The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1981, Page page 10, Image 10
friday, december4, 1981 page 10 daily ncbraskan Dead preppie book as tacky as khaki MEi ads rVY7; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-1761 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $1.50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed. Ten words included. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. HOLIDAY Hi - Fi BUYS! Receivers: JVC R 1 X 25w $190 Nikko NR7000 40 w Digital $325. Turntable: JVC LA21 $90 Cassette Decks: JVC KDD4 $255 Harmon Kardon 705 $340. Tapes: TDK SAC-90 10 $38. Maxell UDXLIIC90 12 $44 Speakers (pr): BOSE 301 $230, 901 with Equalizer $875. Order Now For Christmas, Call Rod, 477-5157. Good Winter Car! '68 Pon tiac. Call 435-2076. Pioneer 60 watt amp, auto matic tuner, electronic cassette deck; rack mounted with all adaptors in O'Sullivan rack. Per fect condition. Worth over $1750. Sell for $800. Joe at 466-9073 or 475-7484. AUCTION Office Furniture & Equipment 10 a.m. 5 December, 1981 Dudley's Warehouse, 2120 Cornhusker Highway 33 desks, left andor right hand drawers, both wood & metal 24 x 40 to 39 x 60; 21 wood executive desks 30 X 60 to 39 X 60. 5 tables of various sizes. 70 chairs, executives, swiv els, typing, side with arms and combination waiting room. 13 bookcases, desk top. 4 couches 14 waste baskets typewriterscalculators Many other misc. items All property sells to high est bidder. GATEWAY REALTY AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers: Dave Davis, 489-3703, Tom Warren, 826 3896. Clerk: Milt Hagelberger, 488-3090,489-6581. FOR SALE: 1 pr. Hanson Citation R Ski boots. Very good shape. Size 3 13 (fits male 8V4 to winserts). $80. 423-2968, ask for Roger. Drafting table 42" X 31" with drafting machine and lamp. 464-0792. AKAI GXC-75D Cas. deck. Auto rev., mint condition. Best offer. 477-5523. Buy the Sheldon Gallery Cookbook for Christmas or wedding gifts. 600 recipes plus 8 "Wild and Wonderful Par ty Menus." $13,95. The Sheldon Art Shop SNOW TIRES CLOSE OUT Many Sizes Available Call 435-2796 Moving, must sell stereo: AMFM receiver, 8-track player, turntable, speakers. Great con dition. Very low price. 435 5312. Keep trying til! midnight. Pioneer Centrex RH60 8 track. Excellent condition and price. 475-7386 Moog Synthesizer $450 or best offer-Contact Jamie, 472 9729. NEARLY NEW EXCELLENT CONDITION Smith Corona Electric Type writers - Models 7000 & 8000. Call 464-1640. NEW LARGE WALNUT ADVENT LOUD SPEAKERS, mint condition, $90 each, 423-1726. DAILY NEBRASKAN Advertising Department Secretary needed immediate ly. Hours 2-5 Monday thru Fri day. Typing and filing skills necessary. Apply to the Adver tising Manager, Room 34, Ne braska Union. Students earn extra Christ mas money now. Hiring cocktail waitresses. Good starting salary, flexible hours and health club benefits. No experience neces sary, we will train. Apply in per son. Sweep Left, 816 O Street between 9 & 5, Mon.-Fri. SWEEP LEFT Equal Opportunity Employer OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer year round. Europe, South America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-NE 1 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. Need neat aggressive sales person to sell inside greenhouses in spare time. Commission. Days 423-6639. Ask for Dan. CROW'S NEST BEN SIMONS Food Service Position 11-2 shift Piease contact Roneli 464-7840 CIRCULATION CLERK Permanent part-time open ing in our circulation depart ment working 3 days per week 2 30 - 7:30 p.m.; 2 days per week 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. & Sun day mornings 5:30 to noon. Excellent opportunity for uni versity student with a car. Must be able to type. For ap pointment, call JournalStar Personnel Department, 473 7412. Excellent opportunity for university student with car. Working with youth, parents, and customers, as a city carrier supervisor. Must be available by 2:30 p.m. daily and able to work Saturdays. Requires 35 hours per week, mileage paid. Please call the JournalStar Printing Company Personnel Department for interview appointment. 473-7412. Large 2 bedroom apartment. East Campus. Stone fireplace, all appliances, laundry. Avail able now. 4210 Huntington. $290. 423-0902. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 bedroom house, completely furnished, including washer and dryer. 476-8448. GRAB A PARTNER Two can live for the price of one, brand new 6-plex, large deluxe two bedroom apartments carpet, drapes, appliances, AC, 5 blocks from campus, $280 per month. Labella Enterprises 474-4551 It speaks volumes about life in the '80s that so many of the best -selling books and best -read books among collcgc-agc people arc collections of cartoons. A recent notable entry in this field is 10 Uses for a Dead Cat, the success of which has been phenomenal enough to produce several spinoffs and reprisals. Among these spinoffs is 101 Uses for a Dead Preppie, by Kate Reed. A quick Hip through the pages reveals almost immediately that it is a classic case of form without substance, a victory of packaging over Two apartments. Available 1182. Newer 1 bedroom gar den level and upper with bal cony. 2532 "T" St. $200 $210. 467-3645 or 785-7835. One bedroom - available Jan. 1, $240. Pay $200 for Jan. Furnished, utilities paid, off-street parking. 475-4703. Nice 1 Bedroom apartment. Carpet, Drapes, dishwasher, off street parking, laundry facilities. Available immediately. Call 477 3889. 15th & "E" St. - One bedroom, furnished, heat pd., Security, Available now. 489-1775,435-6068. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 Have lowered our rent. 715 Charleston - 6 bedroom house. Furnished, utilities paid walk ing distance to UNL. Call 466 9212. RENTAL Rent small room refriger ators, televisions, stereos, desks, dressers, chests, living room furniture, washers and dryers, bunk beds. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" Street 474-3444 COUNTY SHIRE Large, one bedroom apt., fully carpeted, heat paid, swim ming pool, 10 min. from cam pus. Available immediately. Inflation Fever7 Try Corn husker Co-op. $175. month room and board. Furnished rooms with ind. heatAC. Blocks from City Campus. TV room, laundry facilities. Uni versity approved co-ed hous ing. Call 474-9772 for Tneo dore or any officer. Brown Palace Incorporated. A non-profit student housing cooperative. We have provided economi cal and distinctive living in a quiet off-campus setting since 1942. We are currently seek ing new members for the spring semester. Call 476-2583 or stop by 1900 "B" Street. 1429 C STREET Spacious 1 bedroom apartment. Fully carpeted, off-street parking. $205mo. plus utilities. Call Joseph E. Kean Co, 474-1666 Very nice 2 bedroom apt. Fireplace, balcony, very near east campus. 466-8091 . Nice 1 bedroom apartment. Heat paid. Close to both cam puses. Dishwasher, sliding giass door, swimming pool, off street parking, laundry facili ties. Available immediately or Jan. 1. 475-0445. Orange Bowl tickets wanted 423-9182 morning & evenings. Single working parent, non smoker with 14-year-old daught er would like to housesit. Avail able Jan. -May. Personal and pro fessional references available. Write P.O. Box 81672, Lincoln. Need Baritone: Otoe St. Revue Sing, dance, act. 475 review , I. i ....... Someone to switch guar anteed Fr. Enqlish 9:30 10:2011:30 - 12:2012:30 -1:20 MWF for 118 MWF 1:30 - 2:20, HELP! Call 464 6720 after 5 p.m. r.iiiinnnwiiiHiij 2 FERS FRIDAY 2:30-6 P.M. BRASS RAIL Interested in some fast money? If you have or are taking Calc. 106 you can take the Pi Mu Ep silon Prize Exam. Prizes are $25, $15, and $10 re spectively to the top three scores. Avery Hall, Room 237, Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 7 - 9 p.m. FREE ALL UNIVERSITY SEMI-FORMAL Dec. 11th, 8 - 11:30 p.m. Centennial Room City Union Band: KOKOMO Sponsored by JULIUS AZ TODAY! Little Bo's East FAC 3-7 p.m. The Excessives: Come See This Shopworn Trio of Fun Guys Knock Themselves Out for You. Live At O. G. Kelly's This Weekend. Don't M,ss It! Health Center Board Meet ing, 11:00 a.m. Anyone inter ested is invited to attend. Union - Room will be posted. BUSINESS STUDENTS PRORF is taking applications for next semester's "Who's Who in CBA." All seniors are eligible. Applications may be picked up in CBA Room 240. Deadline is December 8. "Books are worth their weight in Gold." Sell your books at the ASUN Book Exchange. Realize a GREAT ER profit next semester by turning your books in now. Turn your books in by Tues day, Wednesday or Thursday of Finals Week at the ASUN office. Room 115 of the Un ion. Love Library is now open until 1 a.m. Sunday thru Thurs day. ASUN - We're working for you! UPC-CC University Program Council Culture Center has offices avail able. Positions open on the Council are: President Vice President Chicano Special Events Native American Travel & Entertainment Call 472-2454 or stop in Room 200, Nebraska Union. NEED HELP? RapeSpouse Abuse Crisis Center 24 Hours 475-7273 HUSKERLAND OPEN BENCH PRESS MEET Sponsored by Budweiser Sat. Dec. 5, 9 a.m. Sweep Left Banquet Hall Come to lift Come to watch For more information Sweep Left Health Club 474-K444 material. Some of the cartoons arc funny enough as indivi dual cartoons, but there is not enough material here to sustain a whole book on the subject. The artwork also suffers in comparison to much of that out by cartoon ists today; it often resembles that work of an average high school newspaper cartoonist. Not that cartoons have to be the most finely-crafted pieces of work avail able, but at $2.