The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 27, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
tuesday, October 27, 1981 page 12 daily nebraskan OTffiflacilS 1973 Mustang convertible needs some body work. Call Pat 433-1022 after 6 p.m. JB. You are too fine a tutor. Hope you didn't catch cold Thursday f K. FRESH CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "0" St. 476-0119 PERSON. Please return the tan coat taken from Burnett lavatory Friday for REWARD?? No questions asked. 1128 0ldfather. Thanks FOUND: Near 13th & "P" Streets - a pair of prescrip tion sunglasses brown frames. Call 472-8025 to claim. LOST: Seiko Quartz watch. Black face with silver band. Lost at 12th & "Q" St. Re ward. 476-0580. LOST: Orange spiral note book. 209 Oldfather. Oct. 20. Reward. 435-0328. Good Morning Gorgeous: I LOVE YOUI ' G OLJS eL U 6 c TTp o f tTh eJc e 8 1 rTg illffiMlEJil cHTp lITi! G t sTTTw TwT i t ejor t gT s TTI w rrrr tt t t l ? r '"" M U H f fjl $ miMT F 010 NT N T7 c I u rbne wff s "lu Rhonda (Bird) St. Louis was (F-U-N) Thanksl so fun! Kathy Fill Up C. Be nice to your local fawn. Had a nice time. Shelley Muffy. Halloween is full of goblins and fright, I trust you wilt not let them bite. Tripp Future Dr. Body; Who's your friend? Who's your Buddy? Who's your pal? P.S. Happy Birthday Brian P.P.S. Any women that want a hot body call 9618. Hug your second- string football player today, because he may be first -string tomorrow, and forget who you are!! (Right No. 21 and No. 12?) CONGRATULATIONS Nyla P. on winning the district Mate It With Wool Contest! You deserve it. Your Roomies Acacia's, Delt's and Kappa's Thanks for the great time Thursday. We loved playing doctor with you! Love. The Alpha Phi's Judy B., "My friend sings the song in my heart when memory fails." Good luck today! Love, Jana Girl in Amigos: Can't quite remember what you were wearing, but you did have light brown hair, not real long. Like to set up a meeting: reply. Guy in Black Coat Ernie. Hope you have a happy 21st today. Don't forget dinner on 6:00. Love. Jill Mr. T.. Great weekend! You're not bad at polo for a guy. Don't faint. Legs "Lucky 7" After we made a mesc of the road trip to Boulder, after we continually tripped through the mountains of Colorado, and after we polished off a keg of Lowenbrau, we got totally stoned while witnessing the Rolling Stones. Mick will never forget us. Three cheers for sugar cubes. Jack Daniels, mushrooms and Knaub's great iams. R.C. softest in town MDB: Thanx for coming home after covering the Big T-Bone steak-out in CB. Contrary to rumor we can't live without you. Gear up for the final five big weeks. Madame Mao To my FRIENDS I'm sorry I was drunk. Tommy Girl with long purple coat. I saw you "again Monday. I know you're an "Alpha Phi." We exchanged Hi's last week, want to meet you. Respond via personals. Short and Friendly Karla M. Get psyched for Saturday -it's your day! Congrats and good tuck. MR Hey Baschiman! Have a GREAT Birthday! We love ya. Kelly. Gail & Mary Phi Psi's 500 was the best ever! We love ya. Alpha Phi's P.S. Scudder. you are for given. Steve, Mark, Kallon. Had a mega-weekend. Did you get what you wanted Satur day night? Was it enough? The Gretna Girls P.S. Steve, what was the real score?? To the guys who found my wallet Sunday evening: THANK YOU! Please tell me who you are! Patty L. To girl in Abel 1322. You came out of your room around 7:30 Fri. night (the 16th) in your robe and I asked if you were embarrassed. Tail one Those Kappa Pledges are Awesome! Julie E. (Phi Mu) Congratulations! I Love Ya. Your Fellow Cubie B.! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Phyliss The gang Gamma Phi's As coaches we had a really fun time, hope you had as good a time as we did. Your the Greatest! Shawn, Tim, Dan Roger F.. Thanks for brightening my ThursDAY. Anxious to hear from you Topless Doctor, I think I found your hat. Is it orange? How 'bout that lunch in exchange for your hat? Nurse Anne White Houses, Red Barns. White Picket Fences. Thanks for a perfect week end. I love you. Mike 7200. Sorry you lost Sunday but t still wuv you! Your Season Score Keeper Mr. (Tony) 46 Would you sign my calen dar? You were great against MU and good luck against KU. An Ardent Admirer Scott P. You're the greatest! When can we go out. Your secret spook Dear Brian. I thought about getting you Dog Barf on Monkey Pus for your birthday, but it wasn't on sale so I got you something different; a sex change. Your Buddy and Pal Dr. Body P.S. My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble. asm mt) mq am& Tarn I. You made my day! You are wonderful, beautiful and sweet. A great friendship is on the way. So I am counting the minutes until we meet again. Me Jack O. Happy 19th birthday. One more year until you're legal and I won't be here. Bummer! Love, Karen Blaine T. Have I got "something" to show you! Are you interested? RVP by Thurs. if you like Hot and Heavy (or Ice and Kinky) signed, "Wildwoman" P.S.: FM! Who has the "Prettiest Eyes?" Epoxy Zane, Zankz for za cake- How are za kidz? ABEL redhead with "LOVE and WIN" t-shirt at "Hero at Large" girl beside you would like to meet you. Please RVP if interested or not. Brunette Jerry. Happy Birthday on time. On this day remember: Lake 16, Prom, Champagne, Fresh aire. Skiing, and Sleeping. Let to night be special because "dia monds" are forever and it's "urgent." LOVE . . . FROM THE "BETTER" CITY To the girl in Rag office, Thurs. 1:00: Thanx for the help on the personal. Dale (A-8) To the one and only J.H. Happy birthday, college girl, with love. The folks back home Sig Ep's Let's float down the river to gether again sometime. It was greet f Love, A Phi's XHub? Sue B.. A true dude never says die. When things look bleak just re member you've always got Tico's and us! Kristi and Carol Lisa (LBC): Philly and L.S. sound good, but just think of the broken hearts that wilt be left grovelling in the hearth of Lincoln. Four-eyes and a cast of thousands ixsm to rams puzzle KuTmcTgrom 8 D 0 D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 Q D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 Q WANT TQ GET PMD WHILE YOU 5TUDy ? m . DONATE. PLA5MA Ys rclaxinq arid YOU can (2am TTl D while you learn XJT Q 20 a WCGK 0 bonuses f ou donate regularly jj BRIN6TVU5 AD YOUR TIRST TIME Q W0RTVJ$5 EXTRA 0 call 4T4-2335 -For app-K Q LINCOLN PLASMA ZOZlOSTfl C3 O E3 E3 C3 O C3 d O 0 O O O a Bill S.. (S.D.) South Dakota must have sent us their best, you! Unknown Diane S. Are you having FUN today? Happy Birthday. ,YourFrjends. 1 EB-56. I'll treat to your next fill up. 2-N4393 MJM, How about a steak instead of a roast, have a great show this week with Candide. John. Hank, & Phi Psi's Thanks for the 500. It was great! KAPPA DELTAS Dear S.F., HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a super-fantastic day and get thrown in the fountain! Love ya lots and lots Your.S.F. AXO: We are the tricycle champs and the real winners of the 500 because we had so much fun. But for Yogi & Boo Boo it's time to go into hibernation, the fountain told us it's wintertime, so THANX 'til next year! We love ya. Yogi & Boo Boo UNLhas 2 10's! Chris B & J.D. each had perfect scores in M.A. 117. -T.A. As coaches of 1981 PHI PSI 500 CHAMPIONS, we would like to congratulate them on their wonderful victory, and thank them for making Sunday so much fun for us. We also want to con gratulate Ann on being crowned the Phi Psi 500 Queen. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA is truly a house of CHAMPIONS! We Love All of You, Brian & Craig Tweedle-dum, Here's your first personal. You're the best friend t could have. Thanx. Tweedle-dee The Memories, Priceless The Liquor, Endless The Films, Limitless The Host, Tasteless Everything you always wanted in a party and less. The Sixth A-nual Fahlberg Film Festival. Girl wearing (redish?) coat waiting for the bus Friday at 12:05. Your smile made my day. I am interested in talking to you again. RVP Guy in Red Coat with mustache THE CUNNING LINGU ISTS ARE COMING!!! Ken, Thanks for the special times wading in Grove Lake Bogner's doz. roses tuna salad & Dr. Pepper Blueberry Hill Country Kitchen the White Shadow & Flash Gordon-3X. Everyday I love you more. Here's to many more special times together. Love, Freckles To all friends of Jean Z Sharon D., and Shannon D.,: Make sure to keep your calendar open on Nov. 14. A big housewarming party is in the works. See one of us for details. Marsha G. . . Thank you for your smile, your warmth, and your honesty. J.D. I'm looking for couples, friends, etc. who have met through the ON Personals for a feature story. Call Mary Louise, 472-1764 or 472-1768. My Beautiful Ranch Gal: May we work many varied jigsaw puzzles togeth er, beginning soon with the Lord's blessing always. The Lon Star Kid Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA n ACROSS 1 Source of a fountain drink 8 Layers 14 Region of Turkey 16 Etnean cavity 17 Prokofiev work 19 Spaces 20 Football forces 21 Moms 22 Ancient people of Gaul 24 Deprivation 26, Egyptian cobra 29 Concerning 31 Lhasa , Tibetan breed of dog 35 Type of type 38 Surrounds with an aura 41 Vaughan Williams work 43 African body of water 44 Eye part 45 Tower in Gen. 35:21 46 Water surface, to a poet 48 Borch, Dutch painter 49 Went like the Titanic 52 Wanes 55 Family member, for short 58 Perch 60 Facilitated 64 Menotti work. with "The" 67 Icons, e.g. 68 Insecticide substance 69 Having . branches 70 Makes a sergeant into a corporal DOWN 1 pie (from head to foot) 2 Unique person 3 Tardy 4 Goon (carouse) 5 Of Oslo origin 6 Diminutive suffix 7 Rin 8 Fool, Yiddish style 9 Bit on a scalp 10 Uncooked 11 Part of a molecule 12 Seaport in Honduras 13 Sounds from Sandy 15 Summer cooler 18 Natural ability 23 Bible book 25 Port du , 50 City on the yellowish Rhone cheese 51 Loop and 26 Bridal path running knot 27 Follower of 53 Add jewels to homeorbed 54"ICain't 28 Winter wear ," 1943 30 Frail; slender song 32 Assume to be 55 Cooking factual instruction 33 River of Paris 56 " La 34 Role in "The Douce" Odd Couple" 57 Anna's place 36 Sly looks abroad 37 Relative of co. 59 Gibraltar is and ltd. one:Abbr. 39 Mount Sinai's 61 Espy alias 62 Slave on 40 Soul, in 50 Anglo-Saxon Down estates 42" the 63 Coloring Moon," B'way agents play 65 Give it 47 Way of doing (try) something 66 Season after printemps t 2 p 5 ? I 18 i 1 10 11 12 1 13 iTi tt" W " " 18 Ta "" J?" 2T" 27 28" 29 JQ TT 32 " hi"' 1 34 3Tn7" "" 3a sTTwT 1 42 45 , JeT" TT" Ji" 3 jsT """52 r--r- I f l sTT&r 64 65 " """"" "" - "" " m - 73 '6lllnJoltlJuL lilliMIM