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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1981)
Wednesday, October 7, 1981 daily nebraskan page 1 1 Kray Kate, Karen: True friends are like Dia monds, precious but rare. False friends are like autumn leaves, found everywhere. Which are you? Alone at Coffee Phi Psi Co-Rec Football team, Thank you for the roses. Looking forward to Sat. night celebration I DG Football Players Fantastic Footballers of SAE: Thanks for the great year. You were super guys to play with and you will always be CHAMPS to us. The AOPi's P.S. See you Sunday I To my snowcat: Thank you sweetheart. I love you! Mary LITTLE STUFF, How can I be in two places at once when l.m not anywhere at all? Please tell me who you are. TodB. The roses were great you guys really rate You're super in every way Thanks Matt, Mike & Jay I EILEEN K., When are you going to take me out to lunch? , Signed, Your Starving Sister To the REAL Barbara Ann, Thanks for MISSing me. 306 GREG, To a real swinger who runs all the bases. Happy 18th! Julie, Kelly, Peggy SCOTT AND CARRIE, Thanks again for having us with you on the Rolling Stones road trip. You guys are the baddest! Love, Craig and Mary Lor; N. (Theta) Would like to know if you're taken or not. RVP PUMPKIN, Your still the one, and will always be the only one. Thanks for the best of times. VB It was good to see you last night, Paddy. I hope that you made it home all right. (It looked as if you were in good hands with that blonde). HORACE MUELLMAN Happy Birthday Boss From your First Down Copy Editors! Smith 8: It was fun playing with you, football wasn't bad either. Gratefully, Harper 6 Joyce, I hope you see this personal you surprised me Monday. It was a pleasure to see you again. Take care, Aaron Tom (Bill yes, you.. .the total preppie), I don't care if you only call me a taxi just call me! Lou Yippee Skippee Your necklace is divine! Find me a handsome man to give me one! -C.C. Mork and Tiger FRUMP OUTI Signed, C&G P. S. Happy Birthday, Tiger! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY COWBOY! Sorry, but I'm never on time anyway. Laura I want to thank all my FOXY friends from Smith 5. all the gorgeous MEN on Schramm 2 and Schramm 6, all my good buddies from Wayne, and all my other assorted friends for" making this the best birthday ever! II Love and Kisses, KUBES Pooh Bear, Thank-you for two fabulous years. They've been very spe cial. Tigger ZoAnn S.- You have beautiful eyes! Muppets invade Room 213! Be there. Aloha. BUCKETS, Just a note to say thanks again. You are a very special guy. Love ya, r. 5. 1 still owe your one. Leslie, "Shake Your Butt, Robe woman!" Now we're evenll "Grab it & Do It" Sue B. (Phi Mu) I was as proud as punch on Saturday. You were stunning. I'm so happy to have you as my pledge daughter. Love, Your Mother Girl wearing green sweater and crutches-Liked the eye contact at East Campus bus stop. If interested, reply. Guy in black jacket Mike Have a wonderful birthday, you deserve it. Connie Michelle S. Flight 714 is now boarding for Switzerland. Think we can make it? Greasie Beiges P.S. Get psyched for Pat! P.S.S. Kris M. I'm glad you got your freakin' ticket! Bambi, My sister wants her tape back before you really ex perience Jimi Hendrix. "Signed Tom" Lorraine: That was one great Friday nite at Misty's, next time let go country. Ray Coach Cindy: Have a Happy Birthday today. Hey, what is it now? Four down, two to go? Captain Lar DG's make a big Splash. Jimbo (Alias Jake), Now that you're another year older Does this mean you're more worldly? S.L. And The Reminiscer (lililTiimil Snow Bunny, See you at the SKI BASH Tonight! 12 Inches of Snow To: Giggles; Boots: and The Lifeguard. The Mts were fun. The Stones were great. Honey on the sheets, and water on the bed, but Adam and the Ants should have stayed home instead. K and T Balls Danita: The first 6 months have been fantastic. I hope the next 6 run as well as the first 6 have. Dan Hey Sig. Get your id in gear and head to the UPO meeting tomorrow night at 7 p.m., Union. Jeanne, Carl and Erik Female Roommate to share nice but small apt. $117.50 V, electric. 423-8293. Roommate needed for apart ment across from East Campus. Call after 5 p.m., 466-0457. NEED Responsible female roommate to share 2 bedroom apt. in older home. $115mo. utilities. Call 476-8833, 8 5, ask for Johanna. Female roommate wanted to share house - $100 utilities. Call 488-1352 after 4 p.m. TYPING DISSERTATIONS, THESES. TERM PAPERS. Rapid reasonable - ex cellent copy from a new IBM self-correcting typewriter. Contact: Margaret Campus Phone: 472-2891 Evening Phone: 464-3437 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Research catalog, 306 pages, 10,278 topics. Rush $1 to Box 25097C, Los Angeles, Calif., 90025, (213)477-8226. