The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 02, 1981, Page page 12, Image 12
Wednesday, September 2, 1981 page 12 daily nebraskan Gus, How about a date for aero bics? Bring your voice and Izod socks! The sloppy roomies Congratulations are in order for the front. It was a good-ya! Hard work pays off-no? Cele bration on Thursday. Hovno Sonya, To the best little sister any body could ever havel Happy Birthday from your SAE Big Brother. E.I. AXiD Pledges, You're the GREATESTI Love, Your Actives Brown Eyes Happy Thanks for 20th Birthday, a great summer. You're the best Love, the kid Sonya, Happy 20th I Too bad the Granny isn't here to drive to the bars, wouldn't we look cool driving up to the front doors in a Mercedes Benz! Make it a great week! Your stink'n friends, Meg, Luc, Anita, Linda ATTENTION CERTAIN FE MALE: If you're from Aurora, Ne braska, have light brown-blonde hair, worked at Estes Park in a gift shop during the summer, are enrolled in physiology under Dr. Pardy, worked in the UNL bookstore last year and lived in Abel Hall you're the one I'm looking for. Would like very much to renew old acquaintance You know me from the laundry room in Abel last year. Reply via personals for possible meet ing (you name the place, even ings only.) Patiently Waiting,, A Dark Haired Male (with mustache) Remember the words of the famous freshman conservation ist Aramat Wash, Sr. "Save an alligator, shoot a preppie." WE ARE FAMILY Bernadette & Karen, Hey, it's PHASE 5! Look out, UNI Cin AXiD's are real swingers! Administrative Management Society Meeting for all members Wednesday, Sept. 2, 6:30 p.m. Union Bldg. SUPPORT THE ARTS! The University Program Council is holding interviews for students interested in working with the performing arts. Re sponsibilities will be as a student representative on UPCs Cultural Affairs Committee. You can gain valuable experience with planning, publicizing, and work ing with the Kimball Performing Arts Series. For more informa tion call 472-2454 or contact the CAP office in the Nebraska Union, Room 200. HURRY HURRY! Planning for Walpurgisnacht, the all-night festival has begun. Anyone interested please come to the introductory meeting to night at 6 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Attention interested pro spective Foreign Film com mittee members. The First FF meeting is this Thursday night at 8 p.m., Nebraska Union. Check calendar for room numb er. Central Planning Committee OPEN HEARING Thursday, Sept. 3, 1981, 3:30 p.m. Ag Engineering Bldg. and the Ag Engineering Annex Attention journalism stu dents! Sigma Delta Chi journal ism society will meet Thursday. See bulletin board, 2nd floor Avery, for details. Lincoln-Save the Niobrara River Association monthly meeting-Wednesday, Sept. 2, 7:30 p.m. at Wesley House, 640 N. 16th St. Students and public welcome! FINE GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 UNL SNOW SKIING CLUB MEETING TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m. In the Union. JACKSON HOLE SKI TRIP WILL BE DISCUSSED See you there. COME FLY WITH US UNL students, faculty and staff - fly with one of the largest flying clubs in the Midwest. Explore the new frontiers open to you through the University Fly ing Club. Modern aircraft and professional instruction provided safe, economical flying for beginning and experienced pilots alike. Contact Mike Stefkovich, Certified Flight Instructor at 423-2485 (after 6 p.m.). Want to be where the action is? Interested in voter registration? Meetings with State Senators? Researching current student issues? The Government Liaison Com mittee is seeking new memb ers for 1981-82. If you want to be part of the action, con tact the Government Liaison Committee, 335 Nebraska Union, 472-2652. Or attend the GLC meeting on Wednes day at 4 p.m. in the GLC office. ATO LITTLE SISTERS: Don't forget the meeting tonight at 6:15 p.m. It will be short so everyone in sororities will be able to get their picture taken. Don't forget to call Charlie, Karla or Mark if you can't make it. INTERESTED IN THE HEALTH AIDE PROGRAM? It offers many rewarding experiences helping others. There are still openings in the following areas: Ag Men; Brown Palace; Burr 2W, 2W; Cather 7, 9, 13; Cornhusker Co-op; Harper 2, 4. 9, 10; Love 2; Phi Mu; Piper 1, 2, 3; Pound 3, 12; Sandoz 2, 5; Schramm 2, 4, 8; Selleck 4100, 5300. 