The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1981, Page page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, October 21, 1981
daily nebraskan
page 5
Khomeini makes day to day life 'risky business'
This is a response to Pat Higgins article on Iran's
revolt. (Daily Nebraskan Oct. 15) The student who was
interviewed and calls himself a spokesman for the Muslim
Student Association put the events in Iran in stages. One
might get the impression that from the beginning these
people were following a blueprint. He claims that the
Ayatollah is in charge which could not be further from
the truth. The Ayatollah is just a puppet whose strings are
in the hands of Islamic Republic Party.
wM opinion
economy is in chaos and there is no real security.
For instance, going to a grocery store can be a very
risky business these days. The only way that Khomeini is
able to unite his illiterate mobs is through shared hatred.
They want to impose an ideology which is alien, non
dynamic, backward and above all, sick. They do not even
dismiss children from executions.
According to Amnesty International, Iran has execut
ed scores of children aged 9-15 years old. The so-called
chief judge, who is a Mullah (clergy) himself named
Mussavi-Ardabili, was asked about children being execut
ed, his reply was only if a nine-year-old is "mature
enough" will he or she face a firing squad for his or her so
called crimes.
The Ayatollah from the beginning brought misery and
or death to Iran. His stupidity was a major factor which
caused the war with Iraq. This war, after more than one
year, took the lives of at least 10,000 brave Iranian
soUders and created a 2 million war refugee problem. He is
a tryant who rules by terror and is more brutal than his
I think his government is a disgrace to international
community and his eight or so supporters on this campus
are a disgrace to this fine institution. I just hope other
countries take lessons from Iranians' horrifying experi
ence. I have to stay anonymous to protect my family in
Iranian student
Khomeini is a megalomaniac and his government is
dominated by a bunch of people with middle age Victorian
mentalities, who dream of returning Iran to prophet's
time. Just last week, Amnesty International reported 1 ,800
executions in Iran in only two months. This is an official
figure. The real number is believed to be much higher.
People are being executed after 2-5 minute long court
processes and for offenses like distribution of political
pamphlets, participating in anti-Khomeini demonstrations
and shouting anti-Khomeini slogans. The official charges
of most people who get executed as announced repeatedly
by Tehran radio is "wagering war against God and the
prophets of God."
These psychos have turned Iran into a concentration
camp. People risk their lives to get out these days. The
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