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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1981)
If r monday, december 7, 1981 daily nebraskan page 3 Speaker says people responsible for health By Jeff Goodwin The responsibility for health care has shifted from the government to the in dividual, said the keynote speaker at the second annual Holistic Health Day Sunday sponsored by the YWCA. Ian Newman, professor of health education at UNL, said people must be respon sible for their own health. "Our health problems are caused by ourselves," he said. "Look at the leading causes of death - heart disease, cancer and strokes. These aren't contagious diseases. The prevention of them lies in individual care." Newman said three com ponents are necessary for people to manage their own health, the first being know ledge. "We have to have know ledge, accurate knowledge, about the health problems facing us," he said. The two additional skills needed are the ability to say "no" and the ability to say "yes." "We seem to live in a society of excesses," New man said. "A lot of our health problems come from excesses. We have to develop the ability to go to a cocktail party and say 'no' when someone offers us that one last drink. "We have to think ahead if we want to do something about our health," Newman said. People also need to say "yes" when offered the chance to improve their iiiJ stuff Information about sum mer 182 internships in the physical sciences, life sci ences, environmental sci ence, computer science and science writing at Argonne National Laboratory is avail able from the Coordinator for Experiential Education, Application deadline is E'eb. 1,1982. Exit interviews for Dec ember graduates who have had National Direct Student Loans will be in the Nebra ska Union Dec. 10 at noon, Dec. 11 at 10 a.m., Dec. 14 at 7 pjn. and Dec. 15 at 3 p.m. For details contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids 472-2030. The Peace Corps is spon soring the film "The Tough est Job You'll Ever Love," Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Ne braska Union. Admission is free. Everyone is invited to attend. The UNL Wildlife Club will have elections and a wild game feed, Wednesday at 6:30 in the University Lutheran Chapel, 16th and Q streets. Don't let your type become a rare one. Donate Blood. n American Red Cross health, he said. "Our health problems to day are conditioned by our behaviors," Newman said. "We have to assume respon sibility for our own health. The onus is back on us." Newman said mental health is just as important as physical health. 'The mind and the body are connected," Newman said. "We shouldn't forget that." JoAnn Eickhoff, director of health, physical educat ion and recreation for the YWCA, said Holistic Health Day had several goals. "We're trying to increase awareness of people taking responsibility for their own health," she said. "We're also trying to get people to get together so they can share experiences in the health field." Eickhoff said at least 60 people attended the health day. 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