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (Vi hour minimum). Mem ory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477-8938 Don't wait until winter hits to fix your car. Do it now at Larson Balancing. 2128 "O" Street 435-0365 FRESH CHEWING TOBACCO CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 SPECIAL STUDENT RATES FOR TYPING RESUMES' REPORTS, ETC. EXTRA OFFICE' 476-2984 The Anderson Bldg., No. 508 12th & "0" Streets 8:00 to 3:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays. DONT LOSE THIS NUMBER! TYPING Manuscripts typed with style options. Reasonable. Professional Secretarial Services 423-8788 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021. Typing Thesis Manu script, etc. Reasonable rates Rita Ohle 423-5528. WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 475-3414 ya Block South of Nebraska Bookstore 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 o D 0 DON'T SetU foa. LESS o YOIR PLASMA ft PRECIOUS.' D ve vjill payfou: a week PLU& $52? Bonuses for regular SAVE THIS AD WORTH 3 C-AiKrA LAOh Q Ctf W Donors 0 .0 q Call 414-233? tor Appoint mervt D LINCOLN PLASMA ZOZrO'ij o Q 0 D 0 0 Social Chairpersons; Do you want great music at reasonable prices? Call BOOTLEGGER SOUND 435-8574 Math Tutoring - all levels-Ken. 474-0337. PINNING CIGARS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th&"0"St. 4760119 Give A Unique Gift Sales-Rental Original Art Work Art Shop SHELDON MEMORIAL ART GALLERY UNL Give A Three Month Rental Birthday - Anniversary - Holiday 12th & R 472-3637 Pre-vet Majors - Meeting 7:00 Wed. at VBS. Pay dues and officer elections. Minnesota Representative will be the speaker. ATTENTION STAGE SEEKERSI Apply now for a spot in the Homecoming Talent show, Oct. 28. Deadline for applica tions is Friday. Get forms in Nebraska Union, Room 200. Tri Delta Washboard Band is playing at Stooges after all home football games. Come on down and sing along with your favorite Tri Delt! SIGMA DELTA CHI meet ing Thursday, 8 p.m., Union. Topic: Preparing for your in ternship search. Resumes, in terviewing, basic job hunting. CAMPUS RED CROSS MEETING TONIGHT 6 p.m. CITY UNION. Dr. J TRAVEL AND EARN CREDIT December 26 - January 10 FLIGHTS & STUDY TOURS 345 Nebraska Union 472-3264 Congratulations New Delta Upsilon Little Sisters. Don't forget the FAC. Dinner and a short meeting will follow. Lambda Chi Alpha Pi Beta Psi ALL UNIVERSITY TENNIS TOURNAMENT Men's and Women's Sing les October 11 & October 18. Last day for sign up at North Booth in City Union. Dead line for entries is October 9. For more Information, call Greg 474-1191. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA LITTLE SISTER MEETING TONIGHT 7:15. Bring money for dues. If anyone knows the where abouts of the DG wooden an chor, please call 477-1207 or 477-9955. It has great senti mental value. WANTED: 2 Rides to Omaha, Fri., Oct. 9. Depart by 12 noon. Call 472 8230. Riders needed Round trip. New York City or Phila delphia. Leave 1022, return 1025. Call Harry 475-6850. LOST: Black billfold from Cather tennis courts Sunday 104. Call 477-5070. LOST: Brown notebook, meteor ology notes in Westbrook, Fri day. Reward! Ray, 435-8933 LOST: Key ring with Dekalb red rubber No. 1 emblem and two keys. 472-8839, reward! LOST: Chemistry 109 text book Thursday in Oldfather. Call 472-8894. Reward. ay i a I mm SB THE MAGAZINE, the un dergraduate literary publication of UNL, is seeking submissions of poetry, prose, art, and pho tography. Submissions accept ed at Room 142, Andrews. For questions call 472-6357. Attention Wildlife Club Nio brara Canoers! Organizational meeting tonight - 7:00 East Union. Bring $30 club dues. ?? Call Tom - 467-1437. BRASS RAIL 1436 '0"Street last day to sign up in the union Lambda Chi - Pi Phi All University Tennis Tournament Men & Womens Singles Oct. 11 EOct. 18 (Two consecutive Sundays: 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.) 4 Divisions: Students: Men's & Women's Singles Faculty & Administration: Men's & Women's Singles Trophies: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd for each division. $3.00 Entry Fee Proceeds go to Diabetes Association Sign up at the North booth in the city union on Oct. 6 or Oct. 7 (Tues. & Wed.) or send name, address, phone number, division you wish to enter and $3 to: Lambda Chi Alpha CO Tennis Tournament 1345 R St. Lincoln, Ne 68508 Deadline for entries Fri. Oct. 9. r " , .J i v 4