The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 20, 1982, Page page 2, Image 2

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Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, January 20, 1982
Anytime, Anywhere
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Kwik Shop considers changing plans
By Leslie Kcndrick
Kwik Shop representatives plan to make a formal
announcement about Jan. 25 concerning the convenience
store to be built on R Street across from UNL's Admini
stration Building.
David Cleaves, real estate manager for the Kwik Shop
central office in Hutchinson, Kan., said Kwik Shop is con
sidering alternatives discussed in a Jan. 1 1 meeting with
UNL officials.
Ray Coffey, business manager fot the UNL Depart
ment of Business and Finance, said Richard Wood, UNL
general counsel, and John Gocbel, UNL interim vice
chancellor for Business and Finance, had discussed univer
sity concerns about a gas station being built in that area.
Coffey said the university showed Kwik Shop repre
sentatives the previous and current plans for development
of R Street.
Past plans included shutting off part of R street,
Coffey said, where the Westbrook Music Building and
Kimball Recital Hall are now located. Future plans forR
Street include closing R Street to 16th Street and building
malls, circular driveways and parking areas.
"We expressed the hope that they might find a better
location," Coffey said. "My impression was that they felt
there may be a better merchandizing location."
In addition, Kwik Shop representatives discussed the
concerns of its future neighbors, the Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity and St. Mark's on the Campus church. The
fraternity and church are located adjacent to Kwik Shop's
land on R Street.
Cleaves said the fraternity is concerned about the light
ing of the store and possible litter around the area. The
lighting of the store will comply with Lincoln regulations
and every effort will be made to shield the light from the
fraternity, Cleaves said.
St. Mark's was concerned about the esthetics of the
convenience store, Cleaves said. Kwik Shop plans to build
a brick building, he said.
Coffey said the meeting with the Kwik Shop repre
sentatives was a cordial one. He said Cleaves wascoopera
tive and indicated a willingness to establish the store with
out causing undue concern on the campus.
The Daily Nebraskan was incorrectly informed
that a Graduate College ASUN Senate position was
deleted. Jennifer Fager, electoral commission direct
or said the position was removed from the College
of Arts and Sciences.
The story was in the Jan. 19 Daily Nebraskan.
Dclian-Union Literary Society is sponsoring a short
story contest. For information contact Clark Gustin at
476-1406 or Peggy Jimenez at 472-8720.
The Rodeo Club will have a meeting tonight at 7 in the
East Union. Room number will be posted.
Evening figure-drawing classes start tonight at 7 in
Richards Hall 206. There will be 10 sessions for about
The UNL Amateur Radio Club will meet Thursday at
4:30 p.m. in Bancroft Hall 312. Anyone is welcome.
The Office of Campus Activities and Programs is spon
soring a workshop titled "Liability, Insurance and Student
Responsibilities in Organization Activities" Thursday,
from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in the Nebraska Union.
The Christian Science Organization will have a meeting
Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Room number
will be posted.
The first program of PotPourri, sponsored by the
YWCA's New Directions Center, is today. The weekly pro
gram is from noon to 1 p.m. and a 50 cent fee is charged
for each session. The programs will be at the YWCA at
1432 N St.
The title of the first program is "Choosing a day care
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