The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1981, Page page 5, Image 5
p ropnday, november 2, 1981 daily nebraskan page 5 Baby Boom comes of age Continued from Paee 4 More women are choosing careers over the "barefoot and pregnant" stereotype. Some 51 percent of the women in America are considered to be the labor force, up from 37 percent in 1960, the last of the Baby Boom years. Contraception advance ments, increased sex education and legal abortions have helped to make pregnancy an act of increasing commitment. This is what many choose to describe as "the decay of the family unit." But such description gets a little messy when mixing morality with pragmatics. If Mom and Dad must both work to make ends meet, a child is a costly investment of time and money. For others who look around at an unsafe world and a shaky economic pattern, hav ing a baby right now could even seem a bit unfair ... to the baby, the parents and the earth itself. The ironic question for those seeking independence from domestic tradition is that if the conscientious adults are trying to prevent future overpopulation, who then will be raising the society of tomor row? While Third World populations are still multiplying in numbers that scare the supporters of ZPG, America is recoiling from the Baby Boom. Meanwhile, the Baby Boomers themselves are feeling the effects of what happened when society bites off more than it can chew. After all, it ain't no buffet line. Keep 'em o- uWilt.. mm Editor's note: This is Jane Wenstrand's (Sophomore, Architecture) reaction to the Joseph Sobran column of Oct. 21. Like letters, illustrations to the editor are welcomed. Red Cross is counting you. ti 1 CARE FREE SPECIALS FOR YOUR HfilR! Soft Sheen "HO" "Mr "BOOT Keratin Conditioner o Curl Activator O Instant moisturizer o Wave Activator Your Choice, now only 02.97 each Conditioning Shampoo - Special J7 f CARE IWava 1 mm FREE CURL Activator Vine at 27th Washington at 17th South at 17th GoodThrouci 111081 A lot easier to shoot I feel compelled to respond to the two letters addressing handgun control that appeared in Thursday's Daily Nebraskan. Several misguided lines of reasoning formed the basis of the comments by Olson and Williamsen. One of the most obvious is the content ion that, whether they can obtain handguns or not, criminals are going to kill people during the commission of crimes and emotionally unstable persons are going to kill friends and family members in the midst of impassioned conflicts; supposedly, they will use a pair of scissors or a letter opener if they can't get a gun. Clearly, a gun is capable of inflicting much greater harm from much further away than any other readily available weapon. The effectiveness and convenience of handguns are probably the two main factors that lead criminals to carry them in the first place. All one has to do is listen to the 13-year-olds in Harlem talking about the power a gun gives them to realize that guns are a big part of the problem. These kids don't say the same things about knives or letter openers. Related to this is the guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument. Statistics have shown that violent encount ers are far more likely to be fatal when one or both parties has access to a gun. The fact is it's a lot easier for an enraged husband or wife to pull a trigger and shoot their spouse or their spouse's lover than it is to engage in hand-to-hand combat; it's a lot easier for a drunk to shoot someone in the parking lot of a bar than it is to beat them up; it's a lot easier for a mugger to shoot a resisting victim than it is to phy sically overpower him. That's why guns go off so frequently in this country with lethal results. Just pull a trigger no messy stab wounds, no difficult personal encounters. It's true that killers are killing America, but they're doing it with guns. Finally, Olson makes the absurd remark that, if criminals knew every potential victim had a gun and knew how to use it, they would never strike. I for one do not want to have to arm myself everytime I walk the streets before 1 will be safe. We have criminal codes so that people will not have to resort to such measures. If the present laws do not work, we should revive or strengthen them, not throw up our hands and strap on a holster. Our goal is to make our cities safe, civilized places to live, not turn them into armed camps. I maintain that a first step would be to severely limit the manu facture, distribution and ownership of handguns. Richard Betz Junior, EnglishPre Law (Mlw nebrasEian Editorials do not necessarily express the opinions of the Daily Nebraskan's publishers, the NU Board of Regents, the University of Nebraska and its employees or the student body. USPS 144-080 Editor: Tom Prentiss; Managing editor: Kathy Stokebrand; News editor: Steve Miller; Associate News editors: Dan Epp. Kim Hachiya. Alice Hrnicek; Night news editor: Martha Murdock; Assistant night news editor: Kate Kopischke; Entertainment editor: Pat Clark; Sports editor: Larry Sparks; Art director: Dave Luebke; Photo graphy chief: Mark Billingsley. Business manager: Anne Shank-Volk; Pro duction manager: Kitty Policky; Advertising manager: Art K. Small; Assistant advertising manager: Jerry Scott. Publications Board chairperson: Margy McCleery, 472-2454. Professional adviser: Don Walton. 473-7301. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters, except during vacation. Address: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Telephone: 472-2588. All material in the Daily Nebraskan is covered by copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68510. Annual subscription: $20, semester subscript ion: $1 1 . "POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb., 68588." Our delicious new Veal Parmagiana i & S;Y Special Sandwich. SpSsvff Mij Tender, tastv veal V vTJcs m9$JSjl - uur ueioxis new i Veal Rarrraniana Specialty SanoSvich. iwiuer.iasw vea topped with melted mozzarella cheese and rich tomato sauce. Only Burger King could cookupa Specialty Sandwich this delizioso! cihs I M '!--' I fV'.r.i.'trti'''' I nk.Mv laid J Mr. Mud J Thaortnqood Iran No. S to No. IX 1M1 Him H'M: t irJUHM Vex! Ttk$ offer good