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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1982)
Thursday, February 18, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Graduate student increase defies By Bill Allen UNL's graduate enrollment increased 5.6 percent dur ing the 1980-81 school year, despite a 1 percent decrease in graduate enrollment nationwide. Henry lloltzclaw, dean of graduate studies at UNL, said that because of Reagan's proposal to exclude gradu ates from the Guaranteed Student Loan Program, he is not sure the enrollment increase will continue. Excluding graduates from GSLs may even cause a de crease in enrollment in future years, lloltzclaw said. Figures show that Nebraska leads the Big Eight in graduate enrollment increases this year, lloltzclaw said. Only two other Big Eight schools had an increase in grad student enrollments. Missouri's increase was 2.2 percent, Oklahoma's 0.4 percent. Last year, 3,510 graduates were enrolled at UNL. This year, 3,700 enrolled. lloltzclaw gave several possible reasons for UNL's graduate enrollment increase. "Perhaps the job situation Ikis some bearing on it," he said. "But that doesn't explain the nationwide decrease. Possibly, it could be an increased visibility outside Nebra ska or the high quality of our graduate program." Most from in-state Currently, 74 percent of UNL's graduate students come from Nebraska. lloltzclaw said the majority of out state students are in departments such as science or math. For example, he said, less than 5 percent of the gradu ate students in the science department come from in-state. Teachers College has a much larger in-state percentage. Last year, the College of Business Administration had CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.50 minimum charge per day cn individual student and ruident organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An $8.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks re turned to the Daily Nebras kan and will be collected by Check Rite. Flute, Gemeinhardt 35LB. $450 - excellent condition. 476-7323. 1980 Monza. Just 7400 miles, auto., power -steering, brake, cassette FMAM ster eo. Like New. Call Phong 476 8561, 8:30 to 5 p.m. After six, 475-8548. TROMBONE - Super Olds Special Edition, $250. 12 -string Ovation with case, $475. Peavey Standard PA with 2 columns, 2 Shure mikes and accessories, $650. All in excel lent condition. 483-5959. Marshall guitar amp. 2 cab inets with covers. Excellent. 474-2786. Compact refrigerators for sale. 4.0 cu. ft. $62.40; 2 cu. ft. $41.60 (Tax incl.); Call 476 2501. Technics SL - 3300 turn table with Stanton 881 S car tridge. 466-5467. STEREO: Technics SA-203 receiver. SL-D202 turntable. AR -28 speakers TEACCX-310 Deck. 477-9750. 035X3ffl One and three bedroom apartments between downtown and east campuses. 466-0928. Give the gift of love. American Heart 'Association Classified 472-1761 Brown Palace is the "in" place to live, man. Dig, Brown Palace boasts indoor plumbing, indoor pool (table), indoor tennis (table) and indoor hear ty meals. And like our prices are time warped in the 50's. No squares. Dig it! 476-2583. Close to campus, 4 bed room. Clean, newly papered. $275. 475-6669. Buckingham Square Extra-large 2-bedroom, 2 bathroom apartments. Very close to campus. Heat paid. Call 477-3889. Two bedroom house, 1619 North 28th. Carpet, shower. $215 utilities. 464-2128, 435-4051 . GRAB A PARTNER Two can live for the price of one. Brand new 6-plex, .large deluxe two bedroom apartments. Carpet, drapes, ap pliances, AC, within 5 blocks of campus. $290$305 per month. Super energy efficient. Available now and May 1. Labella Enterprises 474-4551 Help for middle income familycouple. 2 Bedroom apartment. Rent as low as $186. Family must have a monthly income of at least $500, yearly not to exceed $13,800 - 3 people, $15,550. 3 minutes north of city cam pus. 475-6144. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 COUNTY SHIRE Very spacious 1 bedroom, fully carpeted, heat paid, swim ming pool and clubhouse. 464-0741 One bedroom apartment $225. all utilities paid, no pets. 3050 "Ft" Street. 