The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1982, Page page 12, Image 12
Wednesday, March 17, 1982 page 12 Daily Nebraskan FOUND: Electronic Calcu lator in parking lot across from stadium. Call to Men tify: 472-6608. LOST: Jean skirt Wednes day in 313 Mabel Lee. I need the Vali-Dine in the pocket I Call 472-0289. LOST and reportedly seen on campus March 11 and 12. Male HuskyShepherd, buff colored, tan nylon color, one blue eye. If you know present whereabouts, PLEASE call 475-3042. Found near Art Bldg. Cute lovable Malamute puppy. Claim at Humane Soc. Sweet 16-On the day of the green, T(squared) took off in her flying machine. Gosh, that was three years ago, remember? We've come a long way since then, kiddo. I just wanted to let you know you're the dearest and most precious best friend and roommate anyone could ever have. And I love you I Me P.S. When are you getting our p-license (ha-ha) P.P.S. Oh, happy 19th B-Day! Melanie (alias: Mellow Fool), This for you, babe. I'm so lucky we met. BUT THE THING OF IT IS, AT ANY RATE, is that last weekend was wonderful. I hope we have many more together. See you in a week ! Love, C as in Me P.S. Are you going to forget this? Silly Boy, I think I'll dispense with try ing to 'problem solve' for a short while, but I think we should bridge the communicat ion gap. Could we talk some time? You name time and place. Silly Girl Attn: Tarkio Club Members Scatology Summer Camp. Absorbed in your work? Spend a relaxitive time using our facilities along with our spacious commodations. Dancing cheek to cheek with that someone special fills your evenings under a full moon. Our fully loaded porcelain bus will glide you effortlessly down Hershey high way and its smooth sailing with our "Rear Admiral" at the helm. So weary travelers, drop your load and leave your troubles behind. You're in good hands. See the impersonator turning a trick with his new duds that look so slick Preppy clothes made Elvis sick But a plex party can cure him quick. Anonymous M OLD MAN For 33 your Awesome. We salute you for helping us win the "82" Intramural Water Polo Championship. "OVER THE HILL GANG" CONGRATULATIONS Jim J. DU "Gamma Phi man in the moon" I'm proud! R.G. AKSWEXTOPKEVNUSPUZM Brad? who was at Hedda Gabler 311: Enjoyed talking with you. Blonde in black shirt If interested, call 435-3151, ask for Maria Stan, I thank God for you who you are in my life. Janet C&l6$t6 Huh? What? Oh yeah . . . When? you know . . . 3631 Orchard? DON'T THINK Sol Thanks for a great weekend. Have a good Spring Break! Love, C. M.G. If all men had the suction power you do, the world wouldn't need vacuums. Redneck Jeff (Theta Chi) "Playboy" Nice Picture. But who said you could use my shorts? Lots of Lux. . (B. (oscullation exftrrt) Gamma Phi Wiffleballers: Thanks for an excellent season. Buckets, Gary, Dale, Brian, Don. P.S. You are Awesome. Gene (Acacia), Thank you for performing at Casino Night. We were going to send you a card, but we felt like a dog, and decided to do it in ze paper. The Lambda Chi's and Alpha Phi's would like to thank Mary Binger and the rest of her work ers at the Nebraska Union for going out of their way to make Casino Night a big success. To the Men of Delta Tau Delta We want to thank you for taking the 15 orphans roller skating last Thursday. They had a great time and we hope that you and your little sisters did, too. Can't wait until next time. Cedar Home Orphanage Kent and Eric (Sig Eps) Friday night was a real WAVE! Thanx for the RIDE! Sue and Beth Deb K. (AXiD): Despite the Ashtray, Pop corn, and Glass, I still had a great time. Thanks. J. iJMviAin ARlO IS IE LIE I LIS IE I 1 AlX 1 1 IS I iijliilBS Special Price on all 1982 Toyotas in Inventory Mid-City Toyota 1145 N. 48 464-0241 Rhonda S. Word travels fast . . . Heard you broke up. It's really about time. I'll be getting ahold of you T.P. Kurt (4234201) I need someone to share ex penses the 21st to Steamboat. Meet me in the Union at 11 a.m. on Friday 19. I'll be wearing a white sweater with red hearts. Meet by T.V.'s I don't have phone, so couldn't call. T., Are you psuched for a great time? I hope so, cause that's what we are going to have to day! Happy Birthday You are the greatest! Love ya, M. To the Love 3 mamas of the D.L.F. Club. Hope you get your jars filled over Spring Break. B.S'.F. Love, Deb Mysterious Bob: I really enjoyed your poetic ability. Here's a little for you. You're driving me to use profanity If I don't find out who you are I'm going to lost my sanity. You know where I live and you know who I am, please tell me a little more about yourself. I don't make a habit of meeting total strangers. Poppyface P.S. Tell B.S.O.A. to take off! Lisa H. Thanks for the weekend! Hope to spend many more with you. LH And Moses said to the astonish ed crowd: "Wow, boy does Theta Xi know how to throw a party!!" Le Monk Looking for two men with animalistic tendencies who are: in need of two fun-loving, wild, crazy, childish, carefree girls un able to handle any heavy re sponsibility who do drugs and alcohol in massive quantity , and still maintain a high average. This could lead to a cheap, sleazy, non-lasting relationship. RVP P.S. Dave H. Okay! You twisted my arm! SUE H. Thanks for being such a great model. Their sales should increase by 1000. Jim automotive