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daily nebraskan
tuesday, december 1, igsj
WW I I 0
935 Stuart Dldg.
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Internships at preschool of fered
i.,. ,iw nvuvuwnent this vear. YVnllinirfnril .
January 3-8 January 10-15
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Steve 477-9368. Don 476-0751,
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h nreSL'hool child
Students interested in wu.iw6 'I'ui offered
ren can have that opportunity through n'
by the Selection Research Institute Southwood rre.
hBarb Wallingford, a teacher at the preschool, said the
SRI preschool is funded by a grant from Selection Re
search, Inc., a Lincoln-based firm which conducts polls
and surveys and general consulting on a national basis.
The preschool is a part of Selection Research, Inc.
The preschool is run on a non-profit basis and the
internships available to students are provided "rough the
Abel Foundation, said Chip Borgstadt, preschool director.
The internships offered to UNL students are new this
year, Borgstadt said.
The school is looking for students interested in learning
development in young children, he said. Students major
ing in early education are preferred, but Borgstadt said the
only real requirement is that the student be at least 18.
"We want talented people who have the potential to
become a teacher and who could enhance the early
important years of a child's education," he said.
Borgstadt said he would like to get students involved
by this week to help set up class and work schedules. Stu
dents would assist in the planning and implementation of
the school's programs.
'They would become part of the staff, which works as
a team," he said.
The preschool, which has been operating for 13 years,
is under new management this year, Wallingford said This
is the first year that Selection Research Institute has been
involved, she said.
The school, at 5000 Tipperary Trail, serves 1 13 child,
ren, 80 percent of whom are from the South wood and
Knolls neighborhoods, she said.
1UU3 UCIIluuiiiuwa,
Students would help the eight-person staff with in.
service wujiv v. ... " "w "wien, sne
said. Students also would learn how to administer "stu
dent perceiver" tests, which determine a child's strengths
in certain areas.
Wallingford said it would be advantageous for a student
to learn how to give the student perceiver tests.
"It costs thousands of dollars to learn how to admini
ster these tests, and once they learn it here, they can use it
anywhere they would go," she said.
Because the tests identify strengths, they help the
school to build on the children's strong points.
Borgstadt said, "We have a unique program that
focuses on the child's individual strengths and works to
build a base of success that the child can use to further his
"We try to make the child feel good about these
talents. We want the children to realize that learning is
fun, worthwhile and that they are capable of being learn
ers." Students interested in applying for the SRI preschool
internship can contact the school at 423-5557 or write the
school for information.
New veterans center
to open Wednesday
in morning ceremony
The Lincoln Vietnam Veterans Outreach Center,
1240 N. 10th St., will open Wednesday at 10 a.m!
with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house.
Speakers will include Max Lybarger, director of
the Lincoln Veterans Administration Medical
Center; Larry Fauss, representing Congressman
Doug Bereuter; Wll. Wagner, representing Gov.
Charles Thone; T.P. Mullen, director of the Midwest
Region Veterans Administration Department of
Medicine; and a representative for Mayor Helen
Larry Cries, team leader for the center, said the
federally -funded center is one of 42 new sites being
built in response to the demand created after the
original 91 veteran centers were opened nationally.
The center will deal primarily with psychological
problems, mostly "delayed stress" from when the
veterans were forced to repress their feelings.
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Scientists discover
urban air pollution
may cause cancer
Scientists at the Eppley Cancer In
stitute believe they have the first
laboratory evidence that automobile
exhaust and other forms of urban air
pollution could pose a serious cancer
A widespread air pollutant formed
from combustion processes, such as
that of the gasoline-powered auto
mobile engine, has been found to be
a cancer-causing agent iii mice by Dr.
Ercole Cavalieri, a professor at
The compound, cyclopentapy
rene, is a byproduct of incomplete
combustion of coal, diesel, oil, kero
sene, gasoline and other organic
"Cigarette smoke is yet another
source of these compounds"
Cavalieri said.
Lot lists to shorten
as parking slots open
More parking spaces will be available
soon, according to Capt. Ken Markle of the
UNL police department. There are approxi
mately 115 people on a waiting list tor
Area 1 and 2 parking.
Those who have already completed
applications for the permits will be notified
as soon as spaces are available, he said. Any
remaining spaces will be sold on a first
come, first-serve basis.
Because of a production error in Mon
day's Daily Nebraskan, Sen. Steve Fowler
of Lincoln was misquoted in a story head
lined "Tax bill would aid construction."
The quote should have read: "It's un
fortunate that the state has to offer its
young people educational programs in
buildings that are falling apart or are only
kept standing by yearly patch ups.
"By increasing funding for capital con
struction, the state could do a great ser
vice to the hundreds of Nebraskans who
are out of jobs," Fowler said.
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