The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
page 12 daily nebraskan thursday, September 24, 1981 Why go through school broke? National Company look ing for students to earn good commissions. Fast growing company handling large volume agricultural products and con struction products. Contact College Representative Randy Allen at 474-3446. Men: If you're under 125 lbs; women-if you're under 115 lbs and you enjoy telling people what to do . . . then the UNL CREW team wants you I No ex perience necessary. For more in formation, call Paul - 483 7269 or Pam 435-0993. ATTENTION SAE Little Sisters of Minerva: Get psyched for Thursday Night's Leg Contest II (Don't worry, it's the bros' legs.) 6:15 Sept. 24. $25 it To writer of the best slogan concerning Oklahoma Game. Send to 3601 Apple, Lincoln, 68503 co Phil.. Chairman. AXiO Baby Jennifer, Mommy may have horrible clues, but she still loves you. Only 4 more days? Your Mommy 97 of UNL students have more than 2 friends the other 3 consist of Monte. Jim & Paul Dawn (411) Tonights the night I'll be re vealed! See you then. Your Secret Sis P.S. Last clue - I'd kill for ice cream ! Laura (413) Tonight you find out who I am. I hope we can be great friends. Your Secret Sis P.S. Last clue - I love green! Pound Redhead: I don't want a relationship like this. Let's meet. RVP Cather Redhead Kathleen I'm impressed! Let's meet again same place EARLIER TIME Friday. If busy. RVP. Steve To the lovely blonde who walked by Burr Hall Monday afternoon and turned down a beer. I sure would like to meet you, R.V.P. if interested. Window Speaker John, Okay I needed't say more but I will anyway. You're not only great, wonderful, unique, terrific, very special, etc., ect., you're also lucky. Know why? You'll find out! Guess who Lambda Chi's: We're looking forward to the Hare & Hound Road Rally -especially the FAC afterwards. Saturday's Girls AXiD Baby Sue Ann, Don't forget, mommy loves you! Love, Mom Animals of 8300, I'm sorry neither can have babies. Robin Cather 12, Thanks for dinner Tuesday night you guys are great! Let's get together again some time soon! Love, Pound 1 2 Happy Birthday Mary (GG)Greckel Here's to Patty, here's to fun, --let's do it it's been done! Now you're 20 so let's get looped-here's to Patty, Here's to the troops!!! Happy Birthday Keri Jo& Elaine Bobbi. Hope you have a great birth day. Thanks for being a super roommate, Kathy - Goodbye and thanks for the many memories. Adios Mexican Food, Luv DEATH TO THE ANTI PREPPY COMMITTEE! LONG LIVE BUTTON-DOWNS. TASSLE-LOAFERS, TOR- TOISE GLASSES, BROOKS BROTHERS AND NAVY BLAZERS! (AND MAROON IZOD3) CAMPUS PREPPY COM MITTEE FOR THE SAL VATION OF WARDROBE NON-BANALITY Peppie Remember what you dared me? Let's do it again. Sweetness of Cheekness I LOVE YOU, Will you marry me? Sugar Bear Lynne (Li'l Toot) Q: When do you get into the longest line? Happy 23rd. Paul AXiD Baby Anita, Are you going to have fun tonight! Lots of love. Mommy AXiD's get psyched! Da Plane! Da Plane! Alpha Phi's We had a great time with a great house at the Backyard BBQ. Thanks for your hospital ity! Phi Gam's Attention! Lincoln Bars Gail S. turns 2-0 the 29th. Be ware. Hey Man, We bowled good no. All the way to No. 1 - ya. J.P. Carla. Craaap! You're finally 20. Now you can enjoy all 3 -drugs, booze and wild men! Love, Cheri Lynne S., Have a Happy Birthday! Pray for a blizzard! Cindy Any cute blonde who resists "blowing her top" in 207 Admin, at 2:30 Monday deser ves a reward. To collect, reply via personals. Bill Jeff G. Sorry, we like your belly button just the way it is -pretty sexy I Patti, Paula. Jan To "Blue Eyes" Sorry we teased you on the bus Monday. Please forgive us. We still love you! Burr Brats Carey, Your jersey really does rate with my teddy bear. Thanks for being you. Love, Margie Bobbi, Happy 20th! Finally, we can 30 places together! Beth Holly, Have a happy 20th Birthday. Love, Mary Jean and Co. Nancy, Mike D., Steve, Doug, Brad, Jamie, Brian, Chad, Larry, Mike K., Todd, Steve, and Cory K.