Wednesday, October 7, 1981 daily nebraskan page 5 (to fiEis editor Activities unconstructive The idea of volunteering one's time and talent to help support a worthy cause has long been an accepted means of soliciting contributions for charity in America. The campus Greek organizations whose members carry on this tradition deserve commendation for their efforts and the success they achieve. (Daily Nebraskan 10181) It seems to me, however, that much of the activity performed in doing this volunteer "work" has very little merit. Rocking in a chair or playing college-opoly may be tun, and might appeal to some who might otherwise not donate, but only because these activities are novel or foolish. Does anyone think that perhaps more money might be earned through an activity which serves a common goal' Why not solicit pledges to pay a certain price per pound of litter picked up on campus on a certain day' (Say, after the crowd departs on a football Saturday ) Or why not set up a depository for aluminum can recycling' It would be a delight to see money being earned for chanty through more constructive activities. JD. Michaelson Senior Accounting Give Reagan a chance I would like to comment on the editorial written by Roger Nimps in the Oct. 1 issue. First, Nimps asserts that diverting national attention from weakness is a Republican scheme. This is hog wash If you recall the Carter-Reagan debate last fall, Jimmy Carter kept digressing to nuclear proliferation while avoid ing the clear economic issues. Secondly, why would a president who is trying to steer away from his defense and economic issues hold a press conference two days later about those very things? Nimps suggests that Republicans' pattern is to deal with problems on the surface so things wfll appear better tomorrow. President Reagan's Economic Recovery Pack age is certainly not a surface measure. But even on the day COME WITH US TO SEE THE Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos OCTOBER 1 8, at ARROWHEAD STADIUM, KANSAS CITY, MO $28.50 STUDENTS $31.00 Non-STUDENTS which includes round trip bus fare plus ticket. SIGN UP AT THE EAST CAMPUS CAP OFFICE! TOMIGMT Wheel of Fortune Price on wheel is the price of all bar liquor drinks for each half hour following spin From 35 to 95 Friday and Saturday North IfUynd a RMk u. so 471 4M7 of it's enactment, Nimps and people like him say how terrible it is at the present, unwilling to wait for the long term results. It appears to me that the president's solution is hardly a surface treatment. It attempts to deal with crime before it happens through deterrent rather than after the fact when someon has been hurt or killed. In conclusion, I would like to urge the media and the public to turn away for a moment from the poor, suffer ing criminal to the victim of a violent crime. Ask that in dividual how heshe feels about this issue? John Prigeon Freshman Review belittles Simon Chuck Lieurance's critique of Neil Simons new comedy, Only When I Laugh must have gone to print on his first draft. Lieurance may have had valid criticisms of this work but he lost his audience and his credibility by his inflated manner. The personal attacks on Simon and the useless adjectives to show his further contempt for the comedy need to be restrained. I have not seen this new movie by Simon but I have been around long enough to know that Neil Simon made a substantial contribution to the theater and the art of comedy. Bernadine Kline Junior THEC 2 -FERS TONIGHT Wed. Oct. 7th r w - 8 P.M THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22nd PERSHING AUDITORIUM RESERVED SEATS: $12.50 S11 $10 f h-K ,l .ill Hl.lixjt'is f ( hi I (. fillets tVt '.,((. .r. t mi ,H, mil IVrshiiid Amlilitf mm M.. .n,i A j . . ....t..,i . i u. . 0tMf Ml AM tut I'M M.)i.l..r lhn( M(l,iy (,,ni 41) A.' ff a v (ifton. on lie. t.ih.i, M.i I . ,nJ- s to t'w sii'mj An-! ! urn ' ' ) B K! !,' I mi old Nf l.H'.''t iiu !,(ftlleit o-twn. t-rt, ..,,. .(.t Hit r.i-j of(fl , ( ttt-f h , Willing luditoriuiti I 1 A One Sample Pack with five deliciously different one-cup servings. Sample Pack 'MHM mt tew u Mm (miwii s mum cm hum Qi Creamy rich, with an orange twist. (Cappuccino ITALIAN STYLE MSTANT COFFEE BEVERAOE Smooth and light, French style. 1 iW&Mhi, I GvfiE Francais MENCH STYLE MSTANT COFFEE BEVERAGE Viennese style, with a touch of cinnamon. AUSTRIAN STYLE INSTANT COFFEE BEVERAGE wrm,ku itiiiWlii III n I llBBMi- Sooir JrisbMcbaMint WSH STYLE WSIANT COFFEE BEVERAGE Delicious. Like a chocolate after-dinner mint. 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