The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1982, Page Page 12, Image 12
Page 12 Daily Nebraskan Monday, February 8, 1982 Classified 472-1761 I On the Road Againl Karan Williams talks about Zambia, Africa, Tuesday at 12:30 in 117 NE Union. Sponsored by Women's Resource Center and Student Y. Singing Valentines dolivered anywhere on campus on Sun day, Feb. 14. Order one for your sweetie today in City Union. Sponsored by those crazed theatre folk. Time is rapidly ending. Feb. 11 is the last day to pick up Innocents Society applications. UNL Guys, Need a hot Valentine's date? Then call Natashia at 472 8504 1 GIVING BLOOD IS SHARING LIFE Community Blood Mobile at Wesley House 640 North 16th Thursday, Feb. 11, 11 a.m. 4 p.m. The All-University Beta Basketball Bash for the Blind will be February 26, 27, 28. To enter your team call 435-3253. mm MAW , w.a 5 couple IE. IPeaiPs 321 S?ff ST LINCOLN. H 746551 INTERESTED STUDENTS Student Court positions open for 82-83 academic year. For additional information come to 115 Nebraska Union, SKI STEAMBOATI See Wednesday's paper or call 303-879-6686 collect. Sigma Alpha Mu Little Sister Rush will be held Feb. 16 & 18 at 8:30 p.m. Don't miss the chance to become a Sammy Little Sisterl If interested, please call Jim at 435-6592, Denise at 472-0618, or Judy at 435-1113. UNL RUGBY IS BACK Last season - posted a 13-2 record. - Husker Clas sic Tournament Champions. Come join a winning tradi- tion! at 5 dium come Practice begins Feb. 9 p.m. beneath the sta New members are wel- Attention All Students For better representa tion, all ASUN Senators now have office hours. Come into the ASUN office and make an appointment with your Senator to voice your concerns. 115 Nebraska Union. BIG RED HOME PARTIES The newest party in town. Call for details. The Big Red Shop, 1201 "Q" Street. 475 8642. Ag Econ Club meeting 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, Filley Hall 215. Pizza after wards. Parking Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, Feb. 9, 3:00 p.m. NE Union - City Campus. "MARKETING CLUB Election of officers Tues day, Feb. 9 at 3:30, CBA 120. All members please be there. New members welcome. AOPi Singing Valentines for arthritis. Send one to someone special. CAREERS IN PUBLISHING The Director of the Rad cliffe Publishing Course, a six week graduate program in book and magazine publishing at Harvard University will be on the Omaha campus of the University of Nebraska Wed nesday, Feb. 10. A general' meeting will be held at 4:00 in the State Room, 3rd floor, Milo Bail Student Center to discuss career opportunities in publishing. For individual ap pointments, call Miriam Davis, 554-2333. SUPPORT THE ARTS! The University Program Council is holding interviews for a student interested in working with the performing arts. Responsibilities will be as a student chairperson on UPC's Cultural Affairs Com mittee. You can gain valuable experience with planning, pub licizing, and working with the Kimball Performing Arts Series. For more information, call 472-2454 or contact the CAP office in the Nebraska Un ion, Room 200. Application deadline Feb. 12. Spring by The Feb. 11, saladalley, um. Fashion Previews Limited, Thursday, 7 p.m. at Souper Lower Level Atri- Check out the American Film Classics' Film Series. Look for ad in today's DIM. Dance to "Shilo" at Coun try Cupids Choice, Feb. 11 -East Union. Surprise your sweetheart on February 13. Buy yourself a chance to win a ROMANTIC RENDEZVOUS. Tickets on sale in the Union Monday through Wednesday. Details at the booth. Need a D.J. System For Your Next Dance? Call Bootlegger Sound & Light Systems For Great Dances At Low Prices. Call 435 8574. Auto Insurance Too High? Cancelled, Non-Renewed? Call 483-7602 GRADUATING SENIORS: Get professional help with your resume. Hundreds of sat isfied customers. Evening ap pointments available. COSTELLO & ASSOCIATES 475-9777 TYPING UNLIMITED - Re ports, Theses, Dissertations, Legal, Miscellaneous Compet itive Rates -488-0223. Will do typing. Professional Secretary. Highest quality. Reasonable rates. 