judson J-ROD, WILL ATLANTA'S BIRTHRATE INCREASE AFTER THE 31st? factory trained foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 SUMMER JOBS $2,400 And Up Guaranteed For The Summer Aurora Holdrege Ogallala Albion Kearney O'Neill Auburn Lexington Scottsbluff Alliance Columbus Sidney Beatrice Chadron Stromsburg Blair Crete Superior Broken Bow Imperial Seward Fairbury McCook York Fremont Nebraska City Valentine Fullerton Norfolk Wahoo Fall City North Piatte Wayne Grand Island Lincoln West Point Hastings Kimball Large Midwest Corporation has opening for the summer in the following communities: Positions Available: Management Trainees, Marketing For more information come to interviews: Wednesday March-17 at The Lincoln Hilton 141 North 9th Street Riverside Room 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, or 7:00 p.m. Thursday March 18 at the City Union South Cellar Room 11:00 a.m. 1:00, 3:00, or 5:00 p.m. Interviews will last 20 minutes. Guppy- So you got lucky twice. Betcha it won't happen againl But you DID win, so my key and my body are yours for a day to do with as you may. (Gee I'm pretty lucky myselfll) Love ya too, JLS Doss, Congratulations on the twins and the grappling, See you on Friday night? Mira CATHY: Happy one-day-late-Birthday with Love! MEN OF UNL give CATHY A. a belated B-Day kiss and hug. Friends Always, STUD P.S. I missed deadline by 15 min. Dawn, Only 3 more days! P.S. (CALIF) I love you. Uh Huh KR- 40 out of 48 isn't bad-and I loved every minute of it. -Malibu R. Todd, I still love you, even if '14' is no "big deal". Jenny Doris, Sorry about shortsheeting your bed. It was all in fun. I nwp DaHHx Jeffrey Dear- Boauty of a picture, eh? But, hey, like my roommate like needs her shorts. Like so we can jog, eh? Good Day. in the way HAPPY BIRTHDAYI CONNIE P. P.S. Don't get too carried away tonight! Brother Milo, Congrats on your accom plishments and life. Period. Amen. Sister Mary KATHLEEN MARY ELIZA BETH K Happy St. Patrick's Day Birthday! Howard's Girlies JO, Glad you now can join mo in the legal scene. Now we can go out and play more often! Happy B Day on Saint P-Day! Love, Sher Dan's 181 TA's This ONE'S for YOU!!! Spectacular Job!! No. 47 Kelly Tom (My Hero!) Thanks for the picnic and support (moral) this weekend. Remember to bring the chains and I'll put up the mirrors. L. TKE's in Criminal Justice 9 10:15: We've noticed you guys in class and would like to meet you. Look for us in class, we'll be watching you. Two Brunettes Kathy, Janet and Kim Saturday night was groat. If your Amnesia clears up, give me a call or RVP. Greg WITNESSES: To the Wed nesday night arrest of two men in front of Sandy's bar, please call 474-0182. UNL WOMEN: I am conducting un in-depth study of campus sexual harass ment for a university publicat ion. Your comments, concerns, and experiences will be most helpful. Sources may be kept confidential upon request. Please call Kate, 474-2283 (afternoons). The Bunnies are Coming! The members ol Theta Xi Fraternity would like to ex press their deep thanks to our loving Little Sisters. Especially Cathy, Theresa, Nilene, and Mary Sue. We all love you a "whole lot" and our affection grows every time you visit. Thanks, Your Bros of Theta X Ml OWE Hours 12 12 7 M-F 5 Sat. Sound & Lighting HAVING A PARTY? PUTTING A BAND TOGETHER? Rent the Sound & Lighting from US! Check out our "Rent-to-Own" plan. SALES & REPAIR of guitar amps, PA, lighting and stereo equipment. 171-11)18 2324 "O" St. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Used-car-lot sign 5 Part of an iamb 10 Role for a grand seigneur 14 Sohopad 15 Take care of 16 With skill 17 Wool, in Venice 18 Kind of team or brush 19 Do a bar job 20 Recipe phrase 23 "Ich ," motto of Prince of Wales 24 "Norma " 25 Word with facto 27 Li'lgirl 30 Map feature 34 Civil rights gp. 35 " Roberts" 37 Wine-label word 38 Recipe phrase 41 Sinclair Lewis heroine 42 Former president of Harvard 43 Gold deposit 44 Please, on the Rhine 46 B'waysign 47 noire (bugbear) 48 Get on the wrong track 50 A Butler slept here 52 Recipe phrase 58 Disarrange 59 Memorable mime 60 Prefix for gram or dyne 62 Start a poker game 63 Encore, in plain English 64 Something to be hit on the head 65 Neisse joiner 66 Sluggo's friend, in comics 67 Kilmer's inspirer DOWN 1 "Time wounds heels" 2 TV offering 3 Moroccan territory 4 Has durability 5 "A ship is always referred to Nimitz 6 Delivers the goods again 7 Fiefdom 35 L-P filler peasant 36 Consume 8 Words after victuals ham or live 39 Freezers 9 Abstemious 40 Enjoyable 10 Occur 45 Hairdresser, 11 Navigation sometimes system 47 Bikini part 12 Catty remark 49 Noted leader of 13 Oneof thewar theHuguenots gods 51 Physiological 21 A.F.L. weakness 22 Components of 52 Transmit full houses 53 Tasso's patron 25 Early Britons 54 Hills, in 26 Factory Burma 28 Vincent d'Indy 55 Journey; composition passage: 29 Having poor Abbr. ecological 56 What an onion adaptability may produce 31 Skedaddle 57 One of the 32 Wear away "Great" ones 33 Air 58 Long March 34 Melville leader character 61 Ring cry in Tijuana i 2 p p 15 i p i 5 110 in 1 1 2 1 13 14 Ti : 7i" "" T7 IS Ti " 20 21 22 """" 23 24 " 26 rT 28 1 29 " ' 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 7T r 43 49 50 rr " I" 54 S5 56 57 I m 59 60 rr 62 63 65 66 67 M GMlvjfcLUI ULbU IIUU.