The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
monday, novtmber 2, 1 231 P39 12 dally ncbmten NARRATOR Needed for Documentary, have good voice & reading ability. Call 475-8216. Regular housecleaner(s) for my home. Hourswages negotia ble. 488-6554 any time. Positions now open for cock tail waitress & busperson. Ap ply in person between 2:30 3:30 Mon-Fri. BOARS HEAD 70th & "0" 464-9178 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer year round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-Ne-1, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. TEMPORARY OPENINGS Data Entry: Will enter or ders via CRT's. Must type 50 wpm with 5 or less errors. 1st & 3rd shifts available. This temporary work will last through early Decern ber. Depending on shift $3.47$3.67 per hour. Ap ply in person 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. DONNELLEY MARKETING 809 "P" Street 6 or 7 GA. tickets to Iowa State, preferably togeth er but not necessary. Call 475-3753. Need 3 OU tks. 474-0655 after 5 p.m. Two G.A. tickets (together) and 2 male student tickets for ISU game. Call 467-4829. WANTED: D. B. Cooper Contact FBI, local law en forcement agency or Pacific Coast Airlines. WANTED: 2 tickets for Iowa State Game. Call 474 3378. WANTED: 4 male tickets for Iowa State game. Call 472-0232 after 6 p.m. Need one G.A. ticket to Iowa State. Call Evenings. 477 7797. TIRED OF CITY LIFE? Need roommate M or F. Remodeled farmhouse in Em erald. 475-5013. Prephysical Therapy Club, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Speaker from Mayo Clinic in Rochester. NEED HELP? Rape, Spouse, Abuse Cri sis Center. 24 Hours. 475 7273. KEEP ABORTION SAFE AND LEGAL. Students for Re productive Freedom will meet Monday, Nov. 2. 3:30 p.m. in the Union. Room to be posted. Professional typist. Accuracy guaranteed. IBM Selectric, 80 cents per page. 476-7814. Will do typing. Professional Secretary. Highest Quality. Reasonable rates. 474-0604. UNL Waterski Team meet ing. Wed., Nov. 4, 7 p.m. Graduating Seniors: Get pro fessional help with your resume. Hundreds of satisfied customers. Evening appointments available. COSTELLO & ASSOCIATES 475-9777 TYPING UNLIMITED Reports, Theses, Disserta tions, Legal, Miscellaneous. Competitive Rates-488-0223. NEED HELP WITH YOUR WRITING? Writinggrammer specialist will proofread and correct gram mer structural problems in theses, dissertations, term papers, etc. Also, ESL tutoring. Call 474-1401 after 5 p.m. Izod Rock is 999 and The Alley Cats Nov. 10th. Get your tickets early. ASUN positions on the following: A & S Senator and Publications Board. Deadline is November 2, 1981. Apply in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Un ion. CAMPUS CHRISTIAN PEACE GROUP Meeting Monday, Nov. 2 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Brown Bag lunch COMMONPLACE 333 N. 14th Students, Faculty. Staff Prayer Study Action In England 999 is the emergency number; in Lin coln 999 means a limited number of tickets for the wildest show of the SE MESTER I Get yours early. HOME ECSt AG MAJORS tired of dorm life? its hassles? its cost? Inexpensive residency at Love Memorial Halt Co-op for Women 3420 Holdrege 472-1097 U.N.L. Students for Life meeting Wed., Nov. 4 in the Union. Guest speaker JIM CUNNINGHAM. FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476- 0119 Typing, Professional, reas onable rate near main campus. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. AVIS SIE BERT. 477-5997. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477-8021. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (1A hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477- 8938 WANTED STUDENT ASSISTANTS S.A.'s FOR NEXT SEMESTER Students interested in becoming a Student Assistant in UN-L Residence Halls beginning in January, 1982, must attend one of two meet ings to be held in the Nebraska Union (check daily events calendar for room) to pick up application materials. Tuesday, November 3, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 4, 7:00 p.m. QUALIFICATIONS 'Strong commitment to helping students in a residential setting 'Sophomore class standing or above 'Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better 'Normal academic course load 'No outside employment BENEFITS 'Full room and board 'Rewarding personal and professional growth experiences 'Opportunity to investigate helping professions as a career option Question? Call Mary Kramer in the Housing Office at 472-3880. AAEEO Cornhusker Placement Service 1660 South 70th Suite 202 483-7614 Specializes in positions, for accounting, data processing, en gineers and all clerical. No fees. We recruit for companies and we place people. PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH & WRITING: Send $2 for catalog of 13.000 topics. Authors' Re search, Suite 600-A, 407 S. Dearborn, Chicago. IL 60605. (312) 922-0300. WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N.I 2th Street 476-3414 Block South of Nebraska Bookstore FRESH CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 Beta spook No. 32: Sorry I wasn't there Thurs day night, but I had to work. Spooky Theta No. 32 Blackcoat, You've got my curiosity going. Meeting's OK. When, where & how will I know ou? Girl from