The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 07, 1981, Page page 2, Image 2
i page 2 daily nebraskan monday, december 7, 1981 8 ,1 ON DECEMBER 10TH ONLY! II Greater student effort. . . Continued from Page 1 Chris Walsh, Peru State student presi dent and chairperson of the student associ ation's board of directors, said the legisla tive assembly was significant for Nebraska students. "Today is the first meeting of the policy making body of the first truly cohesively organized coalition formed to represent the needs of students in this state," Walsh said. "Traditionally, students have not been a part of the political process, despite their potential as a prime political force," he said. Walsh said students haven't defended their interests as effectively as other groups. "Since students have not been organiz ed, they have had to settle for the short end of the stick when communicating their concerns to legislators on the state and national level," he said. Walsh said the pri mary goal of the student association is con tinued access to low cost, high quality edu cation. Rick Mockier, ASUN Senate president and SSA board member, said education cuts have motivated greater student partici pation in the political process. "Ironically, our strongest encourage ment to organize as students this past year has been the massive cut that we have re ceived in higher education," Mockier said. Budget reductions have been made in all levels of government, he said. "The most recent endangerment to ac cesible education has been the 3 percent budget cut for the university and state col leges," Mockier said. "We simply cannot continue to underbudget postsecondary education and at the same time provide a quality education." Mockier said the student association has gained credibility from its growing mem ber ship. "I think it says something that we've got both the largest and smallest campuses involved with, the SSA, both the highest and the lowest tuition in the state ... al though both are too high," he said. At the legislative assembly business meeting, Deb Chapelle, GLC media liaison, was elected chair, and Jim Krueger, also of Lincoln, was elected vice chair and secre tary of the assembly. Mockier announced that the student association will hire a full time executive director by the end of the month Nelson, in summing up the student asso ciation's priorities for the next legislative session, said, "The SSA will do lobbying in the generic sense - plain label lobbying. We don't have the money to do some of the fancy things, anything other than com municating basic educational information." Council plans contest The Arts Committee of the University Program Council is sponsoring a logo con test. The committee is looking for a logo to use in its publicity that represents the arts. Events include dance, music, art exhibits, theater and mime. A $25 prize will be awarded to the winner. The deadline for entries is 5 p.m. Jan. 18, 1982. Further contest informat ion is available in Room 200 Nebraska Union. YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS & SELECT Tta GUI $ tjeu Choice ! THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM WHEN YOU SAVE THRU JAN. 9th Stop in and open or add to an account in any manner you wish. You'll receive our free Gift Certificate Savers Bucks ac cording to the savings chart below. Then you can use em just like cash at the participating merchants below; a wonderful way to select a gift for yourself. ..or someone else And to do business with your local merchant at the same time 100 $500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $20,000 Deposit .499 999 2 499 4gg9 7 499 9 99g 199g9 &Up wslucks 1 2 3 5 7 91114 STOP IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY...JUST A FEW OF THE THOUSANDS OF GIFTS AVAILABLE AT fj Lnebrashn Snuings il lr and Loan Association LINCOLN 1409 "O" Street 402-475-1409 Where All Accounts Are Insured to S100.0QO USE YOUR SAVERS BUCKS AT ANY OF THESE FINE STORES: IN LINCOLN: Bivouac Ltd. of Lincoln - Chartroose Caboose - Cliffs - Damelson Floral -Gerry s Sport & Ski Shop - Hobby Town - Max Miller Cameras - McDonald's - Miller & Paine - SuperSaladAlley - The Clipper - - mrrmi mm IM X w S w TEXTBOOKS NOT INCLUDED