The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1981, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, September 30, 1981 daily nebraskan page 1 1 PARIS and ANGERS during semester break. Contact Frans Amelinckx or Flights & Study Tours, 345 Nebr. Union, 472 3264. Attention TKE Little Sitter activesl Important organization al meeting Thurs. Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. Rollover weekday special I Skate ALL evening 8-12 for only $3. 1220 Q - East door old Toyota Building. WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER SAY? If she saw you at Hog Heaven Sat. Oct. 10th wallow ing in the Pork and Suds? For info call 466-6459 after 5 p.m. Phi Kappa Psi Little Sister meeting Wed. 6:15. Officers be there at 6:00. Pledges, don't forget your dues! See ya. ROCA COUNTRY MUSIC OPRY Every Saturday 8:00-10:30 p.m. Admission Adults $3 Children under 12 Free thru Sept. More info. 423-6534 NU MEDSTr Wed. Sept. 30, 7 p.m., Union. Gueit speaker: Dr. Basler, Der matologist, and his amazing slide show. Everyone welcome. ATO LITTLE SISTERS There is a formal meeting Wednesday, Oct. 7. You will be eating dinner with the guys. Be at the house at 5:30. Meeting will follow dinner. Congratulations to the 1981-82 Phi Gamma Delta Bud weiser Girls Amy Boulay Kathy Brown Carrye Carr Anne Dahl Stephanie Frazier Renee Jinks Shelly Kolb Kim Kutter Vote for the $300 Bud weiser Scholarship to be awarded to one of the girls. Use ballot provided in calendar. Do you want to lose weight? Phont NutriSystem 467-3555 Student Discounts! LOTS OF LIGHTERS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "0" St. 476- 0119 BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests-confidential, understanding help. 477-8021. TYPING DISSERTATIONS, THESES. TERM PAPERS Rapid - Reasonable - Ex cellent Copy From a New IBM Self-correcting typewriter. Contact: Margaret Campus day phone: 472-2891 cvening phone: 464-3437 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Research catalog, 306 pages, 10,278 topics. Rush $1 to Box 25097C. Los Angeles, Calif., 90025. (213) 477-8226. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day service on short jobs. $7 per hour (Vi hour minimum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on number of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477- 8938 USHER'S GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 TYPING - thesis - manu script, etc. Reasonable rates -Rita Ohle 423-5528. Grad Student available to tutor Spanish (first year) and undergrad. Psych, courses. Ask for Meg, 474-4544. Two need ride to Boulder for Stones' concert Sunday. Will share expenses. 477-7539. Thanks to all the Ocean wavers, roommates, ex-roommates, friends. Alpha Xis, IHBs and the AOPi for a terrific birthday Friday. If I ever re member, I'll never forget. Lisa SILK FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Weddings, anniversaries, births, prom corsages, bout onnieres, arrangements sup plies and instructions to make your own. THE HEIRLOOM SHOPPE 2245 Que Street Donna Ficken 475-1375 REWARD FOR INFORMA TION LEADING TO THE RE TURN OF CALINFORNIANS FOR NEBRASKA BANNER. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. CONTACT CHRIS AT 472 2841. LOST: Real gold chain, 18" long, has GREAT sentimental value to itll Reward. Call Marti 472 0635. LOST: T.I. Business Analyst II Calculator 435-1322 evenings. KAPPA'S If you hurry, you might still have a chance to be one of the lucky people to room with Amy J. She's the bestll Her Roomie Shannon, Here's to friendship, fun, laughter and . . . next time let's skip the alcohol 1 1 C Theresa, Killer Fresbee Champ, Thanks for lunch. J.D. P.S. The Underground?! Babe: Thanks for being so sweet and understanding. I love you I Happy Anniversary, I hope we have many more! Your endless love lUHHfliElEl ttiUrfc? j Need ride to Stones concert in Boulder. Will share gas. Call 477-3501. Some found out Monday night, others will soon. The Red Knights are watching closely. Social Chairpersons: Do you want great music at reasonable prices? Call Bootlegger Sound 435-8574. IT'S LOUDER THAN MACE. Gold-type, real whistle necklace. Unique Christmas gift. Send $3.50 50 cent's postage to Michael's Gifts 1217 Q, Lincoln, 68508. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. SOUTHWEST CIVIC CENTER 2606 Park Blvd. Have Your Next Party in Lincoln's Newest Facility! Seating Up to 800 People 50' by 50' Dance Floor Band Stand, P. A. System Catering Our Speciality A ffordable Prices Plenty of Free Parking Ideal for Wedding Receptions, Business Meetings, Dormitory or Greek Functions. Call 475-8959 for Information and Reservations. Ask for Lucy or Nancy. mmmmn I ! ft W.G.'s ; 12 PRICE MIXED DRINKS TONIGHT IREIDKUSE mmmmmm I EEBUCE REDUCE REDUCE OVERSIZE DRAWINGS & DOCUMENTS XEROX COPIER BMI ASH INC 1320 P STREET WEEKLY SPECIAL California Sellers Chablis-Chablis light-Rose 750 ml. S229 1.5 liter S3.89 Pepe Lopez Tequila 750 ml .99 Bols Triple Sec 750 ml 14.99 Zonin Asti Spumante 750 ml. H1529 Bud 1 2 pack warm 1 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ( Duffy's J 1412 'O" SPECIAL Wednesday Sept. 30th Buy A Pitcher Of Beer At Duffy's And Get A Small Sandwich FREE At The Yellow Submarine Deli Next Door. SPECIAL fe Thursday Oct. 1 ' if 2 Fers At Duffy's l 8 pm to 10 pm JJ