The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1982, Page page 11, Image 11
o Wednesday, March 17, 1982 Daily Nebraskan page 1 1 DEALINE FOR AUF Scho larship is Friday, March 19, Turn in to the CAP Officel Don't Forgot! Peace Corps film and Vol' unteers to speak with Inter national Relations Club 7:30 Thursday, Nebraska Union: Also United Campuses to Pre vent Nuclear War. Students for inn Wednesday, Life meet tho 17th at :uu in me union. GUEST SPEAKER: PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Please cornel Attention AZ members: Remomljer meeting at 6:30 Wednesday, mixer at 7:30. Dress Upl Applications for Innoconts Society Freshman scholarships and Outstanding Senior Awards are available at ASUN office and East Campus dean's of fice. All are due Friday, March 19. 2nd Annual Student Photog raphy Contest sponsored by UPC East Visual Arts - 8 X 10 limit on print, matted with name and title, $2 entry fee per item. Color and Black & White Divisions. Cash prizes and ribbons. Entries due at East CAP Office April 9. Pre-Physical Therapy Club! Wednesday, 8 p.m. in Union Scott Christ from St. E's physical therapy dept. will speak-Social event after. St. Patrick's Day Bake Sale Wednesday, March 17 East Union Lobby 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Lots to eat! Cake raffle, too. Sponsored by UNL 4-H. Your favorite TV person alities will be at "An Ethnic View of the Media" March 31, 6 p.m. at the Culture Center. Chicken dinner served. Tickets on sale at the Student Y, 117 Nebraska Union, $2. ECKANKAR, A WAY OF LIFE will be having an Intro ductory discussion on Inner Awareness, March 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. FREE TO THE PUBLIC. Aerobic Conditioning Classes Beginning after Spring Break March 29. Classes offered through UNL Health Center. Class Times Schedule: MWF 1230-13d-Colisoum MWF 230-330- Harpor MWF 5-6 -Abel TTh 1230-130-Selleck TTh 430-530 -East Campus Activities Building. For information, contact the UNL Health Center, Room 106, or call 472 2102 8 a.m. -5 p.m. daily. CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS Clinic for Cheerleading Tryouts start March 16, 17 and 18. Anyone interested should report to the Bob Devaney Sports Center Track Area at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions, contact Nancy Williams, cheerleading sponsor, at 2-2265. Laura Burklund, Jim Coufal, Mike Bingwell, The rese Finn, Tom Hupp, Brian Howard, Kent Landholn, Robert J. Mitchell, Mark Allen Schilmoeller, Tom Schumacher, Richard Vil lars: Your AMS member ship certificates, cards, and pins can be picked up at our March 17 Nomination of Officers meeting at 6:00 in the Union. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (' hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 Will do any form of typ ing, Experienced secretary. Reasonable rates, 435-5072. Will do typing. Professional Secretary, Highest Quality. Reasonable Rates. 474-0604. TYPING - Rapid, Reason able, Excellent copy from a new IBM self-correcting typewriter. I am on campus. Contact Mar garet evenings or weekends. 464-3437. WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 476-3414 'A Block South of Nebraska Bookstore FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483 2609. NEWGRADS SPECIAI Resumes written and typed $15. National Resume Systems. 483-2577. Auto Insurance Too High? Cancelled, Non-Renewed? Call 483-7602 Probe PROBE Magazine, bi annual production of the College of Business Admin isiratiun. is now taking ap plications for the 1982 83 staff. Applications for Asso ciate Managing Editor, Ad vertising Personnel, Writers, Circulation Manager and Business Manager, are now available in Room 240 of CBa. Deadline is March 19 and interviews will bt set up from there. Any questions, call Carl Sjulin at 474 2104. BUSINESS MAJORS... and management orient ed students, Administrative Management Society is seek ing Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors interest ed in becoming an officer of a young, high-potential business club with a Lin coln Senior Chapter. If in terested in gaining leader ship experience and business community contacts, come to the AMS Nomination of Officers meeting Wednes day, March 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the Union. NEED A ROCK? Engagement diamonds 25 above wholesale, rather than the normal 100 to 400. Ap pointments only, call evenings, 873-3596, Tom. NEED CREDIT? Get Visa-MasterCard. No Credit Check. Guaranteed! Free details: Creditline, Box 334 -AA, Rye, NW 03870. NOW OPEN BIGI ittle GROCERY CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" GUARANTEED r USED CAR PARTS JtntttMMf Hit jjrmH - - . 1 ( Vni! SAY IT'S X-fV C FOR A WHAT? ffjh gd AND YOU fT. BEST PRICES IN TOWN! IMPODV Bsft. asp. smsm 4945 N 56 STREET " UltMitorZl 5 blks. North of Superior on 56 466-8395 i v u u i i u - y rur1-0f GOING HOME FOR BREAK? If you're planning to drive home make sure your car is in top running condition to get you there. Oil, Lube & Filter only$16.95 We check over 20 items when we service your car . Tune Up only. $24.50 parts (V8 $1.00 extra.) Don't qet ticketed for an expired inspection sticker! We're an approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Station. LET US WORK ON YOUR CAR WHILE YOU'RE IN CLASS. WE PROVIDE SHUTTLE RIDES TO CAMPUS. 19th &P St. (201 N. 19th) 476-1710 Rider or Ridori needed to Davenport, Iowa leaving Friday. Coll 464 0087 - Phil. Two need a ride to Scotts bluff or Cheyenne Saturday after 5 p.m. 472 0712 or 423 7511. Ridori noeded to Scotts bluff. Share gas. Leave 3-19 af ternoon. 472-9484. Ride wanted to Houston, Texas anytime during Spring Break. 474-0795 (keep trying). Rider needed to Eastern SD, Brookings. Leave Friday afternoon, 472-8837. Need rido to Kearney Fri. p.m. Call Anne, at 435-2541 . Ride needed to Steamboat Springs over break. Leaving the 21st, will share expenses. Call Kurt 423-4201. Riders wanted to Denver or Rockies. Leave 322, Re turn 328. One or both ways. BMW wSki Rack. 2-1204 or 423-5056. Traveling to New Jersey? Drive our car. Over 21. 475-1338. TONITE 1 QgC2? GREEN BEER 25c 'tv V CABBAGE $1.90 & J? WlUAIl 1st 50 Ladies receives a FREE Carnation!!!! Entertainment by Jerry Honeycutt Party Rooms Available Free Parking Clayton House 10th & "0"St. 476-0333 ST. PAT'S DAY SPECIAL True Irish Shamrocks p l) 0 2Cp V IJ Green Carnations $1.00 only at DITTMER'S PLANTATION Lower Level Centrum Open 10:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. c. I at (GoMattlhien' MZ2Z2J The Godfather says "Make your own luck! featuring the . . . Wednesday, March 17 --s. 9-midnight (No Cover) a V St. Pat's Eat, Drink & Be Irish Party trtRTH I O M S Thursday, March 18 -John Rcke Linda Priess 9-midnight (No Cover) L Everybody's Irish when it comes to Drinkin . . . even the Godfather! 12th & "Q" 474-6000