Tuesday, March 16, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 5 Nebraskan Letter Nominee before opponent If I had read Matthew Millca's column, "Kerrey focuses on specific problems" (Daily Nebraskan, March 12) with little or no knowledge of the political process in Nebraska, I would have been left with a distorted view of the current state of affairs in Nebraska politics. I would have believed that Robert Kerrey is running for governor against Nebra ska's current governor, Charles Thone. Millea begins his column by saying we're going to have an interesting race for governor and in the next sentence describes Kerrey as an "unusual candidate." He continues by contrasting Kerrey and Thonc. In the penultimate paragraph, Millea specifically refers to Thonc as Kerrey's opponent. This is simply not true. Kerrey is a candidate for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. His opponent is Sen. George "Bill" Burrows, not Thone. Thone is an incumbent making a bid for the Republican nomination for governor. In order for Kerrey and Thone to be each other's opponents, they must win their respective primaries in May. As a farmer and a member of the Agriculture and Kn vironmental committees and the Revenue Committee in the Legislature, Burrows is better equipped to bring about effective solutions to the problems that Millea refers to (which dealt primarily with agriculture) than is business man Kerrey. Of course, the column did not say that Kerrey claimed to have solutions to the state's agricultural problems, only that he believed the government could be doing more to solve these problems. I believe a responsible newspaper, such as the Daily Ne braskan, should inform its readers of the political issues and help make the issues clear to them, not distort the issues as Millca's column did. Sara Dodder Graduate student Psychology Letter policy The Daily Nebraskan encourages brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available in the newspaper. Letters sent to the newspaper for publication be come the property of the Daily Nebraskan and can not be returned. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit and condense all letters submitted. . Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication, and requests to withhold names will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Submit all material to the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588. Editorials do not nocessarily express the opinions of the Daily Nohraskan's publishers, the NU Board of Regents, the University of Nebraska and its employees or the student body. 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Address: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Telephone: 472-2588. All material in the Daily Nebraskan is covered by copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68510. Annual subscription: $20, semester subscription: $11. "POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb., 68588." CARE HELP AND HOPE SINCE 1946 JEFF'S PIPE SHOP MUST LIQUIDATE ITS ENTIRE STOCK OF SMOKING ACCESSORIES IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS 231 NO. 11th St. Dayspring presents Can One Reasonably Believe In God? A seminar, featuring Dr. Gene Hardy, English Professor Chaplain Larry Doer, Commonplace Dr. Ward Hill, Ph.D., Sociology Wednesday, 2 p.m. Rostrum Nebraska Union THE IPPER 4 ' I ' i Marc Visit the Clipper barbershop for your hairstyling needs .-La Mary Doing what's right makes us the most popular shop in Lincoln. 124 North 12th 2 blocks south of campus Monday - Friday 8:00-5:30 Saturday 8:00-4:00 474-4455 d!?7T . 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