The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1982, Image 12
T Classified 4724761 ES5ESZiS5352E5S COUNTY SHIRE Large, one bedroom apt., fully carpeted, heat paid, swim ming pool, 10 min. from campus. Available immediately 464-0741 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE FULLY CARPETED HEAT PAID 464-0741 House for rent. Three bed rooms north of university. $300 deposit utilities. No pets. Call Betty Hoff 489-9730 or Century 21 Atlas Real Estate 4674641. Help for middle income fam ilycouple. 2 bedroom apart ment. Rent as low as $186. Family must have a monthly income of at least $500, yearly not to exceed $13,800 - 3 poople $15,550. 3 minutes north of city campus. 4756144 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Nice 1 & 2 bedroom apart ments. Heat paid, all appli antes, laundry facilities, off street parking. 477 3889. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 GRAB A PARTNER Two can live for the price of one, brand new 6 plex, large deluxe two bedroom apart ments, carpet, drapes, applian ces, AC, 5 blocks from campus, $280 per month. 474-45b1 Threi; bedroom townhouse. 1 Vi bathrooms, 3 minutes north of city campus. $318 monthly lease. 4 75-6144 1429 C STREET Spacious 1 bedroom apart ment. Fully carpeted, off street parking. $205month plus utilities. CALL JOSEPH E. KE AIM CO. 474-1666 CHowanaac Lvfytf Do you yearn tor homemade cookies? Send this ad to someone who wishes they had time to remember you each month! Pure natural ingredients. Twelve tasty huge 5" cookies 2 2 12 lbs. Different cookie each month. Three month subscription, $29.95 postpaid. The Great Cookie Caper; Box 477 L; York, NE 68467 TAKING A LIT. CLASS? 3 9 1 We sell or Street Level of TOO FAT? OUT OF SH l 2? Join Our DANCERSIZE C .mSS HURRY! Starts JANUARY 12 at 6, 7, and 8 p.m. Combines the exercise of aerobics with the fun of dance. 6-WK. SESSION ONLY $12 For More Information Call 474-6444 SWEEP LEFT HEALTH CLUB 815 O' Street Under the Viaduct 21st & "P" Street Students only, 5 room fur nished apartment, suitable for 2, No pets or children. $225 month, utilities paid. 466-1818. mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kristin: The weekend was great ! in Omaha Love ya, Pat Paul, yppaH yadhtriB ot eno cifirret yug! uoY evah edam eht tsal wef skeew nuf, gniticxe dna laiceps. I epoh ent semit daeha og tsuj sa Mew! Love, Ann SOUND SYSTEMS Quality sound and light ing systems for your party, dance, or wedding. Dates avail able: Saturday, January 16 Friday, January 22 Saturday, January 23 Friday, January 29 Saturday, January 30 Saturday, February 13 Call Tim, 476-9898, or Jerry, 476-9246 for more in formation. Mary: Here's another personal for you. Tell Doug not to be jeal ous. The Unknown Big Spender Join our SINGLES GROUP If interested, call Diane at 464 0516. Joni, Remember - Texas road trip, Eagles. literally ALL NIGHT LONG, friend at Holmes, I can't afford this call, but . , Learning to waterski ... are there really alligators' cockroaches, Fools Gold, "A stop sign, officer?" coffee at (HOP, and good bye. Welcome back, you've been missed I'm glad we didn't lose to Tahoe! you to LSU. Here's K. frromccncfru loir Used paperbacks for 50 of cover Page ne trade used paperbacks Gunny's 13th & "Q" Welcome back B-Week Com mittee heads and B Week Com mittees. Located downstairs in CBA is the B-week bulletin board for your information. Please check it. Get excited, B-Week is coming, and it's going to be the best ever! Nancy and Brent Corn Cobs, Important meeting today at regular time. All new members and actives must attend to register for our initiation ban quet. -Greg T.A.M. you at Stooqes. back to THE OFFICE. Please CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT Spring semester orientation for those who plan to utilize career planning services this semester. Attend on the fol lowing meetings: Tuesday, 112, Wednesday, 113, or Thurs day, 114 - 3:30 p.m. in the Rostrum in the Nebraska Un ion. We will cover on-campus interviews, resumes, interview preparation, and general orien tation to career planning fa cilities. