The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1982, Page Page 16, Image 15
Page 16 Daily Nebraskan Thursday, February 18, 1982 Classified 4724761 To mv favorite, best, old est brother Anton, Thanka you very mucha for the valentine flower. (That'! Italian!) Baby Brat Luciano P.S. I won't wear my pink leg-warmers for a week. "Special - K" M., 99 of all UNL students are scared of the dark, 1 lays in a supply of celery and peanut butter, and have a roomie with a lethal ballet book! Can't wait til March. Your Body Guard, (No fluff jokes, please) Richelle (Schram 3), Haven't been able to reach you. I had a great time at Wahoo Friday nite. Give me a call sometime and we'll go out and have some fun. John C. 1 fciiliWI iWtli'iWllEI Important AUF Meeting in the Union - Everyone please attend. Room will be posted. Hear Jeff Kinny tell how Christ changed his life. 6 30 p.m. tonight at Wesley House. African Student Association general meeting. Sat. Feb. 20, 2 p.m. in City Union. All Africans welcome. Less than 24 hours until "THE RED HOUR" at Reno's. Don your partyin' pajamas! Friends of H.A. Phalpha and the C P.: Alpha Phalpha Phraternity announces the Third Annual more than a Little Sister Rush Party. Sat. Feb. 20 911 N. 30th St. Ladies, For an unforgettable date, call me today at 435-3812. Sameer Women: Do you eat an entire Sara Lee cheesecake (still frozen) and then plan to fast for three days out of guilt and fear of becoming whale-like? Or eat an entire bag of Fritos after a fight with a friend? You're not alone! Join the WRC support group on Eating Disorders to find ways out of the obsession with food. Tburs., Feb. 18 at 4 p.m. in the WRC. Scott, I hope to see you at the B Week Bash, Sunday, March 7. Pamela MAKE EXTRA TIME COUNT with UNL independent study. Call Molly Cunningham, Continuing Studies, 472-1392. T.V.: WHY DO WE WATCH IT? Television Awareness Train ing, tonight, 7:30 p.m.. Union Room posted, sponsored by UPC. UPC-City Arts presents an exhibition of original acrylic watercolor paintings by Tony Crowley. On display until March 7, main lounge, Union. Coming March 8th: Roast a Capitalist Swine Day Be REAL and face the S.A.D. facts. Students Are Dogs. All the best of Las Vegaj for only $2.50! Coming March 12. Sound & Lighting TvmlASI HAVING A PARTY? PUTTING A BAND TOGETHER? Rent the Sound & Lighting from US! Check out our "Rent-to-Own" plan. SALES & REPAIR of guitar amps, PA, Hours 12-7 m-f ''9ht,n9 an( stereo equipment. 12 5 Sat. 474-1918 2324 "O" St. Nina Kavenaugh Bruce Burnside Kay Hinn Jeff Goodard ASUN SENATORS FOR ENGINEERING COLLEGE for the REAL party. UPC - East Visual Arts Committee presents a display of original landscapes done in oil by artist Verna Hawkins. See it now until Feb. 24 in the East Union Loft area. Come to the 2nd annual Kappa Delta Chili Feed, Febru ary 21st at the Kappa Delta House. Buy your tickets in ad vance for $2.50 at the Union Wednesday and Thursday. Pro ceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Vote for REAL Teachers College Senators RHONDA GREDER CLAYTON REEVES REGINA ROGERS ANNE TIBBLES STEAMBOAT $160 March 20 - 24. Includes 3 lift tickets, lodging, transporta tion. For information, call 475 8208. HEY LADIES! How would you like to meet over 200 men from across the Midwest? Then come to the TKE Invitationa. Basketball Tournament Blow out. Saturday, Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. at the Cherry Hut. PARIS IN THE SPRING! French civilization study tour in Paris - May 9 - 30, 3 credits - taught in English: Contact Flights & Study Tours 472-3264 or Tom Carr, 1203 Oldfather for details. The All-University Beta Bas ketball Bash for the Blind will be February 26, 27, 28. To enter your team, call 135 3253. JOURNALISM SENATE The REAL Choice KRIS MULLEN CARI COHN GAY STUDENTS Social rap, 8:00 tonight, Andrews 228. Come out and join us! Marcia Kuecker Greg I bach Jay Jesske Dan Lienemann Jerry Stephens Mike Marsh REAL candidates for Agri culture Advisory Board. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS The next formal meeting of the College Republicans will be Thursday, February 18, at 7:30 p.m., in the Union. Nominations for next year's officers will be made, be ready to pay your dues (S3). Upcoming events to look forward to: CAMPUS CANVASS. Feb. 16 and 23 ELECTION OF OFFICERS, March 4 PHIL CRANE VISIT, March 8 STUDENT FIELDMAN SCHOOL. March 12 - 14 STATE YRCR CON VENTION, April 24 BE THERE! ALOHA! MIDWEST Congratulation! excellent new Corn Cob officers: Prei. - Chrii Mueller Vice Pres. - Bob Scharf Treasurer Barry Reeves Sec. - Denise Vosicky Best of Luck! The Ex-Officeri Midwest POOL TOURNAMENT $12,000 in Prizes W.C.'s 1228 "P" Street Every Thurs. at 9 p.m. Shop Gateway's FAMOUS LEMON DAYS Through Saturday LITTLE ROCK COUNTRY ROCK'N'ROLL This Thurs., Fri., Sat., THE GREEN FROG No Cover Non-smoking roommate to share apartment convenient to campus & downtown. $85 Y, utilities. 474-2460. Female Roommate. NON SMOKING. Very close to East Campus. 466 8051. To share house close to campus, off-street parking. 