Amigos ATTENTION ALL ADPI MOMS: Mom Nancy K. is the GREATEST of them all! BAND MAFIA. We're in college, remember? Vlost people left that kind of childishness behind in junior high school. It's obvious who the real losers are. Gymnastics Instructor, I sat across from you at "Wendy's' Restaurant Thurs day night. I was so impressed I gave you my winning frosty before I left. Would like to buy you dinner. Same place, Monday, 6:00. Red Garters To the rowdies at our party Friday 10-25-81. We would like our phone back. No questions asked. Starr House P.S. PLEASE!! Laurie L. Congratulations, you have been voted founding member of the ChE Playboy Club. Even though you didn't win at Pears we are impressed. Two Senior ChE's P.S. You have a nice tail. tiTTFtrnlTBmagiE. Rudy, The cookies were great and so is the sender. Thanks! Just give me a call. Denise Charlie, Acct. Major, The note was sweet. Guess I'm a little old fashioned. You call mel RVP. Waterhole Tues. Nite Attempting Poolshark Chuck. I saw you in the office in Selleck sitting on the ta ble reading the personals in the rag. I admired your sen suous lips, your gorgeous eyes and your maulable chest, but what I'd really like is to bor row your shirt. MJC Turner Mc. The memories of past times will give us strength for the fu ture. Happy B-day Hun. Now wait for mine so we cross the river. Love ya. Turk Chrissy and Mary, How about that Cambridge DIET!! Your suntan Barbie Scott S. (96) To the most gorgeous guy on cam pus I You give me a reason to go to 12:30 classes. I'd love to get to know you better I?! ??? Clutz. I'm intriguedl Jerry Girl in Blue sweater and Brown pants in CPN cafe teria on Thursday. I saw you at Breakfast and again at lunch. Would really like to meet you. If interested. RVP. Guy in Intramural Champ T-shirt Jane-Pound-Liked talking to you Wed nesday Noon in lounge by gameroom in Union. Like to meet you again. Joe "baby." I love you too! Some day. I promise. Love, "Honev" Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Minus 5 Regal display 9 Oodles 14 Medley 15 Armament, for short 16 Of muscular vigor 17 Alpine snowfield 18 Den 19 Star: Comb, form 20 New Hampshire 23 Time for twilight 24 Suffix with child or churl 25 Noosed ropes 28 Gershwin and Levin 32 Name at Cooperstown 35 up (loosen) 16 Loud kiss 37 Four-state farming region 41 Gibe 42 "Persistence of Memory" painter 43 Just out 44 Familiar with 45 Quite a lot 47 Walk-on part 48 Bungles, with "up" 53 Utah 59 Hibernates, with "up" 60 Spirited self assurance 61 Fever attack 62 Passage between two islands 63 Viper colony 64 Songwriter Evans 65 Comes close to 66 Items used by Borden and Bunyan Lorene W. Is it true you're acetylene virgin attended by roses, even on your two two? Fox and Friend ATO's If we ever take the chal lenge again, we hope it's with youl You're the greatestl Love. APhi's Tami. Happy 19th Birthday. You're one great roomie. Nancy & Nila We Love Our PI PHI Pledge Trainers! Lori. Roses are Red Violets are blue. When I get thirsty. I'll call on you! Happy 20th Birthday. Randy Student Vets. Please pick-up your raffle tickets. Remember the meet ing Tuesday night (Nov. 3). Benakum, Whatever you decided, you know I'm behind you. You'll always have me as a friend. Love Ya. Action Matt (I mean Bob). You'll always be my Win ston Man. Love. Patti (I mean Nancy) Cindy: Please call me Wed. 11481 after 7:00 p.m. I would like to see you again. A WINK fan from NWU mm m 67 Three-pipped side of a die DOWN 1 Stories over stores 2 Nobelist Root : 1912 3 Patrol-car item 4 Canticles 5 Like the Alcazar 6 Where Muscat is 7 When a 1981 baby will be 21 8 Heiress in "The Merchant of Venice" 9 Apt rhyme for cache 10 of living 11 Theater org. 12 Cupid's missile life 13 Dark-colored plum 21 Sign a second lease 22 Part of a dollar sign 26 Happy clam at high water 27 Moves in a certain direction 28 Mischievous one 29 Colton Randolph play: 1922 30 Piece of realty 31 Distort 32 "Roberta" lyricist Ha r bach 33 "...a little lower the angels" 34 Native of Ger. 1 2 3 4 """ S 6 p i 9 lib 111 1 12 1 13 7s" 75 T7 7a 75" 5o 2, I 23 I 24 ' ' ' - 25 2 2 JTI29 bo"'! ' 32 33 1 34 1 35 '-' " 3J" 3l 38 - - 3T 1 40 44 irnpiT" J ,,1,,., 4 4 si" Is2 53 la'" Us" i1 w i: 5T 3 .5 - S3 5T i5 K.B. (Brunette in Abel snack bar) I am dying to meet you. I would like to meet about the same time, same place, this Thursday at 10:30 p.m. Please respond if you want to. D.D. P.S. RVP or 472-8093 Niese, Congratulations on your 84! I KNEW you could do it. Love, Grud Marsh R., Have a good time on your big 20! Happy B-Day. T.K.. L.B. Alpha Phi's. Thanks for a great 500 and a great time. Kevin and Rob Mare-Bear, Were you surprised? Hope you had a Happy 19th. Teri Nuke SWITZER LAND Nuke SWITZER LAND Nuke SWITZER LAND Prepare yourselves for Penelope Palmbranch, She's got more curves than the desert dunes! (Look for more in the personals!) Sue of Morrill Hall. Let Ann know we got a 36 out of 40! Thanks. Tim mis 36 Popular song since 1917 38 Italian's diminutive suffix 39 Prosecuting offs. 40 Krypton and xenon 45 in the sky 46 Goddess of wisdom 47 Defeats 49 Originate 50 More judicious 51 Chopin specialty 52 Unkempt 53 Scanty 54 Whetstone 55 Memorable first name in the Constitu tion State 56 Brew 57 Holly 58 Potiche