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests - confidential, understanding help. 477-8021 . Have you always wanted to learn how to fly7 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Lincoln Aviation Institute is now offering introductory flights for only $10. Find out for yourself how easy it is ust ask for Scott at 477 4232, 4 - 10 p.m. this week only. flGHTlIireBE) Desperately need female roommate. Call Becci 475-1927 (after 5:301,474-2300 (8-5). Male or female for base ment bedroom. College View Area directly on bus line private bath - $100mo. 13 utilities. 4884976. Roommate to share apart mcnt close to campus. 585 half utilities. 474-2460. Male non-smoking room mate needed to share modern apartment north of campus. $100 13 utilities. 476-7244. Roommates needed: Split rent in nice 4 bedroom home. Two females. Owned by par ents. 542 South 26th, 477 1034. House to share in south Lincoln, on bus line, for ma ture student(s). MF or couple $115. Call Kirby, 476-8131 after 4 p.m. Need female roommate for beautiful 3 bedroom house near city campus. $78 util ities. 475-0230 after 6 p.m Male roommate needed to share modern, attractively fur nished 3 bedroom house. Quiei neighborhood. $150mo. flat rate. CVI 483-4961 after 6 p.m Share 2 bedroom apt. -East Campus. Prefer non-smok ing om ile, late 20's. 464 9702, 406 7351. AXSWEJ TO PWYXXJS PUZZLE Tp BO ONE oiyis;E's 0il i' H 0:U;'GIL iA'SlS Fj I G UiRQA E 'StOlf S P E EiC it lU C T A rn II peek: h7? 8.tiSlTiHjE ."; iEiSFiTiO.:ElJTiETE iEiTi'sriN r n QiMioioLipTiw" tTh! Kj i:liO!w:jTiTlHiru!sI"" 1 rEiGiG ipTTlJiiTotu.w; Non-smoking female room mate wanted to share two bedroom apartment. 435-2469. Wanted: 1 or 2 students MF to share large 6-bedroom house with four male stu dents. 3 baths, 2 kitchens, washer & dryer. $100 plus share of utilities. Near 17th and "A". Call 475-7417, Ask for Gary. Mature individual for large house. Close to both cam puses, stores, and several bus lines. Private, quiet with washer, dryer. 464-9343 after 6. TRACY: Union Square's tacos are great! Meet me for lunch to try them. Tom MARVA: Meet me for a Coke at the Union Square. ART TERI: Meet me for a taco salad at the Union Square. JERRY Kay: Let's get together for some nachos at the Union Square. Allan GLEN: See you after class for some fries at the Union Square. PAULETTE Going to Texas? Drive some one else's car, over 21 . 475 1338. 1 3 ACROSS 1 David is one 5 Legumes 9 Chicago nine 13 Bluedye 14 Emulate Goose Gossage 15 Premed subject 16 Nick and Nora's pooch 17 Muse of lyric poetry 18 In (in its original position) 19 Major baseball league 21 Soaked flax 23 American cartoonist 24 Player like George Brett 25 Their ancient land is now NWIran 28 Pertaining to bishops 33 Sacred books of the ancient Zoroastnan religion 35 Coll. of selected poems 36 Alfonso XI II 's queen 37 Donation 38 Form of lotto 40 New York nine 41 Ending for Bronx or Brooklyn 42 Female horse 43 Historic island in the Nile 45 St. Louis nine 48 Goose genus 49 Wavy, in heraldry 50 Punctilious person 52 Symphony section 55 World Series champs: I9n Conoratulations Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi-tied for beauti ful hair sorority for the month of December. Gamma Phi Alpha Phi Cindy M. Kathy L. Kerry D. Lynn D. hair and beauti