464 0384.488 6130. Spacious 1 - bedroom apt, close to campus. Carpeted, all appliances. Heat paid. Call 477 3889. Nice clean 2 - bedroom house. Convenient to campus. Available immediately. Call 477-3889. the highest enrollment of graduate students. The Teachers College had the second highest enrollment and the Depart ment of Agronomy had the third highest. A three-year-old tuition remission program has also helped increase graduate enrollment, lloltzclaw said. In the program's first year, any graduate with at least three former assistantships could remit - or not pay tuition for - three credit hours a semester. Last year, that figure went to six hours. This year, graduates can remit up to nine credit hours each semester. Like a free ride lloltzclaw said this, in effect, is a free-ride because the average graduate student carries only nine hours. Next year the hours remitted will increase to 12, but this will be the final increase, Holtzclaw said. This pro gram is a real factor in attracting top quality students to Nebraska, lloltzclaw said. Holtzclaw gave some incentive for pursuing higher degrees. "Generally, the salaries are higher for people with graduate degrees, Holtzclaw said. "Also the ranges of positions are higher and more easily obtainable." But in fields such as business and engineering, the in centive for higher degrees might not be as great, Holtz claw said, because high-paying jobs are available in those fields immediately after graduation with only a bachelor's degree. About 900 UNL students help finance their educations through teaching or research assistantships. Of the 3,700 grad students, about 960 receive GSLs. With Reagan's proposals, graduate students would be eliminated from the GSL program. East Campus: 2 Bedroom duplex available. $215 gas and light. No Pets. 483-6024. 1425 Idylwild. Economical, nice, one-bedroom. Heat paid. All appliances, pool. Available immediately. 475-0445. Three 3-bedroom apart ments. One furnished, south Lincoln, shower, air, laun dry. No Pets. One fireplace. $275 -$350 plus utilities. Two 1 -bedroom apartments. Air, shower, laundry. No Pets. $150 $165 plus elec tric. LEE SIMMONS 475-1865 Buying class rings, sterling and gold jewelry, rings, dia monds, coins. MILLER'S ANTIQUES 2719 N. 48th St. 464-2128 Want to sell your for mal? Call 489-3100 or 464 1141. ATTENTION Female Softbailers: Need two pitchers for fast pitch summer city league. Call Gary at 471-1510 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Solicitors wanted! $9.00 to $50.00 a day. Call Mr. Gard ner after 6:00 p.m.. at 443 4833. OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500 $1,200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NE-1, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. Summer jobs. National Park Co's. 21 Park, 5,000 openings. Complete information $5. Park Report. Mission Mtn. Co., 651 2nd Ave. W.N.. Kalispell, MT 59901. SUMMER VACATION JOB OPPORTUNITY Share your knowledge of Nebraska with visitors to our state by becoming a Nebraska Vacation Guide. -Challenging -Fun Good Learning Experience For more information call Cindy Kaliff, Department of Economic Development, Travel and Tourism Division, 402-471-3798. The Easter Seal Society is looking for exceptional peo ple to work during the summer at their residential camp out side of Milford, NE. DATES: June 21st through August 7th. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Arts 'N' Crafts, Music, Physical Edu cation, Nature, and Swimming. To apply, call 476-8593, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. If you're serious and sin cere about working with peo ple, especially kids, Lincoln YMCA Camp Kitaki has a job for you I Contact the Camp Office at 475-9622 for an application or for more in formation. Part-time now, $350month. Full-time summer $800month. Must be 18, have car, be sports minded. Leave name and num ber, 483-6047. West Bend Pro ducts. MAKE A DIFFERENCE -Be a Health Aide. Call 472 2102, Ext. 234 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for more informa tion. CRUISE SHIPS - Summer Jobs. Information & Applica tion. $5 to Employment Re search Services, P.O. Box 2553, Carbondale, IL62901. Renee, You're "charming" in your "function" as Math counselor. Figure this: f(x) x ys D RVP Where: X U YS Young Smithling D Dinner or some other Diversion. RVP ? OD IE-JOE Thank you for the Val entine's personal that never made the DN. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for being patient and caring. Thank you for trying to make us work, in every way possible. Thank you for being you. I'll always love you. Your-Summer-Nanook Josephine P.S. I hope Johnny's is worth it Saturday night! Kris- Your Valentine's "gift" means just as much to me as I know it does to you. I want all of U.N.L. to know I'm in love with the most precious lady on campus. Looking forward to taking you home with me! Love ya, Scott P S. Hi Sydney! Dewey (Theta), Happy (Hated Birthday! Love. Your two little sis's national trend lloltzclaw said this concerns him because it could mean as much as a 25 percent decrease in graduate enrollment. Like everything else, Holtzclaw said, the troubled econ omy has affected graduate programs. "It is a point of real concern," he said. "It's offset to some extent by the increase in funds from outside grants." Higher outside grants The total of UNL's outside grants for graduate programs has been higher this year than last, Holtzclaw said. At the same time, federal grants have been reduced. Some of the outside grants come from the National Sci ence Foundation, other foundations and a few private sources. But some areas have a more difficult time receiving these outside grants, Holtzclaw said. The humanities and social sciences are two such areas, he said. Holtzclaw is also concerned with how the suffering economy will affect the graduate teaching staff. Eighty percent of the graduate budget goes to personnel, for in structors and assistants, Holtzclaw said. He is concerned there will be a loss of staff if salaries increase at other in stitutions but not at UNL. The tight economy also is affecting the number of graduate student programs that can be offered, Holtzclaw said. "Over the last 10 years we have decreased the number of degree programs to increase the money for those we have," Holtzclaw said. "We have a pretty constant number now." He said UNL has 27 doctoral degree and 57 masters degree programs. To the cute guy in the green army pants in the front of Selleck around 5 p.m. on Tues day - Your smile and friendly hello made our day. -The Blonde and The Brunette admirers SAE's and Little Sisters: Looking forward to all the great times being a little sister. Lynn Cather 906 Had a great time Saturday Nite. Was it mutual? Paranoid Larry L., A redhead?! Oh Lar, You're such a tool. What was wrong with Nanc ... I mean "Melanie Haber"? I understand that 3 days of Oregano makes you feel , . . wet! Oh, so wet! So please come home before all this dry ice melts. AS! Tod B. Lefty's 25. Now settle dam Down, Dool Fer the story of yer life, 'bout the time you went ahuntin' Fer a Pacman and his wife. We heard you stole the magazines an' went to Kansas City. Drove the tank over road signs and now it's not so pretty. You're hooked on them high lighters (but yer cuttin' down, it's true) Sure hope that wild Colorado Ain't so tough on OLE DOPEY YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Loretta and Them Bab'es Welcome to Alpha Delta Pi:KandiC. Kellie L. MonikaG. Carolyn O. Lisa P. Debesta, Now that you're 20 stop popping your gum, punk ing to Go Go's vegging (study ing). Instead, you can drink, (legally)! Take Off, you Mexican American! The Floor Favorites 61260. Thanks Sweetie for the won derful Valentine's Day weekend. I LOVE YOU! 8758 SCOTT, VIC, RANDY. GREG. JIM (ATO): We had a great time play ing volleyball with you. We make a super team. Susan, Jane and Paula (KD) Donna H. How's Hubie doing in Wich ita? JF PJS. We should meet some time for a brew. RVP. ARROWMEN, You're the best Valentines ever! Mark, thanks for the can dy and Pat, thanks '. for the flowers. Love, Your 90 Pi Phi Sweethearts Kelly V. (Acacia Little Sister) Tonight we meet. Be pre pared, anything could happen. Your Big Brother Essman: It's about time! Now Lin coln girls won't have to go to street dances in Malcolm to get a bullet and a grit II! Be. mellow tonight, tomorrow is the real thing. Happy Birth day! McB P.S. When do we start training I miss that coun try road! Kim H. (Acacia Lil Sis) Again, thanks for the brown ies. Be ready for Thursday as I think you're going to be surprised to find out who I am. Until then, be good and keep making those brownies! Bro LOOK! Now taking applications for Female live-in companion. Must like farm life in North-central Nebraska. Send photo and res ume to KENT E. K., 4634 Baldwin, Apt. No. 6, or apply in person, no phone calls please. P.S. Looks are not important AHOYI Schramm 5 is anxiously awaiting the official initiation of the DELTA GAMMA MINI-SORORITY Congrats to Shipmates: Leslie W. Brigid S. Kim Y. The trio will be "shoving off" soon. B.B. DEBBIE, Congrats on your engage ment. Love, Sarah and Diane Gaye & Proud, 99 of all UNL students are duds (ley) and normal. 1 is bizarre You!! Am looking forward to moving out of "the Closet" with you. Roomie No. 3 Runt, Thanks for six months of fun. Bumblebee P.S. Yes, I would, but would you? Patisha H. (J406C) This prior restraint is kil ling me. Watch out for libel ous actions. Interested. WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE