The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1981, Page page 2, Image 2

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daily nebraskan
friday, deccmber 4, 1981
We've Got Your Number T 4
At PARDNERS we feature the best in
progressive country dance music as well
as your favorites in top forty,
"oldie goidies , h&h and j.
the Big Band sounds. What
ever your musical tastes.
you'll find satisfaction in the
area's most unique dance
Located in the
Holiday Inn N.E.
5250 Cornhusker
Tis the season to be wary
of shoplifters making merry
IMC mi mi mm
n n
Because the Christmas season brings
many shoplifters into stores - and out of
them with items not paid for - the Lincoln
police have sponsored presentations on
shoplifting for local merchants.
The information will help protect mer
chants from the shoplifters, and also will
protect the merchants from lawsuits.
Lincoln Police Lt. Lylc Roberts said
November and December traditionally arc
the months that shoplifters hit the stores in
full force.
Groups of professional shoplifters some
times come into Lincoln from other cities
and efficiently take many items from'
stores, mostly expensive items, he said.
This year, not many outside groups have
come to Lincoln and stolen, Roberts said.
But shoplifting poses a constant problem.
Although shoplifting costs merchants
and their customers money, store managers
and workers must rcalie they need to be
careful when accusing someone of shoplift ing,
he said. The shoplifting presentations
deal with the legal implications of falsely
accusing someone of the crime, he said.
In January 1979, Nebraska revised its
criminal codes regarding shoplifting. The
new codes gave falsely accused shoppers re
course in civil court by allowing them to
sue the store.
Roberts said he tells merchants they
must be sure the person goes outside the
store and definitely has taken something
before they confront him. lie tells them to
check dressing rooms and other areas for
articles they think have been stolen to en
sure the missing items weren't just left
"We caution them about humiliating
people in front of strangers," he said. Mer
chants arc advised to take the person away
from others when confronting him about
Milter High Life
"Those, college
but onlu we
know irxnc
light's on in
i i
u 13 Lr 0
1981 Beer B'ewed by Miner B'eAinq Co Milwaukee Wis
Tree vandals
destroy vista,
deter donors
The loss of part of a
sturdy evergreen can blight
a carefully planned land
scape, but it can also dis
courage donors to state
A spruce tree in front of
the Nebraska State Histori
cal Society, 1500 R St., was
irreparably damaged recent
ly when about 18 inches of
the tree's top was removed.
Historical Society Director
Marvin Kivett said the 6-ft.
tree was planted a few
months ago.
He said replacing the
tree, labor included, would
cost S300 to $350. The
money comes out of the
historical society's budget,
which is separate from the
However, the tree was
planted with donated funds
as part of a landscape pro
ject. Now, Kivett said he
must find someone to don
ate money to replace the
tree. That might not be
difficult, except the vandal
ism will probably discourage
potential donors, he said.
"We don't have very
much vandalism," Kivett
said. He said other trees that
have been planted were left
alone. But they weren't
evergreens and so escaped
the hands of Christmas
minded people, he said.
help and
since. u
Stanley A.
478 Aquila Court Bldg.
16th & Howard Streets
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
(402) 346-2266
American Immigration
Lawyers Association