The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, november 5, 1981 page 12 daily nebraskan Prince G.T.- I can hardly wait. Only 195 shopping days left! Princess V.T. To the cute blonde with the pony tail getting help from the math counselor in Schramm around 8 p.m. Tuesday night. I'd like to get to know you better. If interested, call 2-9873 Guy with curiy brown hair, beard, and glasses Bozo. Tell Mom & Dad "Hi" for me. The weekend won't be the same without you! Trixie Dave W.. Happy 20th B-Day (the day finally came!) May this next year be your happiest ever. Love. Your Special Friend Jim J. (Max). Congratultions on your SUPER job in "Candide!" Your fan club loves you!!! Airplane and Single J. KA Theta. in Tues. A.M. micro lab. I don't know you or your name, but would like to. Have also had you in Chem. 252 lab. RVP. Shy, but interested M.J.H. This is the Fourth Secret message from me to you. Your eyes are bubbly brown and mine are dreamy blue. I hope you know me because I'm sure hooked on you! Your S.A. Are. see jay. Just a note to say you are definitely missed. Hoping for some one on one some day. Love ya. Your Basketball Superior (YBS) Mike, Congratulations on getting the JOB!! When are we going to celebrate?! Linda & Lois Jeanne, Seen any cars driving erotically? Or how about the "decorating committee" that listens to rock music? Til we strike again, Pip Erin. Good luck at UCLA tourna ment. Acacia Fraternity, You did a great job selling honey! Thank you. Meadow lane Area Captains Frau Rita, We know how gossip travels back home so we won't mention der Unfall or das Kind, but con gratulations anyhow. If you'd let him drink this wouldn't have happened. Just don't name it after Herr Bender. Unsincerely, Herr Harney Herr Goodrich Congrats HAL- On being elected Phi Delt president. Good luck - Dawn DOUG MUCHO THANKS FOR EVERYTHING SO FAR. LAT EST BEING. "COKE" DATE! SHERI SUZANNE Thanks for EVERYTHING! You're so sweet and super. Love ya, Bart 1981 Homecomimg Committee, EXCELLENT job! Don't forget, pizza and evaluations to night at Sara's. Meet at the Lambda Chi house at 5. -Greg Karen B. I wish I had more friends like you! JAK jmswa TO PREVIOUS PU2M. fcToIf d sTTbTo s cf 1111 T fti i jJJrtN o i cj p"Tju"i o s jl Mi L XiUi nr h itr nm? TjJI r CLJ ft t opaTfr HD4 w i fnstflo neK tk HI 31 3 stctr f I mm fit hm Nancy W., Have a wonderful, happy birthday. Love, Michael N. Nuke SWITZER-Land Nuke SWITZER-Land Nuke SWITZER-Land To Joan P. from 6200 When can we share some warmth and pleasure. I'll be looking forward to it. The Rose P.S. RVP Nathan (NU Tuba). I'm very interested in you. but too shy to tell you. Are you interested? NU Pice. P.S. I have CM right after you. T.. Happy Birthday, but beware of the festivities tonight. See you later, naked in the vator. Jadbalja. Snorin Morin To alt our friends who help ed to make our Halloween party a success - thanks! We couldn't have done it without you! The 33rd & Starr Street Spooks Whatn an awesome group of women to do a Homecoming display with - and you're not bad at partying either! We had a great time. Lambda Chi's Donita, COLLEGE LIFE was great last Tuesday. I wish I could see you again at the Sigma Phi Epsilon House tonight at 7:00. Is this it? Love or Infatuated Tim HAPPY BIRTHDAY THERESA Been waiting 19 & one year to have a legal glass of cheer. Mad it today -Happiness galore Best wishes Glad you don't have to wait anymore. Tom & Larry Joe L. Happy Birthday to a super guy. Have fun tonight. Sheri Guy in Intramural Champ T shirt, next time say "Hi." I'd like to meet you. Girl in blue and brown Debbie (Love 3) I ne'er was stuck before that hour with love so sudden ana so sweet, your face bloomed like a sweet flower and stole my heart away complete. Naner. Thanks for the personal. I really want to get together and talk sometime. Love, Terry Attempting Poolshark: Consider this formal invitat ion to polish up on our pool shooting skills. How about the Water Hole Thursday at 8 p.m.? Charlie. Acct. Major (S3 1 D D D S D 0 0 0 WANT TO GET PAID WHILE YOU DONATE. PLASMA.' We relaxing atd vou can cam while vou i D D 0 D 0 bonuses if oU donate regularly BWWGTW6 AD YOUR TIP6T "TIME B yJ0RTV4$5 EXTRA 0 mil 4T4-2335 So app- 0 5 LINCOLN ASMA 2021 OSTj! Kevin 0.. .You've got a friend! Theresa, Happy 20th Birthday I Your 9:30 "studious" pal To