The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 18, 1982, Page page 7, Image 7
Monday, January 18, 1982 Daily Nebraskan page 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it Is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUM ED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday thru Friday). An $8.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks re turned to the Daily Nebras kan and will be collected by Check Rite. Compact refrigerators for sale. 4.0 Cu Ft. $62.40. 2.0 Cu Ft. $41.60 (Tax Incl.) Call 476-2501. FOR SALE: Fender Strato caster, excellent condition. 472 9G82. Surplus jeeps, cars and trucks available. Many sell for under $200. Call 312-742-1143, Ext. 3004 for information on how to purchase. Marantz Stereo Amplifier, Model 1060 Console. Call af ter 6 p.m. 423-5740. Men's size 13M hiking boots. Almost new. Call 476-0573 after 6 p.m. 035 QUE) LPD Notice of Unclaim ed Bicycles & miscellaneous items. January 23 at 10 a.m. at 410 West "?" Street. Fender stratocaster and twin reverb amp. $1100 or best offer. Call 435-1129, ask for Russ. Splitken Micabase X-coun-try skies. 215 mm 205 .mm; boots, bindings, poles, car rack, carrying cases. Used twice. $225 for package. Also Sanyo 20 watt receiver 1!4 years old. Great starter receiver. $75. Call 464-6421 between 5 - 7 p.m. weekdays. Used text books for Math 106 and Chemistry 109. Good price. Call Dennis 466-0643. Is there life after cancer? Very nice one-bedroom apt. Close to both campuses. Large enough for two roommates. Heat paid, dishwasher, off street parking, pool. 475-0445 Beautiful one-bedroom apt. Living & dining room. Shower, bookcases, balcony. Heat paid, $190month. 423-8472. Partially furnished, 5 blocks to City Campus, 4 bedrooms. $275. 475-6669. Help for middle income fam ilycouple. 2 bedroom apart ment. Rent as low as $186. Family must have a monthly income of at least $500, yearly not to exceed $13,800 - 3 people $15,550. 3 minutes north of city campus. 475-6144 One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 Three bedroom townhouse. 1 Vi bathrooms, 3 minutes north of city campus. $318 monthly leaie. 475-6144. Three bedroom, carpeting throughout, appliances, large fenced yard, double garage. 29th & "J". $325. 475-6669. Newer 2 bedroom, dish washer, central air. Close to campus. $215month. Call 474 6932 after 5:30 p.m. RENTAL Rent small room refriger ators, televisions, stereos, desks, dressers, chests, living room furniture, washers and dryers, bunk beds. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" Street 474-3444 GRAB A PARTNER Two can live for the price of one, brand new 6-plex, large deluxe two bedroom apartments, carpet, drapes, ap pliances, AC, 5 blocks from campus, $290 per month. 474-4551 MUST SUBLEASE apartment-Large, 2 bedroom, dish washer, 1Vi baths, 2 stories, $300month electricity. 466 3412. FRENCH QUARTER Roomy 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in East Campus area; modern complex, laun dry, off-street parking. No chil dren or pets. $245-$275. 4645 Dudley. 4644751. COUNTY SHIRE Large, one bedroom apt., fully carpeted, heat paid, swim ming pool, 10 min. from campus. Available immediately 464-0741 Two Apartments 1530 Washington and 1924 South 17th Both three bedrooms furnished or unfurnished parking, laundry $275 utilities Nice older 4-bedroom house natural woodwork, carpeted, new kitchen 1437 South 14th $340 Simmons Investments 475-1865 CRUISES, RESORTS, SAILING EXPEDITIONS! Needed: Sports Instructors, Office, Counselors. Europe, Car rlbean, Worldwide? Summer, Career. Send $8.95 for APPLI CATION, OPENINGS. GUIDE to CRUISEWORLD, 168, Box 60129 Sacramento, CA 95860. 