Thanks for your Pam S. Penny P. Melanie P. Lisa G. Beautiful ful women. support. Welcome back. Warren Cline Hair Emporium Centrum Chemistry Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday the 13th - 131 Hamilton. Dr. Gross will speak on mass spectroscopy. All undergraduates welcome. Re freshments. ATO Little Sister Rush starts next week. More info. - see sorority and dorm signups. ATO Little Sisters: Import ant meeting Wednesday. Be there - 6:15. Everybody benefits from a cooperative effort - buy and sell your books at the ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE. Classes now forming in Country Swing, 2-Step, Social, Ballroom and Aerobic Dance. 15 off with student I.D. THE DANCE EMPORIUM 488-4581 PADRE ISLAND SPRING BREAK PADRE ISLAND ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE 9 to 3 in the North & South Cellars of the UNION. LOGO CONTEST: Sponsored by the UPC-Arts Committee. Win $25. Details in Room 200, N.U. Use the laws of supply and demand buy and sell your books at the ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 5 Utticenote 60 McKinley's birthplace, in Ohio 62 Player on Montreal's team 63 Name of three baseball brothers 64 Accustom or n it 10 J mciuuiauic Danish American writer 66 Try out 67 Knight's wife 68 City or river in Maine DOWN 1 Actor James fromN.Y.C. 2 Handle, to Hadrian 3 Glove for Rick Cerone 4 Least adorned 5 Player on Pittsburgh's team 6 Latin abbr. 7 Perform 8 Bowa, Burleson or Dent 9 Cuba's leading baseball fan 10 Inning, for one 11 Lessen or lower 12 Ornamental nail 14 Sows' homes 20 Hops kiln 22 Apiece 24 What carolers do 25 Legerdemain 26 Broadway hit musical 27 Postpone 29 Jury 30 Pares 1 2 3 4 I 15 0 7 p I 19 110 111 1 1 2 T3 fu" "15 75 Tr T5 Tsi 20 TT" 22 23 24 I 1 25 26 77" """" 28 29 30 31 I32 33 iT 35 3! 37 - 41 ""IT " IT" IT 5 iT 47 "45 49 " iT 52 I" M w" I57 IV 59""" "" """ so" ei" " " 73" " M 65 66 67 "j CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT Spring semester orientation for those who plan to utilize career planning services this semester. Attend one of the following meetings: Tues. 112, Wed. 113 or Thurs. 114-3:30 p.m, in the Rostrum in the Ne. Union. We will cover on-campus interviews, resumes, interview preparation, and general orienta tion to career planning facilities. A current UNL i.d. is requir ed of everyone to use all recreat ion facilities during open recreation hours. Recreation supervisors have been instructed to strickly enforce this policy. Dorm keys, validine cards, etc. . . will not be accepted. Facultystaff must present facultystaff i.d. card when using recreation facilities. Children of students or facultystaff (high school age and younger) must be accom panied and directly supervised by parent (s). No one will be admitted without proper i.d. Additional Class Sections Spring Semester 7656 Tennis 1 TR 11-12:15 7633 Bowling 1 TR 11-12:15 7613 Weight Training 1 TR 14:00-15:15 Social Dance 1 TR 15:30-16:45 (Call 472-3882 to reserve a space in dance class.) All levels of Aerobic Swim MWF 7:30-8:20 HURRY! The deadline to sign up for the Padre Island Spring Break trip is Friday Jan. 15. Sign up at the East Campus CAP Office, or for questions call 472-1780. Remember that New Year's resolution? Join the Aerobic conditioning classes sponsored through the Uni versity Health Center. 472 2102. 31 Pilasters 32 Beam used by engineers 34 Deserted 39 Dies 40 Loners' opposites 42 Kind of skirt 44 Greet 46 Spot for a bench warmer 47 Baseball, e.g. 51 What some fast balls do 52 Amo.amas, 53 Strikeout 54 Otis of the Kansas City Royals 55 Succulent fruit 56 Corn lily 57 DeMillefilm 58 Adjective for a .250 hitter 61 One million giets;s je;n?i!c4itUs