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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1981)
daily nebraskan Wednesday, October 21, 1981 Students can . The long, turd ork that went mte the forming of j utc student deviation ts beginning to pay off for the Nebraska State Student ssocut ton. t last weekend's Ninth Animal National State Students Associat ion vVnfenrnoe in Lincoln. Nebra ska" infant student association re cetved two honors for its work. ware wis tor ?ct:tg ttr :!vst .:iroed new studen: isocuttoit a:ic the other went to Nette Nelson, -"crnhcr of the NS oavc L-eccorSs who was se-ecfoc .vV; of the ear Vh-e aw .irt is .:?d:oa::oi iu: 'ioss: s:.cei.':s ho -ovsiec "or j. v....c.v . ocr :hc u-. ;".v..ic are cJi stneer? j' vtiii '-'V .' i"i.soe o .?. iuceics v. VoruNCj :vcieii? hae -'X ji?c "-c-we ooi?ce"Tis ere :e- 'X"cs ra:e : a :urx oct'.csL are ccw! a eocTti'x'tt to -aiir c wdl e- es&eiicil for oncerrxv scucertis :o voce? o:"'oef"is ai5C o-iraes. Feminism is called a fraud THp k "he linc:ii MeincnaL tu- hi Trscse - sera vai i. iiiv 2hi luiuit xjiiiis .reaeneac. 7vo r;mer fr:c aidies irciu. Tie re-rvecu tm icvKsice- U'' sobran ERA :vii j -eaadv ileai next S, 'nit i'' i iiraaiv xinaiose iad 'Jiccmg fast. The nzzieti :ailv. verpuciiczsd 2v 2ie ne:lia. i iign che mes. T"ie first aaies. Lulv lirci Xounscn. uui ierr.7 ?-.ira. vera ui naujx:icci& hut n' tor.Kescerr.cns or ;uaiir Neither it hem icueve:i mvthin in ler iwi; loti vere ncdeis f lew :ar i v;man nav r.use ia nebraskan zemans "' -2 y teansxjn i juOiisflnrs, mn USPS t44gC rirct XwiWM icitoi i'Sw Wilr; Ajscc:ata -ricax , VIqpt tftvu iditoi- Warfa Wur-oc Aamsrart iqrr itor ara .iciscr-a s:-taminiTiiirt alitor w Car Socm 3;tcr C:cv 2sxn Lt ?-ircic3on, j4il jqrr. 3oo G isai-nanr, 3 it G'af, Vteann 3nv, 2a oi-rr, p. sre Crow, 34tav W Itar, 2jr!n Taraqer: Anr SJiarx- 3i, 2uc?:c -wager: .t?M '3i;c:. AwWtssng -araqw Art at; AjaKant acSvirTiair arnqor .of t Scott. VcCuftr, 472-2454. fsaioai aevsar. Oon 47-3-72C1.. THg Z m MCTMxan- is ;Ubistid isv UWL 3urrf is hs icrr ismssrv vcact Untcrt, t4?i and ft Knen, Uncain. ViO., 2353. Ti4cior. 473-2553. A.I fiararia ro D4iiv Vusran is idcord sa;a scsraqa sad it iUrcoin. va A.-r-ua K-fcscr otiort; 120. mrr Xscrc Crt 111 C-3TI.A3T H : fend address charges M4fcrian24 5cr-a Unto. !4-n and irr-3,, wo, SSS53. dull budget ax It will take an extremely loud voice to penetrate the ears of deaf legislators who are so blindly crusading to balance the budget that they refuse to acknowledge the consequences of their actions. The consequences are devastat ing. Janice Fete, national chairper son of the I'mtexi States Student ssoc:at:on said, cutbacks in the Pell Grants program ar.d addition al reductions in funds, tor students oould pnee hundreds of thousands of s:udefi::- out of colleges across Lhe ruaoc. Fune"s words aren't new to ihe I'NL cx-np'us. rroL:gh UN arc Lhc Ooerrj:en L:ojsoc Commit :eev scudencs were told what thev eoi-JXi erecc when the o.rr.o a fe2 on srudects. ar wiii taxe effective '.coovug