The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1981, Page page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, december 2, 198j
daily nebraskan
page 2
University of Dominica
Schools of Medicine
and Veterinary Medicine
Accepting applications lor programs beginning in
March and July 1982 leading to the MD and DVM
degrees, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the
fields of Epidemiology, Anatomy and Microbiology.
Direct inquiries to:
Carnbbean Admissions. Inc. 16 West 32 St
(6th Floor) New York. N.Y 10001 or Dean R.
Cuadrado. University of Dominica. P.O. Box 266.
Roseau. Commonwealth of Dominica. Windward
islands. West Indies
Nontraditional Student
Issues & Discussion Series
A Program for Adult Students
Dec. 3
Managing Finances as an Adult Student - Featuring
Gail Cox, Assistant Director, UNL Scholarships &
Financial Aids; Kathleen Prochaska-Cue, UNL Exten
sion Specialist, Education & Family Resources.
The session will be offered Free, 7-9 p.m., in Room 53
North Wing, Nebraska Center for Continuing Educa
tion, 33rd & Holdrege.
Sponsored by the UNL Division of Continuing Studies
Department of Evening Programs & Adult Learning
Services in cooperation with the Nontraditional
Student Association.
Band members.
Continued from Page 1 ,
"I'm excited just to go," she said "It would be really
nice to fly, but there are some advantages to ruling, like
seeing the countryside," she said.
"It really doesn't make any difference," said Jay
Iladen, a sophomore from Bridgeport It (the trip w U
make a lot of people pretty tired, but I'm not sure it will
affect our performance or not."
Gering sophomore Kenny Cox said, "When I first heard
we were going by bus, I was kind of upset. But the way
look at it now, it's going to be as fun as we make it. There
is not a heck of a lot we can do about it."
Most of the band members questioned said if the re
gents and administrators get to fly, then the band should,
"We dont mind the idea of going by bus, but we do
. ... ii- ju - L... tna " fmanor coil)
when we know it s possime io gu uy piauc, iviv6v,
-If it works out so buses are the only way, then fine
But after this is all over, it would be nice to see an itemiz
ed list of the Orange Bowl expenses published," Krueger'
Two UNL students file
for pre-trial diversion
Two UNL students charged with theft were placed in
the Lancaster County Pre-Trial Diversion Program last
Robert J. Wilczewski, 18, of 609 N. 17th St. and Tim
othy J. Salisbury, 19, of 832 Abel Hall filed for pre-trial
diversion last Wednesday.
The two students were charged for the theft of stereo
equipment from a car owned by Mark D. Dunham, 21, of
Abel Hall. The equipment was valued at $850.
UNL is a nondiscriminatory institution. JTA"
Campus I-k
Red Cross blood drive short of goal
. . . . L. I I '
The I infnln fnmmunitV Blood Bank and the Omaha
Red Cross are at UNL today to complete a two-day effort
in this fall's campaign for blood donations, said co-chairperson
Carol Shafer.
"Only 32 percent of this year's goal of 550 units of
blood has been reached," she said. "We are really encour
aging students, staff and faculty to donate blood."
About 60 volunteers from the UNL Campus Red Cross,
Navy ROTC, UNL nursing students and Lancaster County
Chapter of the Red Cross along with staffed registered
nurses from the Omaha Red Cross are on hand for the
two-day drive.
Kathy Deever, Omaha Red Cross RN, said "One of the
most important things a donor can do, is eat a good meal
before giving blood.
Shafer said that a donor is checked for vital statistics
and medical history.
Margie Cook, blood service consultant of the Omaha
Red Cross, said donating blood differs from donating plas
ma. "Here, the whole blood is broken up into three factors,
platelets, plasma and red pack cells," she said.
Cook said the shelf life for platelets is only three days
and red cells just 35 days, compared to the ahnost indefi
nite shelf life of frozen plasma.
The drive continues today from 10 ajn. to 4 pjn., in
the Nebraska Union Ballroom.
Save More Than Ever Before at
Today through Saturday Only
Buy any pair of jeans or pants in the
store, and get any second pair of
equal or less value for
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O Example - Buy 2 Levi's straight leg
jeans, the first for $19.99, the second
for $9.99! A 25 savings on both pairs -
You could get some Lee Junior jeans for
our already reduced price of $24, and a
pair of recycled Levi's for only $7!
14th & O
O Special - Levi western shirts (reg. $22) $13.99!
sGwtf stuff
The UNL Amateur Radio
Club will meet today at
4:30 pjn. in Bancroft 312.
The Accounting Assoc
iation will meet today at
3:30 pjn. in CBA 110.
Officers for next semester
will be elected.
There will be a Health
Center Board meeting
ska Union on Dec. 10 at
noon, Dec. 11 at 10 ajn.,
Dec. 14 at 7 pjn., and Dec.
15 at 3 pjn. For details
contact the Office of
Thursday at 11:00 ajn. at md Financial
thp I niuortitu Hoi th Cant- . . K.
.. Aids, 472-2030.
er. All are welcome.
The Rodeo Club will
meet tonight at 7 in the
East Union. Room will be
NU Meds will sponsor a
Exit interviews for Dec- workshop on stress man
ember graduates who have agement tonight at 7 in the
had National Direct Student Nebraska Union. Room will
Loans will be in the Nebra- be posted.
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