony to that. I propose that the Reagan administration embark on a policy of huge grants to all rebel forces in all civil wars. I know it will cost billions, but it might be worth Reagan's while. I'm talking about simply buying those rebels off. Out right bribery. We've tried the trickle-down system of pay ing the oppressive dictators, but they seem to lose it all (minus what they manage to get into Swiss bank ac counts) to the rebels eventually. Why not give the Marxist Revolutionaries a chance at the money and see what they can do with it directly? Maybe the savings from cutting out the middleman would be substantial. Besides, those large corporations and in dividuals making more than $50,000 who have been bene fiting from Reagan's social and tax policy must have saved something. They could contribute any additional Nebffskae Editorials do not necessarily express the opinions of the Daily Nebraskan's publishers, the NU Board of Regents, the University of Nebraska and its employees or the student body. USPS 144-080 Editor: Martha Murdock; Managing editor: Janice Pigaga; News editor: Kathy Stokebrand; Associate news editors: Patti Gallagher, Bob Glissmann; Editorial assistant: Pat Clark; Night news editor: Kate Kopischke; Assistant night news editor: Tom Hassing; Entertainment editor: Bob Crisler; Sports editor: Larry Sparks; Assistant sports editor: Cindy Gardner; Art director: Dave Luebke; Photography chief: D. Eric Kircher; Graphic de signer: John G. Goecke. Copy editors: Mary Ellen Behne, Leslie Kendrick, Sue MacDonald, Melinda Norris, Patty Pryor, Peggy Reichardt, Lori Siewert, Michiela Thuman, Tricia Waters, Rob Wilborn. Business manager: Anne Shank-Volk; Production manager: Kitty Policky; Advertising manager: Art K. Small; Assistant advertising manager: Jerry Scott. Publications Board chairperson: Margy McCleery, 472-2454. Professional adviser: Don Walton, 473-7301 . The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semes ters, except during vacation. Address: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Ne braska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Telephone: 472-2588. All material in the Daily Nebraskan is covered by copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68510. Annual subscription : $20, semester subscription: $11. "POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb.-, 68588." Register with A Computerized Listing of Seniors & Graduates Looking for your first full-time job? Now there is a new and unique way to do it. A new employment information service, Career Placement Registry, Inc., is available that will give you exposure to the personnel recruiters of the top 8,000 businesses, service organizations and industrial companies in the United States and 55 foreign countries, who now subscribe to DIALOG, the nation's foremost information retrieval service. No employment agencies are involved. No recruiting fees are charged. As an upcoming college graduate, you pay only $8 to be included in this new national database. CPR offers you exposure never before available you can be registered under any one ot over 400 occupational descriptions, from Accounting through Zoology. But only if you request and return your Data Entry form. The database is copyrighted, and use of the file as a mailing list is prohibited. It costs nothing to find out more about CPR. Just complete and return the coupon. For Faster Action: .... Call Toll-Free 1-800-368-3093 in Virginia (703)683-1085 Career Placement Registry. Inc. 302 Swann Avenue Alexandria. Virginia 22301 Send more informaeon on the Career Placement Registry plan. I understand there is no obligation 3 Name. Address. funds that would be necessary. Granted, it would take a 180-degree change in our foreign policy. Heretofore, we only have done such gen erous things for Communist countries with large armies -Russia, Poland, etc. - or for non-Communist countries with oppressive dictatorships. However, I think we can ad just. We're very flexible when it comes to giving money away. But the final question, as always in these discussions of worldly affairs, is will it work? Will it bail out the Reagan administration? Will people buy this as a bold new foreign policy initiative? As Dayton Allen used to say on the old Steve Allen comedy show, "Whyyyyy not?" It worked for Nixon. Whenever things got hot for him in domestic pol itics, he'd direct the spotlight on his important work in the Middle East of Russia or China. He wrote the book on staying in office when no one wants you there. But any president can do that if he correctly applies the important principle of reverse campaign policy. Ac cording to this principle, whatever sort of policy a presi dent has campaigned on and gotten elected on, he can violate. Lyndon Johnson, a peace candidate, could get away with waging one of the bloodiest wars in American his tory. Richard Nixon, a vehement anti-Communist, could get away with recognition of Communist China and de tente with the Russians. Would we have accepted Gold water waging such a war? Or Hubert Humphrey recog nizing Communist China? I doubt it. Can we accept Ronald Reagan's starring in The Buying Off of Marxist Insurgents? Well, we've accepted him in Reaganomics and The New Federalism. Is this really so much more to ask? Editorial policy Unsigned editorials represent the policy of the spring 1982 Daily Nebraskan but do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska, its employees or the NU Board of Regents. The Daily Nebraskan's publishers are the regents, who have established a publication board to supervise the daily production of the newspaper. According to policy set by the regents, the content of the UNL student newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students editors. x' , $ ,?& " , S'SS ? J Vf SsfW ' j i" VY"S' , ,SSS , S fp' S S '," ffW'A ''$ ;&i:::::::::::::y;::& t s9 v s s tSf t a S S V t t t fS SrSSs CELEBRATE PALM SUNDAY Ift! THE PARK April 4th - Antelope Park's Band Shell Pavilion - 30th & A Sponsored by: UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL Worship at 11:00a.m. Free picnic lunch Afternoon fun & games 1510 Que 477-3997 Regular 9:00 a.m. worship Service at the Chapel In case of rain or wet conditions, 1 1 :00 a.m. service will also be at the Chapel. Free shuttle service from Chapel to park begins at 9:30 a.m., come early. Return trips in the afternoon. '4 Don't miss our last Lenten drama tonight at 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. . StateZip . adbeflidl off Hflus gaurane Reinforce your college degree by getting a better start through Army ROTC's special Two-Year Program. . ,9 YOU CAM BE 1 1 m WIN WITH 1 I APPLY FOR A TWO-YEAR 'J HDIi i& JKSl m J2L schourship WfY MAKE LASTING. II MIND (3 fj FRIENDSHIPS IMPROVE YOUR p jfJL C0LLECT 1 DOPYH' :f iiiilr $5oo It includes six weeks of challenging summer training that's both tough, but rewarding. When you finish, you'll be in the best shape ever. And proud of itl Earn good money during your training, plus an additional $100 per month when you return to college as an Army ROTC Advanced Course student. Meet students like yourself from more than 275 college campuses all over the country making lasting friendships you'll never forget. 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