()5 for a book without words, the pict ures have to deliver more than the simple, sometimes out-of-proportion scratchings we get here. People looking for more quality in their cartoons, and bigger laughs, might want to opt out of this one and pick up the new Dooncsbury book, Search of Reagan's Brain. There's no shortage of material there. Today is the deadline for Student Host candidates to submit their completed appli cation and three reference forms to the New Student Orienta tion Office in 200 Nebraska Union. Please call us at 472 2454 if you have any last minute questions. Come to our party or be beat with a rake. First Annua! Bluejay Plucker Party at the Cherry Hut tonight. VC Pre-Dent Club Function on Friday, Dec. 4 is cancelled. Will be held in January, This is it! Today is the very last day for you to submit your NSO Student Host applications. Please don't miss this opportun ity to have a great expe rience as a member of the 82 - '83 Student Host Staff - Get that applica tion in! Give us a call at 472-2454 or come to 200 NU if you need help or have any questions. lj'I1iiVMhffa Female roommate wanted. Two-bedroom apt., $110 utilities. Near Campus. Non smoker. Phone: 476-2689. Wanted female roommate to share a two bedroom apt. $125 utilities. Call 474 3893. Non-Smoking male to share nice 3-bedroom house 18th & "A" St. 24-hour grocery & laundromat one block. $1.50 share utilities. Grad. Student preferred. 475-0391. Available now. Female roommate wanted. $100mo No utilities. Com pletely furnished. Laundry. 475 9461. Roommate needed: To find an apt. for 2nd semester. Studies, but likes to have fun. CALL IMMEDI- ATELY - Shelly at 472-0222 Male, 26, needs two room mates, male or female for 3 BR House, 8000 Maplewood Dr. East Lincoln. Many Lux uries. Party occasionally but necessary! $150 per mo. No utilities. 476-3936, Connie or Ray. No irresponsible, imma ture slobs! Roommate needed effective Jan. 1 for 3 or 4 bedroom house or apt., around $100 ea. utilit ies. 477-4800 after 6 p.m. To share beautiful 3 bed room house. Fully furnished, many extras. Non-smoker! $100mo 13 utiiities. 488 3337. Male Beginning second se mester. $115 V3 electric Call 4754131. Religious male roommate wanted. $98mo. 476-2138, evenings. Nonsmoking female room mate. Univ Place area. Reason able rentutil. Call 473-2263 466 21 10 Easy-gomg responsible fe male to share 3 bedroom place. Reasonable rent, near campus, beautiful apartment Call 477 8105. ROOMMATE to share 2 bed room apt ripr Est Ca $127 50 ' 464 7 10 Male to share two bed room trailer between campuses with laundry. 464 7942 Jay. Liberal roommate needed for 2nd semester. $120mo. Vi utilities. Call 435-5926. Female roommate needed, second semester, near East Campus. 467-2678. Non-smoking roommate for second semester. Three bed room duplex not far from campus. $95 13 utilities. 435 3663. Roommate needed Jan. 1. Male or Female. Responsible and mature. Prefer over 21. No drugs or wild parties. Nice 2 bedroom apt. Lookers welcome. Be choosey - I will. 475-2906. Check it out. r Typing done. Reasonable rates. Call after 6 p.m. 475 0176. LOTS OF LIGHTERS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 TYPING Experienced university typ ing. One page reports to dissert ations. 477-4679. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021. Graduating Seniors: Get pro fessional help with your resume. Hundreds of satisfied customers. Evening appointments available. COSTELLO & ASSOCIATES 475-9777 Pianist will play Christ mas carols, etc. for holi day parties. 423-8446 any time. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Pattie West 483-6770. Will do typing. Professional secretary, highest quality Reasonable rates. 474-0604 HUSKERLAND OPEN BENCH PRESS MEET Sponsored by Budweiser Sat. Dec. 5 9 a.m. Sweep Left Banquet Hall Come to life Come to watch For more nformation Sweep Left Health Club 474-6444 USHER'S GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 CONTEMPORARY CHRISTMAS CARDS BALLOON BOUQUETS SPACE PETS Avant Card 115 No. 14th 476-1918 HUSKERLAND OPEN BENCH PRESS MEET Sponsored by Budweiser Sat. Dec. 5, 9 a.m. Sweep Left Banquet Hall Come to lift Come. to watch For more information Swnp !e' Ha!fh O'-'h 474-6444 t