The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1982, Page page 5, Image 5
T Daily Nebraskan page 5 Wednesday, March 17, 1982 Goodman . . . Continued from Page 4 When internal rebellions occur, they are often short-lived. Bob Packwood criticized the president in frustration and apologized. Dave Stockman attacked his own policies . . . and denied it. In fact, most people who are planning to stay feel constrained by fears of dis loyalty and the fear of controversy. Sometimes even presidents can end up inhibited by their offices, officers and ambitions. Hut what a disastrous loss of freedom this is. In a remarkable speech, Eisenhower once warned Americans about the dangers Jagoda . . . Continued from Page 4 Do the techniques work? According to people who have tried them, they do. The positive results of tap ping the motivational force of the imagination are le gion. Garbage men who have become wealthy, ten nis players who have beaten their long-standing oppo nents, salesmen who have increased their sales beyond all projections - these are the success stories of moti vational techniques. I see these techniques and the philosophy of per sonal improvement as bene ficial. But the techniques are a mixed blessing. There is a distinctly materialistic emphasis to the approach. Personal worth and success of the military-industrial complex. 'The potential for the disastrous rise of misplac ed power exists 'and will persist," he said. But he said this in his farewell address. What if it had been his inaugural address? What if he had done something about it? As for Kickovcr, what if disarmament had been his policy and not his parting apology? As Marks discovered, a swan song often plays to an empty house. The poet Yeats once wrote, "We taste and feel and sec the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it." But it's easy to reason ourselves out of it. And too often, truth is just an exit line. (c) 1982, The Washington Post Company are defined in terms of mon ey and material possessions. Buying and spending is how you define your self worth. The problem is that all that making of money and spending of money contri butes to an inflation-ridden economy. The emphasis is on consumption and not saving. Charging more for your services contributes to the inflationary spiral that plagues the whole country. A hundred dollars in your pocket may improve your peace of mind. It may even improve your self-esteem enough to earn you more than your original $100. What bothers me is the materialistic means we use to define our worth. If we could only change that mode of definition, we could practice self-improvement without adding to our economic woes. Glue Place Standard 17thSQ 475-8619 Before You Make The Spring Break, Give Your Car A Break! Gas only 81 .19 a gallon Free Quart of Quaker State 10W40 Oil installed with fill up Limit one quart per customer With coupon good through March 19, 1982 We feature Quaker State Oil & Filters Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials repre sent the policy of the spring 1982 Daily Nebraskan but do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska, its employees or the NU Board of Re gents. The Daily Nebraskan 's publishers are the regents, who have established a pub lication board to supervise the daily production of the newspaper. According to policy set by the regents, the content of the UNL stu dent newpaper lies solely in the hands of its student editors. Lincoln professionals are quickly discovering that the Daily Nebraskan is 'the best advertising buy in Lincoln." v ..r.M-,;.: rm. iifiir.nwmiii.mnn. mMmmmmMMmMm John Tavlin of Nebraska DiamondNBC Center In the glut of media options for the 18-34 age bracket, there is one media buy that outperforms every other: The Daily Nebraskan. Says John Tavlin of Nebraska Diamond, "Our money is best spent with the Daily Nebraskan because it reaches our specific target market. " Although some people think we're just a college paper, Lin coln advertisers like John Tavlin will tell you their advertising gleans a variety of respondents. "We've advertised in the Yellow Pages and done some bill board advertising, but we have a limited budget, and we get the best response with the Daily Nebraskan. Dollar for dollar, the Daily Nebraskan may be the most effective media purchase you've ever made. Take it from John Tavlin: "We Ye very happy with the response we get from the Daily Nebraskan. " University of Nebraska-Lincoln nebraska union o room 34 o Ph. 472-2589 I I I