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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1981)
monday, October 26, 1981 daily nebraskan page 1 1 Skis-180 Hexcel Spectral ites, Solomon bindings & brakes. Skied on twice, $175. Paul-435-8287. 72 WV Super Beetle, runs good, new tires, needs work, $600 or best offer. Call 476 7115. After 6 p.m. Person needed to assist writ ing and researching a specific topic in Psychology. Applicant must have good research and writing skills. Will pay 5-9 dollars an hour depending upon experience and qualifications. Send informal resume to: Jim Smith P.O. Box 81294 Lincoln. NE 68501 . WAITERS OR WAITRES SES WANTEO - Hours flex ible, approximately 15-25 hrs. per week. Apply in person. Happy Chef 2929 N.W. 12th Need 2 G.A. tickets (to gether) for Kansas Game. Call 472-8764. I need 11 GA.' to USX). I need at least 3 sets of two tickets together. Preferably all 6 seats together. The other 5 can be singles. 476-9307 6 ask for Oan. 3 Bedroom apartment. All utilities paid-$330. 541 N. 34th. 474-4203 & 464-3733. RENTAL Rent small room refriger ators, televisions, stereos, desks, dressers, chests, living room furniture, washers and dryers, bunk beds. ACE FURNITURE 2429 "O" Street 474-3444 Ex-large 1 bedroom apart ment. Carpet, dishwasher, heat paid, close to campus. 477 3S89. One bedroom, two bedroom apartments, houses and townhouses TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY Ron Hinkley 489-7888 Nice efficiency Carpet, drapes, all Off-street parking, campus. 477-3889. apartment, appliances, close to MOVING a Cargo Van from Leasing. Call 477- Rent DeBrown 7253. 17th & 'N" St. 114 No. 46th Street 2 Bedroom House Basement with hook-ups. Plenty off street parking and privacy be fore 5 p.m. 466-1946. GRAB A PARTNER Two can live for the price of one, brand new 6-plex, large deluxe two bedroom apartments, carpet, drapes, ap pliances, AC, 5 blocks from campus, $280 per month. Label I a Enterprises 474-4551 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer year round. Europe. S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. $500 $1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-Ne-1, Corona Del Mar, CA' 92625. Positions now open for cock tail waitress & busperson. Ap ply in person between 2:30 3:30 Mon-Fri. BOARS HEAD 70th & "O" 464-9178 Student representative for SkoalCopenhagen on City Cam pus. Preferably Greek. All in terested, send resumes to: U.S. Tobacco Company 12798 Grover St. Omaha, Nebr. 68144 f 0 JACK NICHOLSON A STANLEY KUBRICK RLM KUNE tickets-2 pair stu dent & spouse or male & fe male students together. 466 8041 after 5:30. Four G.A. tickets NU-KU. Good price. 472-8143. Wanted: 2 G.A. or female tickets to K.U. game. Call 477-6496 from 1:30-5:30. Badly Needed: ets to Iowa State. 4461. 6 G.A. Tick Russ at 466- WANTED: 5 G.A. tickets to Nebraska vs. Kansas -preferably together. Call 472 8336 or 474-0186. Jk CUSTOM-HAIRSTYLING "Ralner Werner Fassbinder is the most dazzling, talented, provocative, original, puzzling, prolific and exhilarating film- maker of his generation. Anywhere ..." faAAbindeJtX FAa With Eddie Constantine, Hanna Schygulla, Bulle Ogier, Volker Spengter A new Yorker Films Release 1980. Sheldon Art Gallery Oct. 25 at 3, 7, & 9 o'clock Oct. 26 at 7 & 9 General Admission $3.00 UN L Students $2.50 l I r 1 1 . SHELLEY DUVALL E L TCAB Committees Meet at 6:15 tonight in the Union. ( 999 in concert Nov. 10. Tickets on sale