- I Love You. J. Dave, Hello boss, what's your next command? Cutes AXiD Baby Teri, Did you wear clean diapers today? Mommy loves you! TO ALL OCEAN WAVERS: FOR A GOOD DRUNK JOIN US THERE THIS FRI DAY!! Patty L. (AXiD) You're the cutest baby I've ever seen! Love, Al AXiD Baby Michelle, Monday night we finally meet. Love, Mommy Ron (Abel 539) Thanks for returning my ticket, you're a real sweetheart! Linda Jill P. (Tri Delt) I'm so happy to have you as my baby! - Love, Mom ALL Phi Psi's- We're not TOO psyched to "lay in the hay" we can't wait! See you Saturday night. The Kappa's Blonde man of Cather 505 I delivered your pizza late Friday night and fell in love with your . . . eyes. Not Fast, Just Friendly Kimmie Ann, The ice sounds kinky! Be prepared to have bunches and bunches of fun. 4 North Fiji Sue. Happy 18! Hope your dreams about Florida come true and may you always find the sodium you long for. Love, Beejmufnymhod Two LIBYAN pilots will be crashing Steve, Steve, Dan & Steve's party after Penn State. Meese will inform Reagan on Sunday. Dear Grace, Have a great opening. From one restauranteur to another. Fay Bud. Thanks for the compliment. We shall do it again. Saturday night? Dean, Brad, Rick, Mitch Amy, Way to sit in the popcorn. Congrats anyway! Sue Mark C. of Hunnington Square: Quarters was fun and kid napping you was even better! Let's do it again soon. RVP -Vicki Sexy eyes, SoudABETH from Iran, See you at Hilton's Restaurant at 8:30 on Friday. Mike K. Your friends would like to know where you are! C. 466-0343 Joe, Would like to perhaps talk again unfortunately there's not too many interesting guys around like you. I'm sure I'll see you around campus or the bars. Keep smiling, and I think your hair looks wonderful. Fondly, Debbie Blue eyes & Sue: We think you're foxes. Call us. 472-9819. Biff & Lause Brad S. Just want you to know that I love you very much. Patti David La Don: "Well we've been looking for somebody, got our minds Tiade up." Welcome to L.A. from that "City of the One Night Stands." Your girls Jamie R. I'm your cousin from California and would like to meet you. Please call 476 0692. Rob Thanx Tu-Tones C&C Poppa Hersh, Wish we were there to wish you a happy birthday in person. Have a good one! We love you. Eric & Les mm to previous puzzle T5i iciAjsiA mMsfiroiNTG! UOIO T I IK 0 U Al AIMIU IR I I ATI I L IT 1 M J S IA N TIHJR 01? 1 1 ISJT Sr 0 H E A YDS TjT RTTT I I Tip qJ1 fy jj! 1 o n CT v Tfi u yiTT N N E 5Tnr e dIh1IiTin g Tf I t 1 - 1 wm 1 III mm Carla, Well Shooooot, Today is your lucky day! No CUTE Ferret jokes (Rats!) only my wish for a Happy Birthday!. Kim rCIlffiTjtTltt? Ji Male roommate for newer apartment between campuses. $105 utilities. 477-1470. Male roommate wanted to share modern, attractively fur nished 3 bedroom house. Quiet neighborhood. $155mo. flat rate. Call 483-4961 after 6 p.m. 1-2 female house mates. On buses. Smokers OK 475-9065. Religious female to move in Oct. 1, $90 elect. Close to campus. Call 477-5315. Male roommate. Decent and nonsmoking. Share house. 475 8721 anytime. Need female roommates. Chateau Apts. 464-4676 after 9 p.m. Wanted: Male roommate to share 2-bedroom apt. at Quail Valley, 56th & Hwy 2. Rent $180 utilities, available Oct. 1 Inquire now with Don at 423 3099. JOBS TEMPORARY UNTIL CHRISTMAS LOCAL COMPANY HAS 15 OPENINGS. MUST BE SPORTS MINDED) AND HAVE A CAR. GOOD PAY AND FLEXIBLE HOURS. SEE MR.BAIR THIS THURSDAY ONLY, 924. AT THE CLAYTON HOUSE, 10th 8tO STREET AT. 6:30 p.m.. EXECUTIVE INTER VIEWING ROOM. Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Quashed, in law 7 Harmonizes 14 Hallucinate 15 Harmful; malodorous 16 This may bring down the house 17 Joseph Conrad work 18 Glyceride 19 John and Jane 21 Durango demonstrative 22 Area such as Chile's nitrate fields 24 Hail 25 Auditor, for short 28 Shopping center 31 Pertaining to milk 34 Princess Grace, for one 39 The eldest Titan 41 Lay the groundwork 42 Land or realm 43 Yorick was his pen name 44 Jipijapa 47 Occupied the van 48 "Meet it is I down": Hamlet . 52 Lowest point 55 Gulf of 58 Elbe feeder 58 More agreeable 62 This causes Ferdinand to meet Miranda 64 Kind 0! cellar 66 Dosage container 67 William A. Nolen topic 63 Not so dowdy 69 Former Qumram denizen USHER'S GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th &"0" St. 476-0119 GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons for the dedi cated student. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Research catalog, 306 pages, 10,278 topics. Rush $1 to Box 25097C. Los Angeles, Calif., 90025. (214)477-8226. TYPING UNLIMITED -Reports, manuscripts, theses, dis sertations, legal - competitive rates - 488-0223. JAMES BUHRMANN Attorney at Law 24 Hour Answering Service First V4 hour consultation free 464-6845 Unsightly hair on your upper lip? Have it removed permanent ly by Alene - Certified Electrol ogist 489-4195. Social Chairpersons: Do you want great music at reasonable prices? Call Bootlegger Sound 435-8574. L.O. Hang in there. Don't let it get the best of you. Besides, will you respect Suzy in the morn ing? ACACIA, Nite On The Nile is nearly upon us. Don't get too eNILEated. judson automotive CONGRATULATIONS to the new cast of the ACACIA KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA MELODRAMA! DOWN 1 Disney's inventive mouse 2 Starr of football 3 Actress Moorehead 4 Royal wedding wear 5 Consequence 6 East Indian cedar 7 Pay to play, in away 8 Items in the Hellman attic 9 Cue part 10 Peck's preactingjob 11 Gibbet's adjunct 12 Do some tub thumping 13 Body found in Paris 14 Suffix with vulcan or cord 20 Grampus 23 Gap 24 Relative of a civet 25 Coagulate 26 Measure on foot 27 Maple genus 29 Meter reading, for short 30 Toward the back 32 Paving 33 Clumsy 35 Barbary beast 36 Scientist Sagan 37 "Rosamund" composer 38 Indigence 40 Japanese currency 45 Dordogne donkey 1 2 p R Ji i 1 17 5 9 110 hi 112 113 16 17 71 75 20"" """ Ti 22 23 24 25 26 27 W ' 29""3o" -l" 31 32 33 34 351" hm 3T"3d 39" " " 40"! 4t 42 43 T4 " ji 43 j49 150 El J " 52 ITTiT" '"""''-- 55 "" TTi? """"la 59 6Q 161 Tz T TTtT 66 67 "1111111 ' 1 Mill- Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 477 8021. PROFESSIONAL TYPING CALL 483-6770 LOTS OF LIGHTERS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th &"0" St. 476-0119 IT'S LOUDER THAN MACE Gold-type, real whistle necklace. Unique Christmas gift. Send $3.50 50 cents postage fo Michael's Gifts 1217 Q, Lincoln, 68508. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. LOST: NPHS '79 class ring and "R" initial ring. 91881 at Wendy's. Reward. 472-9073. LOST: A silver band, white and black pearl ring. Wed., Sept. 19. Sentimental value. Call 474 9213. LOST: (Reward)-Golden re triever puppy at 29th and P. Call 476-8018. factory trained foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-7022 46 Bon , Gallic bargain 48 Apollyon 49 Watery swelling 50 Beguile 51 Computer's necessity 53 Atahualpa's people 54 Valley for Selene 56 Homophone for part of a church 57 "Bright" inspiration for Keats 59 Sovereign, e.g. 60 Nine: Prefix 61 Partofadiv. 63 Name meaning "the highest" 65 Truckler's response 'nlMWIS iJS IT ftlT r" JciE sS