The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1981, Page page 6, Image 6

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    monday, november9, 1931
page 6
daily nebraskan
Bush . . .
1972 World Tour
Jet Black Jacket with
White Design Recently
located in L.A. Ware
house Very limited
supply of this outstand-
tonnn nig i.ei.
Cornhusker Comer
701 N. 10th 475-8131
This country's foremost
touring theatre company
returns to Lincoln
John Houseman, Artistic Director
Midsummer Night's Dream
November 12 & 13 at 8pm
Waiting for Godot
November 14 at 8pm
II Camplello
a Venetian Comedy
November 15 at 8pm
II CAMPIELLO (THE LITTLE BELL SQUARE) consists of tour houses
and an inn that face out onto a piazza in Venice. Each house is oc
cupied by a marriageable young person and a parent or guardian.
These residents devote the better halt of their days flirting squab
bling, gossiping, matchmaking, and playing games of chance
These daily activities are interrupted by a wedding feast, but they
manage to erupt again as the festivities come to a close. Colorful
appeal, comedy, and general pandemonium race through this
evening of fun and laughter.
UNL Students 4.00
Regular 8.00
HALL 11 &R
Box Office (11-5)
113 Music Bldg, 11th & R
of Nebraska
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1 - 1 1 . v!l.
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W " v. " 1 :. ' s ' -'. : :
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Photo by Mark Billingsley
George Bush
Continued from Page I
Bush defended the new budget, saying that if the ad.
ministration had given in to pressure on the farm bill or
from special interests the economy would be back where
it was under previous administrations.
Bush explained the administration's policy toward
what he called "arrogant, errant nonsense to too much
Regulatory relief is an effort to protect the work place
and the environment, he said.
He said the administration is for clean air but doesn't
believe that a balance between losing jobs and environ
mental concerns has been found.
Bush spoke during half-time of the Nebraska-Oklahoma
State game.
"As long as I don't have to twirl the batons, I'll be
treated all right," Bush told reporters. "Even a vice presi
dent has to stand in awe of Big Red fever."
Beware of diet pill ills UNL doctor
By Leslie Boellstorf
Excessive use of diet pills containing phenylpropano
lamine, or PPA, may lead to an irregular heart rhythm,
and burst blood vessels, causing shock or death, said Dr.
Gerald Fleischli, medical director of the University Health
PPA is an amphetamine-like substance that causes
weight loss in three ways, Fleischli said. It activates the
appetite suppressant function of the central nervous
system, it raises the blood sugar level by stimulating a
'light or flight' reaction and it causes the dieter to be
more active or agitated and burn off calories.
Fleischli said insomnia, jitteriness and excessive anxiety
are possible side effects of PPA. Older people and people
with high blood pressure should not take the drug, he
said. It is dangerous for people with heart problems to
use diet pills containing PPA, Fleischli said.
"It's probably not a good idea for anybody to take
them," Fleischli said, although he said the diet pills.might
Get your permit refunds now
People who paid a $35 fee after Sept. I to replace a
parking permit can get a S15 refund, said Capt. Ken
Markle of the UNL police parking division.
Because of several complaints from students and
faculty, the fee for a replacement parking permit was
changed from $35 to $20.
The Parking Advisory Committee had recommended
the change to John Goebel, interim vice chancellor for
business and finance. He recently approved it.
Markle, an adviser to the committee, said about 23 per
mits had been reported lost or stolen so far this semester.
"Everyone of them were taken from cars that were un
locked," Markle said.
He said people had complained to the committee that
the $35 replacement cost was too high.
People who paid the original $35 fee can get a refund
at the University Police parking office, 1024 Avery Ave.,
between 10 a.m. and 4 pjn., Monday through Friday.'
If a lost or stolen permit is recovered and a replace
ment has already been purchased, another $15 can be re
funded, Markle said.
COSSTACTjeg. $lS31tiow S99
if LENSES f"f Hard Lens
WOW j u Reg-$69 N0W S5q J I
20 OFF JJ VReg. $1096NOWS87y
475-EYES 466-7777
West Gate Shopping Center 840 North 48th
be used to encourage dieters who don't believe they can
lose weight.
Although PPA is not habit-forming, Fleischli said, it
does have a decreased effect over prolonged periods of use.
He said this makes it tempting to increase the dosage iii
order to get the same effect.
Discontinuing use for a period of time and then return
ing to the same increased dosage could lead to poisoning.
Though some people have adverse reactions with normal
dosages, dieters taking two to three times the regular dos
age may experience harmful side effects, and people
taking 10 times the normal dosage will have "quite a
problem," Fleischli said.
Some of the symptoms of PPA poisoning are jitteri
ness, agitation and talkativeness. The person could experi
ence nausea, dizziness, heart pounding and headache.
Fleischli said the symptoms are similar to those of
drinking too much coffee, but much worse. The victim is
very uncomfortable, he said.
Fire on East Campus
destroys student's car
A 1979 Chevy Caprice was destroyed by fire Fri
day morning while parked in the East Campus Mall
Lincoln firemen from Station No. 9 arrived at
the scene about 9:55 ajn., said Capt. Francis
Ketterer. He said the car was engulfed in flames and
smoke when they arrived.
The blue and white car was owned by Mary L.
Meehan, 41, of 4000 S. 56th St. Meehan, a UNL
student, had paxked in front the Plant Industry
building about 9:30 ajn.
Ketterer said bystanders told firemen they had
noticed smoke coming from under the front dash
board. Ketterer said he thought the fire probably
was started from a short in an electrical wire under
the dashboard. UNL police agreed the fire started
from a short in wiring.
Ketterer said he had no value figure for the car,
but estimated it at a $4,000 to $5,000 loss.
"It was more or less totaled out "he said.
Volcker topic unknown
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker will
speak at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Nebraska Union
Ballroom. He will deliver" the third annual EJ. Faulkner
The topic of Volcker's speech has yet to be released be
cause it could cause a reaction which may affect national
money politics.
A question and answer session is scheduled after the
public speech.
The Faulkner lectures are sponsored by the College of
Business Administration's Center for Study of the Ameri
can Business System.
Water presentations run dry
The university's Water Resource Center has cancelled a
two-day visit by Istvan Bogardi, a water resources expert
trom Hungary, because Bogardi's trip to the United States
was cancelled.
Bogardi was scheduled to present a seminar to day at 3
pjn. and Tuesday at 12:30 pjn.,but both presentations
are cancelled.