The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1981, Page page 6, Image 6
daily nebraskan tuesday, October 20, 1981 1 o V? cm y m 935 Stuart Bldg. NEAR CAMPUS ' we nave a large selection or CU ! am m4 CiiaiuAfli 01 SV pus.. IN OFFICE REPAIR SERVICEl Hours: 9a.m. to 5p.m. Mon.-Fri. 9a.m. to 12p.m. Sat. 476-6212 Poles flee . . Continued from Page 1 Because the world's nations are watching Poland and the Solidarity Union, the USSR would let the people of Pol and starve, to teach them a lesson he said. He said Solidarity is the reason Poland is in its present situation. Since Poland is in the middle of the Communist camp, there is no chance for the Poles to break the chain of com munism, he said. Although the communist system in Pol and is a "total mess", Dariusz said, it would be suicidal for the Communists to admit that it couldn't work as a the ory or a system. "With communism, nothing does work," Dariusz said. "Cheating goes on all the time. It's corrupt, and yet they haven't developed a strategy to allow control over the economy or industry so it amounts to one big mess." The Solidarity Union is the answer to the Poles' feelings oaSttaccsDs GOlO OR SiLVEH iMPOHTtD 4 BOT ti ID H 'EOi'ii. -lAi. i ST LOUIS MO BmnijiLniJiLjT 3 a; n U (BOW lb mimtei Red Cross: Ready for a new century. The College Dollar Used by the 24,000 students and 9, 000 faculty on campus. The average UNL student has a monthly discretionary income of $108.58. feiWitx Q& Noyaus &mi Used by young consumers in the 18-34 age range specifically interested in your goods and services. Total university market value is over $91 million per year. A multi-million dollar market Reach them with the. Statistics taken from Belden Associates College Newspaper Study March-April '79 rm. 34. nebraska union, 1400 r St. lincoln, nebraska 68588 (402) 472 2588 toward communism, he said. Two million registered Com munists claim to represent the entire country of 35 mil lion Poles, he said. Soviet influence lessened With President Ronald Reagan's current building up of weapons, Dariusz said that the Soviet Union will have to pour more money into their military power, depriving the USSR of their influence in other countries. "If the Soviet Union is made to cut its budget inside their own country, it could cause riots from inside Rus sia," Dariusz said. "The people are starving over there now, if things get worse, the Soviet people will revolt." Even with the shortages and troubles in Poland; the Musierwoczs miss their homeland. "We fell ill at ease here," Dariusz said. "In spite of all the friendliness we have a natural feeling of being lone ly." The Musierowiczs have no plans, but Dariusz has a job in Lincoln, that he got through a member of the Presbyteri an Church. In November, Ewa will begin English classes, and begin taking classes at the UNL College of Dentistry to become an "American dentist". Next month the family will move into their own apartment. Marcin has enrolled in school and according to Dariusz, enjoys it very much. "We will raise Marcin as an American with respect to the Polish people," Dariusz said. Financial aid forms needed to get money Doug Severs, assistant director of the Scholarships and Financial Aids Office, said Monday that students who wish to obtain second semester financial assistance should send in financial aid forms now. Severs said students must have a financial aid form on file in the office before the need-based awards can be given. Second semester assistance includes College Work Study and National Direct Student Loans on a limited basis. Students also must complete a one-page application form at the time they submit an aid request. Students who already have a financial aid form on file, or think they will need additional financial aid, need only fill out this form. Financial aid forms can be picked up at the financial aids office, Administration 113. The priority deadline will be Dec. 1. Severs said the office will try to get all funds awarded before semester break. SOUTHWEST CIVIC CENTER 2606 Park Blvd. Have Your Next Party in Lincoln's Newest Facility! Seating Up to 800 People 50' by 50' Dance Floor Band Stand, PA. System Catering Our Speciality Affordable Prices Plenty of Free Parking Ideal for Wedding Receptions, Business Meetings, Dormitory or Greek Functions. Call 475-8959 for Information and Reservations. Ask for Lucy or Nancy. Corduroy Suit Sale The time is right for classic corduroij The fit is easy, relaxed, refined. So you can head off any get-together in jeans or slacks, sweaters or sportshirts. On Sale Now at Jason's Suits Reg. 1125.00 Now $79.00 Sport Coats Reg. 985.00 Now S49.00 14th &P JdOTC Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Thursday 10-9 476-7070