tomorrow, Tues., Oct. 27. Dear Mick Jagger Your lips make me 999. In Concert BeaUNLBatgirll If you are interested in being a batgirl, come to an infoimational meeting. Where: South Stadium When: Thurs., Oct. 29 Time: 8:30 p.m. If there are any questions, call: Karen, 476-0979 or Mikci, 474-6709. Chapter Summary Bible Study 12:30 Tuesday in the Union. Check calendar of events for room number. Everyone welcome. BARBER-SERVICE LOWER LEVEL NEBRASKA UNION APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE 472-2459 - Vincent Cant New York Times Tuesday October 27th 7:30 p.m. The Terraces Nebraska East Union $1.50student $2.50non-student sponsored by in coordination with UNL Homecoming esS --1' mm VOTE Elect your Homecoming Royalty this Wednesday. Support Alpha Tau Omega, and National Kidney Founda tion in their Fight against Kidney Disease. Organ Donor Awareness Week, Oct. 26-31. Pick up a Donor Card Today. Presidents of Organizations: We've got money for you! Fund Allocation Committee can help you with budget problems. Call CAP -City, 472-2454. ALL UNL MEN AND WOMEN: Come and watch the spec tacular Homecoming Parade this Fridayll You can still enter until Oct. 28 in the Nebraska Union, Rm. 200. Join the fes tivities. Take the Husker Challenge. "A Chicana Perspective" panel on Tues. evening at 7 p.m. in Room 117, Un ion. With Romana Quevado, Sister Consuelo and Caro line Sherman. tiouglas 3 13th & P 475 2222 5:15-7:20-9:25 IMRMTSN WW or rut LOST ABU (E9 5:20 - 7:35 - 9:50 MERYL STRFP-y f If T f If l rsn 515-715-9:15 Ou Meo't lift Muiflli John Gwiau :i3rthwiii Tuesday, November 10 with Special Guest The Alley Cats Tickets available Tuesday, Oct. 27 at both Nebraska Unions, Dirt Cheap, and Homer's in Omaha. Limited number of tickets available. Students $3.50 General $4.50 ri HiOC3 MONDAY Draws ... 25 cents Pitchers. ..$1.50 Bar Drinks ... 50 cents All Beer ... 60 cents V Pound Hamburger & Fries $1.50 Bloody Marys ... 50 cents THURSDAY Dance Contestl Draws ... 25 cents Pitchers ... $1.50 Bar Drinks ... 75 cents Pound Hamburger & Fries $1.50 uikolais Dance November 7 at 8pm November 8 at 3pm & 8pm Tickets on sale to UNL STUDENTS ONLY October 19-23. On sale to all others beginning October 26. These performances supported in part by funding from the Nebraska Arts Council and the National Endowment tor the Arts-Dance Touring Program as coordinated by Mid-America Arts Alliance. SPECIAL EVENT Learn about Nikolais and his unique style of Modern Dance. Friday, November 7 at 8pm Mabel Lee Hall 14th & Vine Dance Studio, Room 304 No Admission Charge UPC Presents The British Wave AS8502 APPEARING THIS WEEK: at the 1316 "N" No.l Night Spot in Lincoln Featuring Music of the "Sixties"-"Seventies"-"Eighties" WEEKLY SPECIALS TUESDAY Draws ... 25 cents Pitchers .. .$1.50 Bar Drinks ... 50 cents All Beer ... 60 cents Pound Hamburger & Fries $1.50 FRIDAY 2FERS! 5-9 p.m. Vz Pound Hamburger & Fries $1.50 THE ACTING COMPANY on tour for the Kennedy Center Midsummer Night's Dream November 12 & 13 at 8pm Waiting for Godot November 14 at 8pm Venetian Comedy November 15 at 8pm Tickets on sale ONLY TO UNL STUDENTS Oct. 19-23. On sale to all others beginning Oct. 26 KIMBALL HALL 11 &R Box Office (11-5) 113 Music Bldg, 11th & R 472-3375 University of Nebraska Lincoln UNL Centennial Room WEDNESDAY 50 cent NIGHT All Bar Drinks ... 50 cents All Beer ... 50 cents 2 Draws for . . . 50 cents ALL NIGHT! SATURDAY 5-9 SPECIALS Open Before The Game!