6100, 8300; Smith 4. 8, 9. 10; Raymond 2. For infor mation about the program, please call the Community Health Department at 472 2102. ECKANKAR. a spiritual awareness path, will be hav ing an open discussion on in ner awareness Sept. 8, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. NOTICE On July 27th, 1981, the Nebraska State Student Asso ciation was born. The NSSA will promote quality, ac cessible post-secondary education among state funded institutions throughout Nebraska. The constitution and bylaws of this organization are now available for review by any interested UN-L student. Documents are available at: ASUN 115 Nebr. Union or GLC 335 Nebr. Union Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Today Your comments are welcome. WATER SKIERS? Organizational meeting Thursday, 9-3 In the Union 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome! Come dance with the UNL Huskeretts! Clinics start Sept. 10. Details later. University Program Council American Film Classics Committee meeting, 3 p.m. this afternoon in the Nebraska Union. New and prospective members please attend. Student PEO's UNITE! Informal dinner and mixer on Sept. 13 from 5-6:30 P.m. Transportation available-for reservations and more informa tion, call Janet at 475-0105 or Carol at 466-2724 by Wednes day, Sept. 9. All student PEO's welcome!! Lesbian Rap Group 7 PM Union all wimmin welcome. FLAG FOOTBALL Get entered in the Coors-Kappa Sig double elimination Flag Football tournament. Sept. 11, 12, 13. Entries are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Party included with entry fee. Phone 477-1905 for more infor mation. Finance Club meeting Wed. Sept. 2 in Union 7:00. Everyone is welcome. Figure Drawing Sessions be ginning this evening, in Richards 206 at 7 p.m. Bring about $10 to sign up for a series of at least 10 sessions. All are welcome. Art Lending Library Check out a framed art print for your room. On display in Nebraska Union East. Union. Check out from 12-3 p.m. on Sept. 3-4. GET INVOLVED! ASUN position open for the following Judiciary and Appeals Board, Arts and Science Senators, Recreation Advisory Council, CFA, Residence Hall Representatives, Commissions, Government Liaison Committee and Graduate Senators. For further information come to ASUN-115 Nebraska Union. Gay Students Group Fi nal Meeting? Thursday, 3, 8 p.m. Andrews 228. "Lifestyles That Nurture Peace" A six-part study of liv ing and growing in a changing society. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Lutheran Center and Chapel 635 N. 16th St SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS: Our first meeting of the year will be THURSDAY at 6:30 p.m. We will have a short meet ing and then get to know the pledges! It is VERY important that you attend. Big sisters will be announced and the compos ites handed out! ATTENTION AG MAJORS Interested in Agronomy? Come to the lawn in front of Keim Hall for a free watermelon feed at 7 p.m. on Sept. 3. Kappa Sig Stardusters: Our first meeting is tonight at 9 p.m. Hope to see you all once again. Bert Bill All drop and no add? Schedule impossible? Looking for another way? Alternative paths to College Credit! Small study circles, basic courses, flexibility, personal, direct faculty contact and more. Try SALT! Information meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 9, 5 p.m. Commonplace-UMHE 333 N. 14 Sex and Violencel! Not really, but UPC-CC is the next best thing to being there. Get involved. Call Kenneth 472-2454. UPC-CC demands: Progressional Results In Daily Efforts. Become a part of cultural awareness. Call Kenneth 472-2454. Join Undergraduate English Organization. Meeting Wed., Sept. 2, Andrews 227, 3:30 p.m. All undergrads welcome. Classes forming now in Country Swing, Social Dance, Disco, Freestyle and Aerobics. 15 discount with student ID. DANCE EMPORIUM 488-4581 College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Board meet ing, Thursday, Sept. 3rd at 3:00 in the Nebr. Union. Room number will be posted. New members are welcome! Interested in being a Campus Girl Scout? For information, call Susie, 489-8193. First meet ing, main lounge, Nebraska Union, 6 p.m., Sept. 10. Wear green, come hungry. Interested in music andor the entertainment field. If so, get involved in the University Program Council, Concerts and Coffeehouse Committee. Our first meeting is Wed., Sept. 2, 3:30 p.m. The location will be posted in the Union. You're in vited! Or call 472-2454 or 467 3153. English Majors: Serve on departmental committee. Meet ing Wed., Sept. 2, Andrews 227, 3:30 p.m. or call Fran, 472 1817 or 423-0643. Delta Tau Delta Little Sisters meeting 6:15 p.m., Wednesday. Let's be there! Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS I Hindu god of fire 5 Alto 9 Jerome Hines, e.g. 13 Go by side wheeler 14 Arab father 15 Ornament for Galahad's headgear 16 Anchor position 17 Cause for civil action 18 Have on 19 Greatly surprised 21 Word with syne 22 Sojourn 23 Tragedy by Voltaire 25 Taste 29 Word with house or block 30 Out of order 31 Greatly delighted 36 Expense 37 Fancies 38 Before "vidi" 39 Greatly surprised 41 Heraldic furs 42 Scolds 43 O'Connor's "The Last ; 44 Escort 47 Sale condition 49 Casks 50 Greatly surprised 56 Sumptuous 57 Rent 58 TV tryout 59 Salt tree 60 Hauptor Bagnold Worship and grow in Christ as University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 Que, invites you to the first Wednesday night service of the semester. Each week we'll gather at 6:30 for a special wor ship where your personal prayer requests are invited. Please com come and grow with us. TIME FOR QUIET PrayerMeditation Hours 11:30a.m.-12:15p.m. Monday and Thursday Commonplace Chapel 333 N. 14 LOTS OF LIGHTERS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476-0119 gasman TYPING Experienced university typ ing. One page reports to dissert ations. 477-4679. Come in for new fall hair de signs at special new low prices. Perms...$19.95 (reg. $35). Bonnie at: Charlie Moore's Beauty Salon 1607 "O" Street 474-2526 Offer expires Sept. 1 1 . BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests confidential, understanding help. 477-8021. USHER'S GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP 12th & "O" St. 476- 0119 GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginning Professional ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resumes, etc. Same day services on short jobs. $7 per hour (Ya hour mini mum). Memory typewriter for multiple letters priced on num ber of words. MANPOWER INC. 122 N. 11th 477- 8938 61 Intarsist's 8 Alfresco 34 City creation 9 Greatly nicknamed 62 Devil's surprised "Belvedere of trumpet, e.g. 10 Regions Sicily" 63 Rivers in 11 Incline 35 Entree Scotland and 12 Kind of blue 37 Swallowed England suit 40 Former Arab 64 Close 13 Mournful org. rtnuiu 20Shoshonean 41 Map marker UUWIN Indian 43 jacet 1 Aleutian island 24 Rule, in India 44 Leghorn, e.g. 2 Origin 25 S.A. rodent 45 Altogether 3 Ingenuous 26 O.T. book 46 Claudius, to 4 Taxes 27 Shopper's aid Hamlet 5 Commercial 28 Greatly 47 Where a kite center on the surprised may alight Ganges 29 Interpret 48 Dispatches 6 " 31 Chances 51 Corn bread comin' thro' 32 Kind of 52 Kind of the rye" decolletage drawing 7 Savant's 33 Class-ring 53 Miss Cinders amassment inscription 54 Glide 55 Shoat's home f"" 1 2 3 4 """I 6 7 8 """i To-lT"l2 13 14" 15 16 " T? 18 22 ! 23 24 25 126 127 28 ' 29 ' 30 " 3? I32 33 34 135 36 " 3 3fl 39 40 1 "" 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ""' 1 ' 49 "" 505t 52 " jw'MM "W" 56 57 "58 - - j63 Jfe4 ' ""' NEED HELP? Short-term counseling avail able at the Women's Resource Center. No charge. Men wel come too. By appointment. 472-2597. 116 Nebraska Union. For private voice or piano lessons, contact Judy Block at 464-21 1 5. Graduating Seniors: Get pro fessional help with your resume. Hundreds of satisfied customers. Evening appointments available. Costello and Associates 475-9777 JAMES H.BUHRMANN Attorney at Law 24 Hour Answering Service Reasonable Rates 1401 Main Crete, NE 826-2285 WATCH REPAIR Richard N. Sorensen Certified Master Watchmaker 335 N. 12th Street 476-3414 Block South of Nebraska Bookstore Ride wanted to NY Sept. 9 or 10 will share all expenses. Bob 489-6376. (GEO & ItsW LOST: Gold watch wdia mond, lizard band. Lost around Sandoz on Monday. LOST: A set of keys; brown leather key chain with two tennis rac kets. Reward, call 472-9231. Now accepting applications for the following positions: Cooks Lunch and Dinner Waitresses Daytime Hostess (11:30-2) Apply in person 2:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday. 464-9178 200 N. 70th