Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, January 12, 1982 Costly pool repairs result in 'indefinite' closing of pool By Bill Allen The pool in the UNL Coliseum is closed indefinitely due to mechancial problems, according to the sign posted at the en trance to the pool. The word "indefinitely" may as well be "forever," according to the persons involv ed in keeping the pool open. Harley Schrader, director of the physical plant, said the pool is closed now because maintenance and repair of it is too costly. "We could not justify spending that kind of money on it. It is not used for any academic purposes or planned student use, and we have higher priorities for the ex penditures,"' Schrader said. "The main function of the university is lor academic purposes and it (the coliseum pool) wasn't doinu tiiat," he said. I he top. ins to the pool would he quite cosilv. Sdiiadet said. I Ik- vvalet filtc: is hr ke; , 'I1?' heatim.' vsU-: has 'ailed at'd I he !,;;vs hi the pool aie lull of hoi; "'! u-uld ov UMMind vlJKH) prU !. pi; t the pi 1 I back m service Sc!i' adn said. ! k saul !hete i also a j.-ood ch.tiive that ouhei things could go wron;' with tin pool. I he m; pool was onh open to: open swimming from 11 a.m. to J p.m. on weekdays. Schrader said the piimary useis of it were a limited number of faculty members. However, Kenda Scheele, assist ant coordinator of university intramtirals foresees a more dramatic effort from the closing. She said it will cut down the number of open pool hours the intramural department can offer students. "We have several intramural events scheduled in the coliseum pool," she said. These include inncrtube water polo, regular water polo, and water basketball. "With the pool closing we will have to reschedule these events to the Mabel Lcc pool, during open pool hours," Scheele said. The Mabel Ixc Hall pool now bar open hours from d:.H) to u p.m. Monday through Friday and from I to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Scheele, who said one of her dut ies is to coordinate coliseum projects, said the lecieation depaitmeiit is looking into the possibility of opening the pool on Sat urday to help offset the leiluced open le.uis n- ! hci ha1.1, ''uel. v the ch 'sini' is that lb lev i e j i 1 1 -!i d'.. p.u tmcnt w iil not have a . ! !.-. oflVr ( u'Umu Ml v -i ela'i'd i;roiips. if"; s :! the v i liseimi pool have ;i .1 ,:si 'cciu i. .! leivnt Iv . Scluader said ciosiue :t lias hern undci discussion for at least thiee veais. I he administrators in charge of it ueie considering closing it toi eiicigv conseivation purposes, but finally decided it would remain in use until the costs of maintenance and repair on it be came too excessive. jf ""u-v A . -f - v-v . ' 4 ' ' I f ' '4 - , . ' 't ' - - . v ' , ' -s 4 ' '0 ' ' ' -s i. . yiv. .. A ...... A H.ntmt Hi i ' f ? il A 'I I m.i ri i iiii Photo by D. Eric Kirchnr Qirrie Fried land was just one of the thousands of students who made the difficult trek to and from class Monday, although with temperatures below zero, skipping class must have been a tempting thought. I .IIIIMI .1)1 j. i i. j , ' "VkiUri fkw lor(, fmt Tino" TfT- v.ift "ie. ' c Eat in or i - . J w . . Back-to-School Special - t iOur NEW HOT PASTRAMI HOAGIE 5 ! Whole Reg. $2.95 NOW S2.50(l i Half Reg. $1.65 NOW S1. 40 J W One Coupon Per Order 4 0 (Offer Good Through Jan. 24, 1982) csimTraysiT 3 csen coiifi roi G3B03EEB 'ntjKsiiilsrjfflHHB lOTOQlfiCfJIB Lttl GO Cl ou c IS SO) )IV0 Oi Going to u And nothing That's why we do everyth We work with professors to keep the cost of tex often suggesting comparable alternate Even more importantly, we visit the nation that's why you'll find more used textbooks on our she In fact, we sell more used textbooks than new ones - and that m Used&New Tfextbooks onl i i 1 1 1 i . i u 1 1 1 a 1 1 u i ii AMERICAN Cards VISA9 A full refund or exchange will be given if: 1. You present your cash register receipt. 2. The textbook is returned within TWO weeks of school opening (by January 23, 1982). 3. The textbook is not damaged.