The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1981, Page page 10, Image 10
Wednesday, October 21, 1981 page 10 daily nebraskan Crime Stoppers and UNL gang up on criminate In an effort to deter crime on campus, Crime Stoppers Inc. and the UNL Department of Grounds and Mainten ance reached an agreement on repayment of rewards for tips about crimes, the UNL police chief said. Gail Gade, also a member of Crime Stoppers board of directors, introduced a resolution at the organization's October meeting to form an alliance between the group and the two UNL departments. Under the new arrange ment, the departments will reimburse Crime Stoppers for money it pays to someone reporting a tip solving a crime that occurred on campus. Unlike the city, which reimburses Crime Stoppers through contributions of private individuals and various businesses, the UNL departments will foot the bill for fees paid out by Crime Stoppers, Gade said. A witness seeing a crime taking place can call Crime Stoppers and report it. If the crime is solved as a result of the tip, Crime Stoppers board, composed of citizens and law enforcement officials, decides the amount of money to be awarded. Crime Stoppers has a policy that the per son reporting the crime never is identified to protect the tipster. Gade said he is optimistic about Crime Stoppers' in volvement with UNL. "Our objective is to arrest persons involved in crime," he said. Crime Stoppers will have plenty of work to do, Wilbur Dasenbrock, director of the Department of Grounds, said. Vandals did $60,000 to $80,000 in damage to UNL campus last year, he said. Vandalism has taken many forms, including the destruction of retaining walls and evergreen trees, the breakage of glass and the destruction or stealing of bike racks, he said. Persons outside the campus community, not necessar ily students or faculty, commit many of the crimes, he said. 1 1 i i i I I 1 1 I k k I I I Ji -a I eunnnc M II I I I VE HAVE A SHOPPE FULL OF m FOR TRICK OR TREATERS PARTIES - GIFTS KARMELKORNn. POPCORN CANDY 'Ji DODFfOnM RALLS ceess Vw- KARMEL APPLES SALT WATER TAFFY POPKORIM PUMPKINS ASK ABOUT VOLUME DISCOUNTS II I OPIM JBl If V "V X-l I LA 1 LKHUKORH SHOPPE 1st level in the Centrum CENTRUM ANNIVERSARY SALE H 0 f:- - W r'. AFL1 -3697 L n Rick Springfield Working Class Dog featuring Jessie's Girl & I've Done Everything For You n Hall & Oates Private Eyes AFL1-4028 v&mr A- r I. w raft: Vr&s K4. U f Alabama Feel So Right Country Music Associations Best Country Group of The Year AHL1-3930 THE CENTRUM ALL AVAILABLE ON RCA RECORDS & TAPES 2nd Anniversary Lincoln Center 1 1th & "O" Streets Register to win up to $1 .UUU l in Gift Certificates Drawing: Sunday, October 25th 3:30 pm J I FANTASTIC SALE PRICES ,i $ Centtroam putts the Thursday, October 22 throt uwmpvc "Coming Through For You" ALL SKI WEAR AND EQUIPMENT 10 to 60 OFF ALL SKI WEAR AND EQUIPMENT FOUR DAYS ONLY Thurs.-October 22 through Sunday, October 25 OPfN Mon.-Friday. 10-9 Cent rUITI Sal. 10-5:30 U,M Sunday 12-5 , 2nd Level A VERY SPE( Brilliant Ci Pendant B Size .04 ct. .08 ct. .14 ct .20 ct .25 ct. .33 ct .50 ct. Reg. Price J95 $125 $195 $295 450 $595 M395 "Meet The Brodkey Bo; sIBROE Centrum -Monday thru Friday 10-9 S ALL Corduroy Styles are marked down for our Anniversary Sale! PLUS Sweaters and Jeans on Sale too! This Sale is for Thursday, Fridays Saturdays and Sunday only. 2nd Level Centrum SO HURRY!!! East Skywalk