The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1982, Page Page 11, Image 11
Thursday, March 11,1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 Women golfers back at practice; coach optimistic for spring season Optimistic describes UNL Coach Jerry Fisher's outlook for this spring's women's golf team. "Last fall was the best round we've ever had," Fisher said. "And we've improv ed every season, so we anticipate more im provement this spring." The team, busy aU winter with weight training and conditioning, resumed their liitting practice in the Bob Devaney Sports Center this week. Fisher said the layoff from actual competition may give the Hus kers a slightly slower start going into their spring break "Get ready season" in Dallas, Texas, March 24 through 26. The spring break competition, hosted by North Texas State, will give Nebraska a chance to compete against teams from Texas, which Fisher said have some of the nation's best golfers. Fisher said competition at the Okla homa Invitational, March 29 through 31, will include the overall best teams on this spring's schedule. lie also said the Big Eight Tournament in Ames, Iowa, April 25 through 28, would be challenging for UNL's golfers. "Oklahoma State is one of the top teams in the country," he said. The Iluskers' lineup will include Jan Stanard, whom Fisher termed the best and most consistent golfer on the team, along with Robin Scherer and Cathy Nelson. Fisher said the remaining spots were a tossup. "We have a pretty competitive team." he said. The team's goal this season is to make it to nationals, Fisher said. The top 20 teams in the nation are automatically eligible for nationals. After the fall season, the Ilus kers were ranked 28th. "We've got a chance," he said. "We keep getting closer every year." XPERT OVi 1 CHOOL 1R4CHUTING KYENVE Claude Wilson USPfl Instructor day 477-7779 evening 477-5577 1st Jump Bring this ad Till may 16, 1982 Not valid with group Discount Intramurals Jan's Boys won the men's division of the indoor intramural track meet. The team scored 39 points. Delta Tau Delta was second with 36 and Selleck 8300 was third with 26. SS Foxes won the women's division with 63 points, followed by Alpha Omi cron Pi with 52 and Sandoz 5 with 26. Marty Daetwyler, Abel 12, and Joe Gillett, independent, both tied a national intramural record in the high jump with a leap of 6-8. Daetwyler was awarded first place because he had fewer misses at that height. Other men's results: Long Jump: 1 . Joe Gillett, independent, 21-9; 2. Dennis Pickard, Chi Phi, 21-3J4. 60 yard dash: 1. Paul Miles, Jan's Boys, :06.50; 2. Doug Stuart, Selleck 8300, :06.55. One-mile run: 1. Scott Ehlers, Cather 10, 4.35; 2. Mike Fcrtig, PEK, 4.39. 60-yard low hurdles: 1. Paul Schuster, Delta Tau Delta, :07.5; 2. Randy Harding, Bionic Buzzards, : 07 .5 1 . 440-yard dash: 1. Mike Gould, Harper 2, :52.94; 2. John Weiss, Selleck 8100, :53.11. 880-yard run: 1. Eugene Kottwitz, Harper 8, 2:05.47; 2. Gregg Voigt, Alpha Tau Omega, 2:04.44. 300-yard dash: 1. Doug Stuart, Selleck 8300, :33.39; 2. Matt Wallace, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, :33.44. Two-mile run: 1. William Mcrcheck, in dependent, 10:00.62; 2. Scott Dawson, Delta Tau Delta, 10:07.34. 880-yard relay: 1. Jan's Boys, 1:35.58; 2. Selleck 8300, 1:38.66. Women's results: Long jump: 1 . Paula Chace, Alpha Omi cron Pi, 154; 2. Michele Golden, Raymond 3,15-2. High jump: 1. Kristi Newcomb, Alpha Omicron Pi, 4-11; 2. Cathie Fitzgerald, Smith 3, 4-10. 60-yard dash: 1. Monica Cotton, SS Foxes, :07.39; 2. Anne Gerhard, Kappa Alpha Theta,:07.4. One-mile run: 1. Diane Hcimerl, inde pendent, 5:51 ; 2. Darla Partridge, indepen dent, 6:26. 60-yard hurdles: 1. Mary Sue Ruff, Sandoz 5, :09.75; 2. Cathy Bockhahn, Alpha Omicron Pi, : 10.40. 440-yard dash: 1. Kelly Valliere, inde pendent, 1:04.34; 2. Monica Cotton, SS Foxes, 1:07.17. 880-yard run: 1 . Mary Sue Ruff, Sandoz 5, 2:51.67; 2. Crystal Asniussen, AA's, 2:54.28. 300-yard dash: 1. Paula Chace, Alpha Omicron Pi, :40.36; 2. Kelly Valliere, independent, :41.44. Two-mile run: 1. Beth Berigan, SS Foxes, 18.43; 2. Darla Partridge, indepen dent, 18.59. 880-yard relay: 1. AA's, 2:05.22; 2. SS Foxes, 2:05.86. with Qeftown fibftfna fiDccirtCs fioi4 TWtr JllTffc 2500 $550 Jti 4 ('flip 1200 ',,,Pcfi $295 8tf2,l5,cPasscnqcA QAins Jmkhk Afoo Custom Q'ons LEASING. INC. 17th & N St. 477-7253 6 91 Mom MfllEB MOTS In Pastels and Whites In sizes to fit almost everyone Sale Ends March 15 mM.uATHE WAREHOUSE OF centers nzj r rrrzzz Open 7 Days A Week Mon.-Fri. 'til 8:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 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