to try ard rum Che :::de hack :o hei? rather zhdj. hirdenrt.g s:u cents. Through cise NScs. sru-i-ents in Necrtsia will hae a ria: brr. that uhey cart use to address rd-caricial issues. '.rh a scroqg cchir;g asscaa ner Vi.zr:s for srucenis ari lt rreasec in eectioris, ooiiee srucenis can regm' :o shift the labor's oorrriirrrt'en: haci :o ard a uahr- ed-car:cr f aie narre ne zvpz mm y ul lie truwia- icw ifc:t n .nerjcai ;i;iirxx iuinisni uua: lit ie oiliest. enuinsi i: sxm :V:c ae itrwuri it K tnai iccc riirxea :t reti. "wic iri rcii'j e "ire aiiie.i ie?i e irr '.ir.ii:uj itt-X-ia. A :rw ia-i ig1! die sajj ?cct r,ra,,w- pco fQuadT nd oop2aiT foe uriicrj nhe teoty jz H rea, prssusachi in du.vir.ij bock rtve in, iri ncuiio. Tcday iie kicy rmams i !e:iO4 fnrtst. Vi ice"'' Vh.o iiiai s t.her' 'hor siue ices icctisipcrarv fisninisni lave lay '1 iil, it ay "hai votnea i;im 5- :aa:a :cx iver io Jar men i.ini. That is iucccs id "o ?rove v.r-.en inffar iciincmic iis nmiaonca. 3 xi fact, it ixJs ceil is :har women ire 5even sire aiow likiiv quit rieir jcc& md apt out at sie :od marxet, n fawr at aeacg JLcccr-jti by i Kcuse. IvevL i :t vri tr:e "Tnn mea rver paid rie ixi 41 oaata rx:t comp:inC'!e wort, we oakt be left voademg a.y prcct seekxij itrxioy'in woi!d pay "iui'suca fcr e iuxur :t irxunarrjj igaoist women. The whcie idea a icmr i. AzxL in rriiy typical ot" firramst de-'jorx. Tie -iietcnc beiccga to e daia ot faddish .rrieda vhich ixick jverbocy ptotVise iad ixicst icccdy raiy be JTiei.. W wr il' wld iccut ER. -aatJ tie -ionzned iur.!j locked aa if it rri-ijit icr.iuily rasa. Tien raasca let ai, ninaaatiy. Reaoon has i way of icir.? riiat, Histor an ioca Lxkoca haa pomtid to the aa be tween "public opiaica - what people in the rredia age fid it ia rsscectacle to uy -ind "pecuia: jeatxriear" - what they raly tiack, hut lay ecly ia private. Thi iap is never coostoai; rt ia ilway widear ot narrowtr.. Dxaig the Izberii ra is weened, and feminism, the lady'i arciiary of hhenliam, jot pieaty of hp ttrrice. Today the jap ia. aorrowx again,, and it a becoming petmissihle t doubt cpeafy that certain kida of sexuality ars at:.rr;iele - or run desirable. Dees thia mean that women ars in for trouble? I icci Ihini jo. On the ccntrary , miaiaai ia highly maacijaiit in that it assurss that women should cerfonn hke xea a pcsin derogatory so the dia exctesy feminine qiahta of women. The demise of ERA, and of fsmraism, ia a rjctory for feminity. ici Las Asuts Tknss Syndicata lST&33Si Stand-up comic's message gets respect from hecklers l w'ia icmg at Broyhil roun'.m ahoct aocn. and qui ot icwr.en "Jra jtiy jrmpec onto- the idie of e tountxn and Etarud ihcutrot to rst wir.c 1 ittentxc I Ice kid 13 it him ::c ijiat l minooi 3 iee hat I vu aimg to ha e so deal with. He vis a hrrie past middle isit, 'Mldmsi and ir 'inched n penctratca. He was weamg a jray suit wttk baggy ;anii md a biix e that he kept catching md adr isrr-! :th. hia handa. dark J l 2 I tred to igneri him. I meanu INe icen r.ese juyi betrrs. h ieema his