page 2 daily nebraskan tuesday, October 27, 1981 r . yr. i , ,--w jpr x m. GOLD OR SILVER IMPORTE0 t BOTTLED SV TEQUILA JALISCO S A ST LOUIS MO M PROOF V iiuTimii win! SPAGHETTD WORKS li lllll ll fcw i IIMM IIHIWMI Buy one single sauce spaghetti dinner and get one free at lunch on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (Offer good through Nov. 4, 1981) Lower Level of the Eagle Building 226 NORTH 12th FULL LUNCHEON MENU: Mon.-Fn. t!:30-2:00 DINNER: Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:30 Fri.& Sat. 5:00-12:30 1 SOUTHWEST CIVIC CENTER 2606 Park Blvd. Have Your Next Party in Lincoln's Newest Facility! Seating Up to 800 People 50' by 50' Dance Floor Band Stand, P. A. System Catering Our Speciality A ffordable Prices Plenty of Free Parking Ideal for Wedding Receptions, Business Meetings, Dormitory or Greek Functions. Call 475-8959 for Information and Reservations. Ask for Lucy or Nancy. Forester returns to class setting By Carol Harrah Professors should make a point of bringing new and original methods into their teaching so students will enjoy and learn more in their classes, a UNL professor said. Mitchell Ferrill,. professor in the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, said original teaching methods are important to help students learn. "Having students participate in class and making class new and fun each day will cause students to remember more of what they learned, Ferrill said. UI don't take roll in my classes, but I always remember who was there be cause of my interaction with the students during classes. Ferrill became head of the department in 1975. Prior to that he was the Nebraska State Forester for 10 years. In January he left his administrative post to teach. "1 got tired of being in administration and decided to teach again,' Ferrill said. "I like teaching and felt that I had learned enough from the real world to come back and teach students what to expect when they were in a job situation after school.' Ferrill said it is important for an adviser to help students make a decision on what classes to take and what major they should take. "Students will sometimes have the wrong ideas on what kind of job they can get with a particular major," he said. 'That's especially true with a forestry major." Because UNL doesn't offer a degree in forestry, students must go elsewhere to finish college. The univer sity has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Missouri which allows forestry majors to finish their degrees in Missouri and still pay Nebraska resident tuition rates. Missouri forestry students can take their first two years of study at UNL Ferrill said 18 freshmen and eight sophomores are in forestry. Did You Know... INSULIN DOES NOT CURE DIABETES ? American Diabetes Assn. Remember that special person with a hand crafted, high quality gift. Buy it at The Niche A new selection of gifts has arrived, which can be purchased for any special occasion. Located in the East Campus Union Bookstore 1 square foot, or more. "Enough Land To Stand On!" Share the thought of the desert sun and California fun. The perfect gift for yourself or someone special. There's no money down; No monthly payments or high interest rates; Just a few miles from Palm Springs and Disneyland; And just 2Vi hours from Los Angeles Int'l Airport What could be more perfect? One square foot for only $10.00. You'll receive: A map of Sunny California with a general de scription of your land purchase. Directions to this oasis from LAX! An actual certificate of Real Estate ownership " to be framed as a beautiful gift, featuring the name of that special person. ACT NOW, Purchase This Wonderful Gift For Christ mas or Anytime. OTVE WARMTH WTTH CALIFORNIA STTNSHTNR The Greatest Gift Ever! Buv California Land For Onlv. $1U.UU!!! What an opportunity to make that investment of a lifetime. And you thought you could't afford it. Well, thanks to Golden Sunrise you can. r M I 1 I I E I e i i i B i i B B COUPON CONTENT: Send your name and address .Zip code is the new landowner (Name) Single Married Unmanned (Marital status is vital for purposes of legal document.) (Address) Send this gift to the following address: Name . yin code Send check or money order to Golden Sunrise Investment Corp. C I 5 3 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 111 Hollywood. California 9 0 0 3 S Yes! I would like certificates of ownership for S 10 .00 each, plus $1.50 for postage and handling. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. -TOT. No. Certificates at 110 each -$1.50 POSTHAND each -Total Amount Enclosed 1 fl B B B B B B B fl B B B fl fl A lot of students don't realize that a forest ranger or game warden can't hunt on the area for which they are responsible; Ferrill said. "They also can't be out hunt ing, fishing or camping at the height of the season because that's when everybody else is and it's when they're fairly busy working. When they (students) discover this, they change majors." Ferrill began his teaching career in 1961 at the Univer sity of Missouri as a teaching assistant. He now teaches three courses in the fall and two in the spring semester at UNL. "The ideal situation for professors would be a little administration and a lot of teaching, he said, "especially in keeping classroom contacts. Classroom contacts is the most important part of teaching. Right now there is a'lot of administration and a little teaching. I'd like to-see that changed, but it may take some years before that may come about. Volcker to speak here in November The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Gover nors, Paul A. Volcker, will give the 1981 EJ. Faulkner Volcker will speak at 10:30 an. in the ballroom of the Nebraska Union. His appearance is sponsored by the Col lege of Business Administration and is open to the public. Volcker is in an important position guiding the coun try's monetary policy, said College of Business Admini stration officials. The EJ. Faulkner Lecture series was endowed by Woodman Accident and Life Company to bring distin guished lecturers to UNL. Faulkner, a recognized national leader in the life and health insurance business, served for 49 years as president of Woodman Accident and Life Company and currently is chairman of the board. The lectures are conducted under the auspices of the Center for the Study of the American Business System in the College of Business Administration. The center was established by the NU Board of Regents in January 1978 and is dedicated to improving education, research and ser vice related to the American business system. The lecture series provides an opportunity to supple ment the formal education of UNL students and the com munity about American business, challenges to the U.S. business system and its prospects for the future. AMERICAN RED CROSS WHY SHOULD ANYONE JUMP OUT OF A PERFECTLY GOOD AIRPLANE? IT'S SAFE. FUN, RELATIVELY INEXPENSIVE AND EASY. (GRAVITY DOES ALL THE WORK) SLUE SKY JUmP SCHOOL USPA JUMPMASTERS USPA INSTRUCTORS OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Call Evenings: 483-5970 Croup Rates Available The warmest investment ever, and you thought you Homecoming 1931: Take the Husker Challange All American Collegiate Talent Search homecoming f a!ant show Performing will include dancers, singers -and dramatic arts. Nebraska Union Ballrooms. Wed. Oct. 28 7:30 p.m. $1.00 to Students with I.D. Sponsored by: UPC-City Walpurgisnacht fl H iaS 1111-1 MB M H H tSi