474-0604. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE M J lT IT 0 I L ill U H ..! Jp p 1 Tjs a u c e R E P R 0 "vTr SI jo N T A P LViO A N II IS O R 71 1 'I s c oTn ms y m jp a t h TVi c 0 0 tTitTe p e ens 0 0 j 0 1 orf Elf. . NJ U E T 0 liM0r E R llXII jil L nwE E jOL E S SITm 0 S E A 1 s"fo 1 of, 'ic a p. p r-i S T A TjDlIA I R 0 fi Q MiE M (J M B of J jU M B 0 "fT C t R iLli.Litiili.iL l2iLl.i. GlElNlE Umadrf-S TIE LOTS OF LIGHTERS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" Street Typing, Professional, reas onable rates, near main cam pus. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. AVIS SIEBERT, 477-5997. For All Your Typing Needs Fast-Accurate-Reasonable 477-4679 BIRTHRIGHT offers you a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477 8021. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term paoers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour OS hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 North 11th 477-8938 ASUN Deadline: Feb. 10, 1982 for all candidates, referen dums & surveys. Rules, Forms, & other materials available in 115 Nebraska Union on Jan. 18th. Section I, No. 6. Regulations of the Electoral Commission "Any complaints specifically concerning these rules must be filed by Feb. 10, 1982 no later than 4 pm. Any complaints filed after this date shall be untimely and may not be accepted." ACROSS 1 Pear variety 5 Tarkenton or Allison 9 Roman statesman 13 Adored one 14 Crazy 15 Baseball statistic 16 Minerals or mountains 18 Stiller's sometime partner 19 Fictional little devil 21 Steinbeck's of Eden" 22 Annoy 23 "Eureka!" 26 Alkaline solution 27 Period 28 "Too Late Phalarope": Paton 31 Alpertor Shriner 33 This may give you a charge 35 Bartholomew Gosnold's discovery: 1602 39 Dissipate, as vapor 40 Emulate Cordero 41 Former N African title 42 " was going to St. Ives ..." 43 Cribbagecard 46 Headed 47 Greek letter 48 O.T. personage 50 Styron best seller 56 Lave 57 Tending to delay GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons by a qual ified professional. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 03isMBin3ii!B VALENTINES DAY 20 SALE Until Feb. 14 Shop for Artistic Gifts ART SHOP SHELDON MEMORIAL ART GALLERY 12th & R INVITATIONAL NEBRASKA CRAFTS EXHIBITION Feb. 9 - Mar. 28 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 59 Student of Lee 11 Political 37 Allegro : Strasberg conservative Mus. dir. 60 Neighbor of 12 Anglo-Saxon 38 Course in U.S. Afghanistan money of 43 Delicious drink 61 Anglo-Saxon account 44 Nearby slave 15 Clasp 45 Churl 62 What to show 17 Fast breaker 47 Ancient an intruder 20 Temptress Spartan 63 Ointment 23 Moslem magistrate 64 Exercise the chieftain: 1872- 49 Partisan mind, in a way 1933 50 Riveiinthe nnuM 24 Cast Pine Tree UUWIN 25 Fine clothes State 1 Offer 27 Whitney 51 Harbachor 2 Repute 28 Grofe's "On Klemperer 3 Alone the " 52 The Emerald 4 Nearby 29 Vast number Isle 5 Unsubstantial 30 Over 53 Evening, in 6 Turn 32 Group under a Roma 7 Maple genus It. col. 54 Dative, for one SLikea 33 The Lord gave 55 Sicilian resort busybody her a coat of 56 Word with egg 9 Stair noise skin: Gen. 3:21 or apple 10 Graceful, 34 Son of Odin 58 Scatter for spirited horse 36 Brier's cousin drying 1 2 3 4 JTi i p p I 9 110 111 112 13 14 5 16 T7" Te 75 -5- 21 22 23 124 125 26 27 28 129 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 137 133 39 40 41 "" 42 43 144 45 46 47 48 4" " 50 51 52 153 54 Iss 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 NOW OPEN BIGlittle GROCERY CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. Ride needed to Iowa City or Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or vicinity Feb. 13. Call 474 6989. Need drivers for cars to New Jersey and Dallas, over 21. Call 475-1338. qsed annul) FOUND: Check written by Sheila Loisel. 435-1660. LOST: T1-55 calculator, Rm 113N BRACE, Wednesday, Jan. 27. Call 472-8848. Aw J