tiey cond -p at the fountain sry day and ipect the same message. Bui locethiaj about hia tcics competed me to hatu Cocd rrowd, crowd," he laid, lockmg around a: what at the time wia not icen ot a crowd at iZL Rodney Dang-irrleid hen, md I wm: to tel yea, txies art tnd of roujh. ttowadayk I had to admit rt, tmea wtrt kind of rough, ncwidayi. Not rht new, today, of ccune, he iontxued. Scr?r fm Oi aow, but you jhculd ha'J wea me last week. He ad-'-at-id hia tie. 'Last iek 1 vtsl sa to iee my icctct. My dcctotTa a rial jck? yea kacw. .Anyway, ! tel hx?t "Dcc rery tr fock in the mirror ! throw tip-. I'hai'i WTOug' And he lay a, i dca know, bet your iyesight'i fme.' " 1 thought for a minute about what be jaid. I fiit as though, icmeicw thia knew ail about me, as though he wia ipeaicng only to me. E mean, i too had been to my doctor rjcaatly. He pulled a handkerchief out of hia htsast pockit to mop' hia brow, men hap hazardly moved it hade into the peckjj. Hi adjusted hia fce, int out to the heaca the other day to watch, the t;de roil in, ft took one teck at me and roiled right back out again." He puZed the handkerchief out n A orow-i wia formmg and they w its start ing to gr?e the $uy a h;iri tme. You coCd heir people jcattitsd titr-xgrxut the yi gey aodkace, hira, shoctm that he wia a feci 1 adrmrtd hia cocn, standing before a hosck aowl hi? that ard deHwr irsj hia messing, i woodirfd what inner drrwe he called upon to jet him through theae tinea. Ruiex than sahmit to the oc&ugM of e hostile crod, Rodney Dmrfield procdly focit bade. i kno'ai th.cre'l a bt of diia here, he said. 1 saw two tnctvxa pirld ka icrvxit of the unioQ . . . hey. this ia the o&N exmpea Ie been two whe yea can jet druga shaped Eke Pecb-jea and Barn-Sam." He ssZenofti the crowd with a few mere of meae ssspie, dear messaea. I wis enthralSed, and watched aifently ia he again mopped hia brvw and adjusted bis tic, We2, 1 bave to get $c&t$ oo he said. lixvt to tak? my cat ka ftx repairs My car jjvea me isoiMng; bat trvxibk yvxa know He know me! My car gsea roe txhin but troubk too! -So 1 bate to be joir$. ButlUbe doia a set down at the chio tocihL You're al jaxitfd. YcaNe been i jpret crowd. So what am 1 sweatin Em? I jot the job. 1 could tell that he didnl juat have a Job, he aiso jot the crowd wida hia simpie, trathM message. Letter policy The Daily Nebraskia encouraea brief ktten to the editor from all readers and kterated othexa. Letters wiO be selected tor pub&atioa on the bosia of clarity, ormahty, tmveh tseaa and soace irtixble in the cewapapei. The Daly Nebraakia resema the right to edit and condense all letters submitted. Readers are also welcome to submit material as guest opinions, subject to the editor's decision to print cc not to print the material, either as a letter oris a gxwit cptnioa. .nccyraous submisakuu will not be coaadered for publication, and reouests to withhoii names will be jrinted onK ia ex ceptional carciirnatanoea, Submit a3 material to the Da2y Ne btankan. Room 34, Nebraska Union, 140) R Su Lmcob, Neb. 6d5S5,