The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 28, 1982, Page Page 11, Image 11
Thursday, January 28, 1982 Daily Nebraskan Page 1 1 Boring teachers: Like waking up for sleeping pill i aim: in on The cafeteria in the student union, (the ,ilaee where the truly important issues of college life are discussed). Two students sit at a table amidst books, papers and food. JOHN: Well how's the day, Sam my man? I'LTLU: I think you're going to want to call me Larry today. JOHN: Why? PLTLR: Well you know how you always call me Sam when you think I'm acting like a man? And Larry when I'm not? JOHN: Right. PLTLR: Well, I just cut my history and methods 3. Chuck Jagoda class again. JOHN: Larry! Why? PLTLR: Going to this course is like waking up to take your sleeping pill. And this is the only section there is of the course. First, 1 couldn't even get into it. I had to rearrange my whole schedule to get in. And then the teacher turns out to be the worst instructor who ever bored wallpaper off a wall. JOHN: Is he the only one who teaches it? PLTLR: (Nods head.) And only once every two years! JOHN: Well, you could wait two years until it's taught again and hope for a better teacher. PLTLR: No way. I got to get out of here and get to work now. Do you know what the hiring situation is today? Do you know what the interview situation is today? I went to sign up for a job interview at the place ment center this morning- instead of fighting the battle of slumber city in class. The appointment sheet was all filled up! Seven-thirty in the morning is too late! Plus, if they find out that you're not the major that was called for- if you're a psychology major and they asked for marketing majors? They cross your name off the appoint ment list. JOHN: Well, cutting history and methods isn't going to help you get a job or an interview, Larry. PLTLR: Oh, you're cruel. But what am I going to do? I gotta take this course. JOHN: What else is so terrible? PLTLR: Well, only that he mumbles, he smokes in class - JOHN: Is there a NO SMOKING sign in the room? PLTLR: He parks right under it when he smokes. JOHN: Oh. PLTLR: And he has this bad philosophy of "I'm okay and you're an rdoit" towards students. JOHN: So drop the course. $12,000 IN PRIZES MIDWEST POOL TOURNAMENT EVERY THURSDAY NITE 9:00 PM W.C.'s 1228 P niF FledeqmauS A I M. Opt ra I hiatrt prtst nts Johann Strauss's (ala Orxrttta Sunn in Knghsh I t bruar 3.3 & i at 8pm IYbruan 7 ai 3pm Kimball Box ( MTu-f (U-. Mon-Fri) II ? Music BIdV.. llth & R Streets Phone rdt ts: 472-337.) KimhallHallllth&R t nirfm erf VbnrJu linroln HQS) PLTLR: I can't. I need it to graduate. JOHN: Well, can't you find anything interesting in his class? PLTLR: What's to be interested in? He never raises his voice above a monotone. Never shows any enthusiasm about the course. JOHN: That is serious. If he doesn't get interested in it, how arc you supposed to? PLTLR: Lxactamundo. (Pause.) Plus, when he does explain anything, it's all so confusing and irrelevant that who could care about it anyway? I tell you if it keeps up, I not going to be able to stay awake through enough classes to pass. I may have to buy the book to find out what's going on! JOHN: That could help (Pause.) Look. This guy's boring, okay. And he plays I'm the hero and you're the zero. But you need him. The way it's going now, you sound like you won't last the semester. You've got to find value in him. he's got something you need. You can't graduate with out taking his course. Now you've got to translate that into a way to involve yourself in the class. PLTLR: Yeah, and then after that I'll give up junk food and learn to love Reaganomics. Hey, I'm not trying for sainthood here, just a passing grade. I don't have time to transcend the whole world of earthly attachments right now. JOHN: Well, there's only one thing to do. PETLR: Shoot him and hope they replace him with a live specimen? JOHN: Only as a last resort, but I like the spirit kid. Keep that. Look, if he's got no enthusiasm, you've got to supply it. PLTLR: Me! JOHN: You got to dig. PLTLR: Dig, as in understand? JOHN: Dig, as in spade work. PLTLR: Could I please have some words to hang these images on? JOHN: You have to go and figure out how and what he gets excited by. He's in a field that he's spent years studying. He did his Ph.D. thesis in something. Has he got one? PETER: I le's got a Ph.D. and publishes. JOHN: Alright! (HOME AT LAST, LAWDY, HOME AT LAST.) Find out what he writes about. Nobody's so dead upstairs that he doesn't have a pet point, some train of thought, insight or basic assumption that heshe is dying to explain to some curious soul. Be the thirsty vessel that he can pour his knowledge into- find a way to ask him for the pearls he came to give - ask him, probe him. PETER: (Looks thoughtfully at his books.) JOHN: Remember grasshopper, there are no stupid questions or stagnant learning situations if we will but evoke our curiosity. PETER: Hmmm JOHN: Think of it as beaming around inner space until you can find the dimension this guy comes alive on lie must have chosen topics to research that interest him or maybe he's found some new area that excites him. Ask him what it is. PLTLR: What about the irrelevant stuff? JOHN: It may appear irrelevant to you but it's not to him. Find out how and what it relates to for him. PLTLR: How? JOHN: Ask him. (Pause.) Everybody's got a reason to get up in the morning. PLTLR: You know-. I guess the guy does have an ac tive intelligent mind. Just cause I've never seen any evi dence of it-. Maybe if I can catch on to how it works, I'll find that some of his principles are useful to me. JOHN: Now you're talking, Sam. Help Prevent Birth Defects The Nation's Number One Child Health Problem. Support the March of Dimes MM BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATtONHMHi THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLISHER So says the; THE BORN by Art Sansom mmS CAN RKBYt OUT WIERT TOATMEKT FORMlY 3 I I MWE A. 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