7 p. V-:,, VS sins z cz Sii 'i i tn iiViPii,'3irfih 3 Thousands of prizes and every card can win! Just rub off three spots on the pizza. If the numbers match, you can win His 'n Hers Dodge Omni Misers, vaca tions, RCA videocassette recorders, Atari video computer systems, Panasonic Teenyvision TV sets, small pizzas or medium Cokes. You can't win without a card, so come to Godfather's Pizza and get yours today! Open daily at 1 lam for lunch, Sunday at 4pm Godfather's Pizza. SOUTH 4Sth & Hwy 2 - 483hI129 NORTH 48th & Vln - 4664264 DOWNTOWN 12th & "Q" - 474-6000 epcfairs ia the Glass Mssageri No purchaw necessary Mu t 16 or okVr to play Game end Februaiy 2&h, 1962 or whn suppkej art hu.d at participating "Godfather Ptan" Restaurants Void where prohftttcd by law SUMMER VACATION JOB OPPORTUNITY Share your knowlee of Nebraska with visitors to our state by becoming a Nebraska Vacation Guide. -Challenging! -Funl -Good Learning Experience I For more information, call Cindy Kaliff, Department of Economic Development, Travel and Tourism Division, 402-471-3798. Need part-time salesperson with experience. Must be de pendable, some heavy lifting involved. Contact Tim. Classic Wood Furniture 1325 "O" Street Kimmy Sue, Looks like the semester has gotten off to a cra?y start, let's keep it going! Thanks for being such a great friend and roomie. A.L. Cather Redhead, Let's get physical!!!! 1 1 -Pound Redhead Matthew John G. Feliz Cumpleanos! I love you. Grandma's Metsa Karen (D.G.) Thanks for luch. Thursday's on me? Next Steve Julie, Here's your personal you wanted. I'm glad came to the "U" - let's some crazy times, O.K.? MATH TUTOR WANTED $6.50 per hour. Call 435-1015. that you have Ann Elma, Kisses on your face ny hon for your birthday. Love, The Girls To short haired blonde at reception desk of Financial Aid A word of encouragement: You are the most helpful, considerate, caring person I've met in UNL administration. Keep up the good work! -Just a Nice Guy G.G.: Happy 19th Birthday lit tle boy I Only one more year until you're legal. Go out and break the law tonight. Come drink one with me, too! Just Me Join our SINGLES GROUP. If interested, call Diane at 464-0516 To the cute blonde in C.S. 450: Saw you cheering at the game Saturday. How about programming together sometime.? D.S. I love you now and always! C.H. sin 1947 Eat in or Carry Out 475-1246 UHCOtH.- YOU ALREADY KNOW WE HAVE THE BEST PIZZA & HOAGIES IN TOWN, BUT DID YOU REALIZE WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES TOO. SHOP AND COMPARE! 25' OFF 50' OFF S1 .00 OFF 12 A Hoagie A Largo Hoagio Any Largo or Anv Medium Pizza (OFFER GOOD THROUGH JAN. 31, 1982) 1 START YOUR SEMESTER OFF WITH A PRESENT FROM WALL-BANKERS You may take a one-time 30-day trial membership in Racquetball for only $7.50 or full Fitness Center for only $17.50 and receive $5.00 credit towards any extended membership taken out during your trial membership period. Just call Wallbankers at 475-3386 or stop in at 330 West "P" Street. During the 30 days following registration either of the above memberships provide full access to the following: Court Reservation Privileges Coed Steam Room III Universal Weight Machine Coed Sauna Pro Shop Lessons Skylite Whirlpool FREE Towel Service Leagues FREE Keyed Lockers Discounted Rates on Non-Prime Court Time 5 months of extended student membership started between January 1st and inuary 31st, 1982 is only $30.00 for Racquetball and $82.50 for Fitness Center. lAa!l-Oankers Racquetball Club & Fitness Center 475-3386 330 West P Street i Yl, W(Y v Jc iff V . 1-r