the girl with the big booger hanging out of her nose I love your dull, ugly eyes, your long, oily hair and the way you smelled (like a truckload of armpits). I saw you on Tues. when you were going through the garbage by Selleck. Would love to meet you and suck the snot out of your nose. RVP Snot Sucker P.S. I also loved all the scabs on your face and arms, could I eat them sometime? Nurse Sara. We still haven't seen the sun rise!! Bum P.S. Where's the airport? Scott (Alias Delta U deer slayer) Thanx for the ride home Monday. We'll have to get to gether and discuss how to serve starving wildlife sometime. OK? An Ag 100 Drop Out Kristin W. You are too my sweet baboo Pat John. Happy Birthday to my favor ite M.P. Love. J.W. Sodium. Because of quarters and the big procelain bus. I have met the most special, caring guy in the world. You're the best and you're mine. Love. BABS BRUNETTE (Abel 1318) Smile and Shine - Have a good day. Admirer plus Tom C. (Cather 707) How did you know flowers are my weakness? Would like to hear from you. Mary (DG) Neal of Selleck. On 11-2 about 5:00. did you ask me out for a drink at Grand mother's Skillet? If that was the question, the answer is YES! Ms. Neal Maureen: We will make it even if it kills us! Get ready for Tico's! Love ya. Becky ATTENTION ALL GREEKS: Come have a blast and cele brate a birthday party bash with the A-Phi's Monday nite9-12at Cherry Hut. Bring your own birthday beverages. Bill, Happy 23rd! You're not getting older just better. Watch that receeding hairline! Love, Pooler Donna V.: Would still like to meet you and possibly have a few drinks together. RVP. Blonde Hair ESS C39 C3 C28 G3 63 19 ES Q 0 0 0 D D 0 D 0 0 0 0 D learn Pat (Delt) Thanks for the concert -Jacki I. sure glad I asked you to take me. Figi's get psyched tor Anchor splash I Love, your DG Coaches THE TKES CHALLENGE ANY STUDENT ORGANIZAT ION TO THE GRAND DAD 114 BARREL ROLLING. CONTEST. To the coards of Cather 13. Thanks for the shirts. Yarrrrrr Court and Darrtll. Thanks for a fun and passionate Halloween. You two art the greatest. Love ya. Sue. Brenda and Jacki REBECCA (Schramm 512) I've thought of so many cute sayings to impress you. but I don't think that was the way. Your beauty radiat ed, as I looked at the Schramm 5 party pix. To be honest. I would like to meet you. A picture admirer. RVP Greg fl982 CALENDARS GREAT SELECTION ! Record Store II N Jit VivS ACROSS 1 Type of squash 9 Bogyman 15 St rived to equal 16 Fascination 17 Inherent craving 18 Samples 19 Sass 20 Properties 22 Latin-lesson word 23 Nymph 25 W W II acronym 26 Vaccine developer 28 Scray 29 Vegetable vendor's adjective 31 Nurse shark 32 Egyptian goddess 34 Chlorine or iodine 36 B'.zet opera 39 Ruler 40 Not consumed 42 Bolognese painter: 1575 1642 43 Hurl 44 V P. under Coolidge 46 Dross 50 Speak 52 Felt shoe 53 35.315 cubic feet 54 Conductance unit 55 Letter before phi 58 Mass. cape 59 Big . German gun 61 Escamillo, e g 63 Arab princes 64 End'.w 2-fers on Miller Bottles & ALL DRINKS TONIGHT from 7:30-10:00 No Cover Charge The AKEU3MD1LIQ Judson Automotive LTD (Lincoln's real sports car shop) Expert factory trained mechanics on au European and Japanese cars. judson automotive foreign car specialists Lincoln, Nebraska 27th and T 475-9022 FROM JAMES DEAN TO UNICORNS TO THE GRATEFUL DEAD. MAKE IT A GOOD YEAR. SCOOOJ - If 217 LINCOLN'S MOST COMPLETE RECORD STORE and WE DONT STOP THERE ! 65 Most unusual 66 Kin of culs-de-sac DOWN 1 Fanatic 2 Bill Klemwas one 3 Metalworks employee 4 Diminutive suffix 5 Loathed 6 Beckett's "How " 7 Some cod carrying Communists 8 Think 9 Fill 10 Track bettor's consideration 11 Kalineand Pacino 12 Turnip 13 Hermits 14 Echoing 21 Twaddle 24 Alive 27 Competitor or contestant 29 Amerced 30 Hell 33 Tennis unit 35 Brook follower inN.Y. 36 Salad ingredient 37 Curse 38 Specialist working at the Tate i 5 H 5 s IS p fi r 19 jio jit 112 in 114 , Ti - 20 TT 22 23 24" 2S """" 26" 21 """" JL 28 29 30 31 IF" XT" 34 35 J6 lit SA " 39-"""" """" 40 41"l . 43 """ " 44" 45T T" 4 j4d 49 TJ mmm J-j jm "" """" 55 ST si ti" " iJi-, 1 1 LJ I I 1 I I 1 J Open Everyday. NO. 11th 477-6061 J 41 Dozes 42 Shut again 45 Bided one's time 47 Induce 48 W.W. II general Hap 49 Distinctive styles 51 German river and valley 53 Sam or J. C. 56 Beyond 57 Killer whale 60 Ess chaser 62 Verb that sounds I ke a letter