435 3176. Need independent female (20 - 25) March 1 for Two bedroom house. Cats welcome. $90 1j utilities. 476-2692. FEMALE Roommate to share trailer. $75month 13 utilities. 477-6834 after 4 p.m. Easygoing roommate needed to share four bedroom house by March 1. $75mo. Vi utili ties. Beautiful home, refinish ed oak woodwork, fireplace, newly insulated, fenced back yard, 10 minutes from cam pus. Waterbeds & pets wel come. Call 2-8019 after 5 p.m. irnrnmEr.Tj.nia NOW OPEN BIGlittle STORE CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" Street Classes starting week of Feb. 21st. mpuin EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 For information, call Collect to Omaha, .391 2333.. CS3 FRESH CHEWING TOBACCO CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" Street TYPING; special student rates; themes, dissertations; re visions; usually one-day service. Phone 476-2496. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests - Confidential, understanding help. 483-2609. Will do typing. Professional Secretary. Highest quality. Reas onable rates. 474-0604. Looking for unique enter tainment for your next dance? CALL "Al and the HiFi's" for music and fun you'll never forget. We offer music from the 50s to 80s, as well as dancing girls and various contests. "Hire entertainers - not ust a disc-jockey." 472-9645. Need transportation East? Drive our car, over 21. 475-1338 TYPING UNLIMITED - Re ports, Theses, Dissertations, Le gal, Miscellaneous - Competi tive Rates - 488-0223. Need a D.J. System For Your Next Dance? Call Bootlegger Sound & Light Systems For Great Dances At Low Prices. Call 435 8574. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE TTTP HlEjjlA It 5 i.i.AJL g P R j Y rl A I T I 0 1 W E IJ.I1 C0J. H P HI JllJU-lllJl nwl N N I N G SJTR E A K S f y P M "ION A I I lljio.1 Effs i TjfrjDj c l i A R 0 M XT' 17 o t TiI i JL.2..y. 8 i.1.0 JL N o th I N G A 0 TtlE I S Al Vj R 0 M E 0 H.-L1A1 H Hill " 11111 I SE RE, 31 11 -U ilia S T A 71 ACROSS 1 One of three squares 5 Gone with the trend 10 Daze 14 Wherein Hamlet sees a ghost 15 Liszt offering 16 River in Italy 17 These are sometimes nutty 19 "And I me down with a will": R.L.S. 20 Site of the Bishop Museum 21 Turns aside 23 What a gangster might be taken for 24 Zeniths 25 Hardy's returner 28 This is definitely nutty 31 Gobel'smate 32 Like Eastwood's "Harry" 33 Stepmother of Helle 34 Please a gourmand 35 Gov. Clements' state 36 Habeas corpus, e.g. 37 " Blue?": 1929 tune 38 Adjust the lens 39 Things present 40 Ship of songdom 42 Some winds 43 Like the good earth 3 Like bricks PROFESSIONAL TYPING 65 cents per page. $1,00 per chart. Call 489-8378 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Weekdays LOST: Pearl necklace on 16th Street approximately 5:30 p.m. Monday. Great sentimental value. Call for REWARD. 472 9971. Innlifttiiflnp MJIJUIVHIIUUa Bit UUH UVJUg accepted for the position of Advertising Manager for the 1982-83 academic year. It's mil iviki hut Vfin'll ii'iin ........ .,!;... cnce in organizing and over 15 persons. I his is an eleven month posi tion commensurate with University holidays, with one month ofTdurini! the summer. Adver. tising and Marketing encouraged to apply. A Helpful. Applicants should he lines for the Student ... - . v uu. J ' J t j IIIV Board of Regents, and copies will be made available at the Daily Nebraskan. Applications should be returned to the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34 Nebraska Union. Application dead line is Monday, February 22, at Noon. Inter views will he held during February. Nebrafckan CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA. 44 Symbol of rubicundity 45 Sam (card game) 47 Pecuniary resources 51 Six make an inning 52 Craving for candy, cake, etc. 54 Molding shape 55 Voila! 56 Lug 57 Fling 58 Pope St. : 166-75 59 Vehicle with runners DOWN 1 Jet speed unit 2 Dali's "Nostalgic 4 Confection flavoring 5 Trick 6 Shakespear ean hanger 7 Attire for Tallchief 8 Former London .Laborite 9 Sweets 10 Dog resembling a greyhound 11 Passed through pores 12 Dyne or erg 13 Auction gestures 18 Oil source 22 Unclear 24 Yugoslav coins 25 Like hillbilly speech 26 Where Crockett died 27 Tickles 28 Tangle of 1 2 3 4 I5 p p p p I ho In I12 1 1 3 u 75 Ti 77 18 79 20 22 23 I 24 ' 25 1 26 27 j TT" ; I a 29 30 31 32" 33 34 35 - 37 3! 39" 40 41 il 43 h- 1 L 45 146 TT" 1 1 1 - 4 48 49 50 51 52 53 """"" 54- 55 S6 57 73 . 59 LOST: A heart key chain with a brass "L" letter. Please call 423-1634. FOUND: One pair of brown gloves with leather backing. Call 474-0907, Ride needed to & from Houston or Austin during spring break. Share gas and driving. Call 477-8105. a nun liiinrf leading .1 department of fa majors are especially background in sales is familiar with the Guide Press :ilnntr,l h, flu. 29 Cordial flavoring 30 What Boswell kept 32 Wooden duck 35 Spars 36 Sets of open shelves 38 Authorization 39 Delicacy 41 Deductible items 42 Frame for drying cloth 44 Parisian's drink 45 Air pollutant 46 Literary Victor 47 Iambs, spondees, etc. 48 Nonchalant 49 Feminine suffix 50 Get rid of 53 The , British rock group Vi the last week of ('., Ft