monday, december 7, 1981
djii nebraskan
Complaints not understood
This letter results from reading the arti
cle entitled "Regent not sympathetic to
band's bowl complaints." (Lincoln Journal
Dec. 1) In this article, NU Regent lid ward
Schwart.kopf made some statements that
arc cause for some concern.
First, his suggestion that the band learn
the "show " before leaving for Miami. This
statement indicates that he is oblivious to
weather conditions and the effect of these
conditions on learning. Tor starters, the
yard-lines, (he major learning aid (even the
football team utilized them), arc often in
visible. Dealing with the playing aspect of
a halftime show, band members do not
"will" their instruments to play. Cold and
wcl weather pose many problems, ami a
combination of both makes playing nearly
impossible. Because playing and marching
are equally important, learning one with
out the other, is of no real benefit. There
fore, given the present weather conditions,
the band would still have to learn their
"show" in Miami.
As for the yell squad, their routines do
not come to them by divine intervention
just before the game. They must practice
very hard to insure correct execution and
Bowl allocation examined
The Orange Bowl has allotted $600,000
to UNL to help defray expenses. If the ath
letic department gets, let's say, 75 percent
of that amount, and takes at least 150 peo
ple on the trip, that comes to, at the most,
$3,000 per person. It is actually less than
that when transportation of all their equip
ment is figured in. That's fair, not overly
generous amount to provide for the team
and coaches; after all, they are the reason
Nebraska is going, and they'll be the center
of attention whil: they're there.
If the band is allotted 17.5 percent, or
$105,000, and they take 290 people, that's
$360.83 per person aminiscule amount
for the group who will be just a little less
visible (because of less time on the field)
on national television than the football
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: to the editor
perfect synchronization of all their drills.
In addition to all this hard work, both or
ganizations are expected to produce per
formances of the highest caliber because
they are no less visible than the football
team in representing this university, liven
if the shows could be learned before the
trip, this high performance level would be
difficult to achieve because a condition of
physical exhaustion through extended tra
vel and intensive practice does not lend it
self to the making of exciting and enter
taining shows.
Perhaps this indicates the regents under
stand the requirements of a successful
halftime as well as band members under
stand whether or not regents can take 50
friends to the bowl game. The rest of
Schwartzkopf's remarks are clearly as ac
curate as his comments on successful func
tioning of the band.
Incidentally, I feel it is important to say
the band is grateful to go to Miami. The
fact that we are taking buses is an incon
venience we will live with. We arc unhappy
because we feel so many get too little,
while so few get so much.
Jeanncttc Russell
Senior, Life Sciences
If only 7.5 percent of the money was
left for the NU Board of Regents and ad
ministrative personnel, and 20 of them
made the trip, eacli person would receive
$2,250 to sit in the stadium and watch the
It seems reasonable that the available
money would be allocated in relationship
to relative contribution to the image of
UNL at the Orange Bowl. Since the re
gents are receiving more than six times
more subsidy, per person, than the band is,
may we assume that their presence in Mi
ami is somehow six times more significant
than the band's?
Beth Conger
Junior, Arts & Sciences
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